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44 Cards in this Set

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A thermosensory neuron in the skin converts heat energy to nerve impulses via a conversion called _____.

Sensory transduction (The conversion of sensory energy to a change in membrane potential is sensory transduction.)

Sensory adaptation is apparent when _____.

a person is no longer aware of a heavy necklace that was put on earlier in the day

(ensory adaptation is a decrease in responsiveness during continued stimulation.)

The correct sequence of sensory processing is _____.

stimulus reception → sensory transduction → sensory perception sensory adaptation

Stimuli alter the activity of excitable sensory cells and generate action potentials via _____.


Which type of receptor would you expect to be most abundant in the antennae of a moth?


Sensory transduction in the auditory system is much like transduction of _____.

mechanosensory stimuli

(Different frequencies of pressure waves in the cochlea cause certain places along the basilar membrane to vibrate, mechanically bending particular hair cells to initiate sensory transduction.)

The middle ear converts _____.

air pressure waves to fluid pressure waves

During an auditory transduction, ion flow varies across the _____.

hair cell membrane

The _____ is the region of the eye where photoreceptors are most highly concentrated.


(Photoreceptors are most highly concentrated in the region of the retina known as the fovea.)

What name is given to the tough layer that forms the "white" of the eye?


(The sclera is the tough outer layer that forms the white of the eye.)

The _____ changes shape to focus light on the retina.


(By changing the shape of the lens the eye can bend light rays such that they focus on the retina.)

What name is given to the opening that allows light into the interior of the eye?


(The pupil is the opening in the iris that lets light into the interior of the eye.)

A person able to hear only high-frequency sounds would probably have which of the following structural problems in the ear?

1.The basilar membrane is stiffened along its entire length.

2.The ear ossicles are abnormally thickened.

3.The tympanum is damaged because of chronic ear infections.

3.All of these problems could result in inability to detect low-frequency sound.

1.The basilar membrane is stiffened along its entire length.

The cochlea _____.
I) amplifies sound vibrations
II) collects sound pressure waves
III) detects the frequency of sounds

only II and III

Hair cells in the vertebrate ear are responsible for transducing sound pressure waves. Ion channels in the hair cell membrane open when _____.

The membrane is distorted mechanically

Rods and cones are similar in that they both _____.

release glutamate as the primary neurotransmitter

(Both rods and cones use glutamate as the neurotransmitter.)

Rods exposed to light will _____.

hyperpolarize due to the closing of sodium channels

The sense described as umami is one of _____.

savory and delicious sensation on the tongue

(Umami is a Japanese term that describes "savory and delicious" tastes.)

Most of the chemosensory neurons arising in the nasal cavity have axonal projections that terminate in the _____.

olfactory bulb

Two students studying physiology taste a known "bitter" substance, and both report sensing bitterness. They then sample another substance. Student A reports sensing both a bitter taste and a salty taste, but student B reports only a salty taste. What is the most logical explanation?

Student A has a protein receptor capable of detecting a bitter molecule found in that substance, whereas student B lacks that particular protein receptor.

Which of the following sensory receptors is correctly paired with its category?

muscle spindle – electromagnetic receptor

taste receptor – mechanoreceptor

hair cell – mechanoreceptor

rod – chemoreceptor

hair cell – mechanoreceptor

During the course of muscle contraction the potential energy stored in ATP is transferred to potential energy stored in _____.

the myosin head

(The hydrolysis of ATP causes the myosin head to change position, storing energy that will be used to contract the muscle.)

The release of _____ ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum is required for skeletal muscle contraction.


(Calcium ions interact with proteins on the thin filament, resulting in the exposure of the myosin-binding sites on the actin.)

Myosin heads bind to _____, which they then pull and cause to slide toward the center of the sarcomere.

thin filaments

(Myosin heads bind to thin filaments, release their bound ADP and phosphate, and bend, sliding the thin filaments toward the center of the sarcomere.)

Of these events, the first to occur when a motor neuron stops sending an impulse to a muscle is _____.

he pumping of calcium ions out of the cytoplasm and back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum

(This is the first of the events that ultimately result in the relaxation of a muscle.)

The thick filaments of sarcomeres are composed of _____.


The thin filaments of sarcomeres are composed of _____.


A single muscle cell is referred to as a _____.

muscle fiber

Which muscle type is involved in the function of the digestive tract and blood vessels?






How does cardiac muscle differ from the other types of muscle?

It contains branched cells.

True or false? Myofibrils are the alternating light-dark units that produce the banded appearance of muscle fibers.


Sarcomeres are the alternating light-dark units that produce the banded appearance of myofibrils, which are the strands that make up each muscle fiber.

Which molecules form the thick filaments of sarcomeres?


Which of the following interactions is the molecular basis of muscle contraction?

Myosin and thin filaments.

(The interaction of myosin and thin filaments (actin) is the molecular basis of muscle contraction.)

Which step constitutes the power stroke of muscle contraction?

The phosphate ion is released, and the myosin head moves back to its original position.


The power stroke occurs when the myosin head pivots, causing the actin filament to slide past the myosin filaments.


Which of the following statements about the stimulation of muscle cells is true?

An action potential in a muscle cell ultimately results in the release of calcium ions into the cell.


An action potential causes T tubules to depolarize, which stimulates the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release calcium ions into the muscle cell.


Myosin heads have binding sites for _____.

ATP and actin

The contraction of skeletal muscles is based on _____.

myosin cross-bridges binding to actin and transitioning from a high-energy to a low-energy state

A skeletal muscle deprived of adequate ATP supplies will _____.

enter a state where actin and myosin are unable to separate

The "motor unit" in vertebrate skeletal muscle refers to _____.

one motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers on which it has synapses

What would happen to people exposed to a chemical warfare agent that blocked acetylcholine from binding to muscle receptors?

Muscle contractions would be prevented, causing paralysis.

When an action potential from a motor neuron arrives at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ), a series of events occurs that leads to muscle contraction. Which of the following events will occur last (that is, after all of the others)?

conformational change in troponin

The hydrostatic skeleton of the earthworm allows it to move around in its environment by _____.

using peristaltic contractions of its circular and longitudinal muscles

Identify the correct statement(s) about sensory receptors.

1.Foods taste spicy when they activate the same sensory receptors that high temperatures activate.

2.Electromagnetic receptors detect pheromones.

3.Mechanoreceptors detect sound.

1 & 3

Mechanoreceptors sense physical deformation caused by forms of mechanical energy such as pressure, touch, stretch, motion, and sound. Pheromones are detected by very sensitive chemoreceptors with great specificity. Electromagnetic receptors detect various forms of electromagnetic energy, such as visible light, electricity, and magnetism. The hot spicy taste of jalapeno pepper activates thermoreceptors that also respond to temperatures of 42°C and above. Menthol, a cool plant product, activates thermoreceptors that also respond to temperatures of 28°C and below. Read about mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors, electromagnetic receptors, and thermoreceptors.

Identify the role(s) of ATP in muscle contraction.

1.Provides the energy to convert myosin to a form that forms a cross-bridge with actin

2.Binds to myosin to break an actin-myosin cross-bridge

3.Binds to the troponin complex to expose myosin-binding sites

1 & 2

Read about the sliding-filament model of muscle contraction and the roles that ATP plays in muscle contraction.