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48 Cards in this Set

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What is the basic definition of a sexually transmitted disease?
An infection that is usually by sexual contact (and not other common methods of infection)
True or false: It is rare to be infected with more than one STD at a time.
Why does having HIV/AIDS make a person more susceptible to other STDs?
What five places might be the initial site of an STD infection?
urethra, vagina, cervix, rectum and oral pharynx
Treponema pallidum is the organism responsible for what STD?
What is the clinical feature of the primary state of syphilis?
a chancre
How long after the initial chancre do symptoms of secondary stage syphilis occur?
2-10 weeks
Where do the inflammatory lesions associated with tertiary stage syphilis occur?
the aorta, central nervous system, "gummas" in skin and bone
When in a pregnancy does congenital syphilis occur?
5th month onward
True or false: Congenital syphilis rarely causes still births.
True or false: A patient with syphilis will likely test positive for the organisms antigens for the rest of their life, even if they no longer have an infection.
What is the purpose of non-treponemal serology tests?
to monitor disease activity to ensure adequate treatment
Can you culture Treponema pallidum?
What drug is used to treat syphilis?
What organism is responsible for gonorrhea? What type of organism is it?
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, gram negative diplococcus
What are the clinical features of gonorrhea?
urethritis, epidiymitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, pharyngitis, proctitis, co-infection with other STDs
Gonorrhea passed from mom to baby can cause what things in the baby?
blindness, joint infection, and sepsis
What fast, cheap test is done to diagnose gonorrhea?
a gram stain of the discharge
What type of medication is used to treat gonorrhea?
Chlamydia trachomatis is associated with what STD?
chlamydia (durrr)
What is the most common test used to diagnose chlamydia?
DNA probe from genital swab sample
True or false: Chlamydia is often asymptomatic.
The organism Haemophilus ducreyi causes which STD?
a chancroid
Chancroids are most common in what part of the world? What other disease are they associated with?
Africa and Southeast Asia, HIV
What does HPV stand for?
human papilloma virus
"Low risk" HPV strains are most likely to cause what?
genital warts
"High risk" HPV strains are most likely to cause what?
cervical dysplasia and carcinoma
True or false: There are two types of herpes simplex virus that infect different parts of the body.
What is the main symptom of herpes?
vesicular (blistering), painful lesions
True or false: subsequent herpes outbreaks are usually more severe than the initial infection.
Where does HSV remain latent?
the nerve cells
What is recommended for a pregnant woman with herpes?
casarean section
What is the cure for herpes?
trick question, there is no cure
What can help prevent herpes outbreaks?
antiviral agents
How does HIV replicate? Due to this, what is HIV classified as?
reverse transcription of its RNA to DNA, retrovirus
What type of cell does HIV infect?
CD4 cells
In what three ways can HIV be passed from mother to child?
transplacental, during passage through the birth canal, via breast milk
What is the first stage in the clinic course of an HIV infection?
acute retroviral syndrome
How long does the chronic asymptomatic phase of an HIV infection last?
7-10 years
Levels of what steadily decline during the chronic asymptomatic phase?
CD4+ T-cells
What is the final stage of an HIV infection?
Acquired Immunodeficiency Disease (AIDS)
What are the symptoms commonly associated with AIDS?
fever, fatigue, weight loss, diarrhea, generalized lymphadenopathy
What opportunistic infections are associated with AIDS?
Cryptosporidium enteritis, Pneumocystis pneumonia, Cryptococcus, Mycobacteria (TB), Cytomegalovirus
What neoplasms are common in AIDS patients?
Kaposi sarcoma, lymphoma, cervical cancer (women), anal cancer (men)
True or false: Tests for HIV antibodies can be done immediately after infection.
What is the treatment for HIV?
Highly Active AntiRetroviral Therapy (HAART)
What protozoan can cause an STD?
Trichomonas vaginalis
What are the clinical features of trichomoniasis?
itching, vaginal/penile discharge, urinary frequency/dysuria, and painful intercourse