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75 Cards in this Set

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Non Strategic Transaction Perception

both parties perceive a non strategic transaction

Transactionally Driven Relationship Perception

one party perceives non-strategic transaction while the other perceives any other form

Administered Influence Relationship Perception

some combo of administered relationship, joint venture, specialty contract relationship, partnership, or alliance

Generally Administered Relationship Perception

one party perceives an administered relationship and the other perceives contractual

Formally Administered Relationships Perception

both parties perceive contractual relationship

Contractually Managed relationships Perception

some combo of a contractual relationship, joint venture, specialty contract relationship, partnership, or alliance

Joint Venture Perception

both parties perceive the creation of a joint venture

Joint Venture Control Relationship Perception

some combo of a joint venture, specialty contract relationship, partnership, or alliance

Partnership Perception

some combo of a specialty contract relationship, partnership, or alliance

Strategic Partnership Perception

both parties perceive a partnership

Strategic Alliance Perception

some combo of alliance and partnership

alliance Perception

both parties be like "alliance"

Non Strategic Transaction

low trust, interaction frequency, and commitment

ex. buying a house

Administered Relationship

low trust, high interaction frequency, low commitment

ex. frequent flyer cards

Contractual Relationship

medium trust, interaction frequency, and commitment

ex. contract between two parties

Specialty Contract

high trust, low interaction frequency, low commitment


Personal (how dependent) // Corporation (how much we spending for this relationship)


high trust, low interaction frequency, high commitment

Joint Venture

low trust, high interaction frequency, high commitment


high trust, interaction frequency, and commitment


power of threat

ex. do it or die


power of authority

ex. do it cuz im da B0$$


power due to knowledge/expertise

ex. do it cuz i know my poop


we need each other

ex. lets do it together


incentivize someone to do something by providing a reward

ex. do it for this dope slippers

Explicit Negotation

you know you are gonna negotiate

ex. buying a car


you dont know youre gonna negotiate


you dont know the problem or who you are talking to in the short term


you know the other part has certain constraints

(allows for time)

FOB Destination Freight Prepaid

title transfers at destination, seller pays for shipping and deals with the charge

FOB Destination Freight Collect

title transfers at destination, buyer pays/charged for shipping

FOB Destination Freight Prepaid and Charged Back

title transfers at destination, Seller pays for shipper, but then adds charges it to the invoice

FOB Origin freight prepaid

title transfers at origin, seller pays and handles charges

FOB Origin freight collect

title transfers at origin, buyer pays and handles charges

FOB Origin freight collect and allowed

title transfers at origin, buyer pays but then tells the seller how shipping cost


free on board (title transfer once container crosses rail of ship)


free alongside sailboat (title transfers when container is alongside the pirate ship)


ExWorks (title transfers at some point in middle of movement)


Delivered at Frontier (title transfers at point of customs clearance)


Free Carrier (same as FOB Destination)


Carriage Paid To (consignor pays for freight FAS)


Cost and Freight (consignor pays for freight FOB)


Cost, Insurance, Freight (buyer is responsible


Cost and Insurance Paid (seller is responsible)


Delivered ExShip (title transfer before customs)


Delivered ExQuay (title transfer after customs)


Delivered Duty Paid (seller responsible for import duties)


Delivered Duty Unpaid (buyer is responsible for import duties)


instructions for how to ship something

Freight Bill

sets forth the charges, rather than terms

Pure Competition

lots of buyers and sellers with little impact on price

ex. wheat farmers

Monopolistic Competition

lots of buyers and sellers trade over range of prices

ex. designer jeans vs. walmart jeans

Oligopolistic Competition

few sellers sensitive to each others prices

ex. cell phone // airplanes

Pure Monopoly

one seller

Natural Monopoly

when it makes sense for there to only be one seller

ex. water, electricity

4 Materials in Everything

Agriculture, Wood, Mineral, Liquids

Linehaul Freight Carriers

provide service between major markets and customers in that market

Shortline Carriers

provide local and regional links between individual customers

Integrated Carriers

provide door-to-door service

ex. fed ex // UPS

Nonintegrated Carriers

on demand carrier // air only

Liner Services

lots of boats, fixed route

Charter Service

for lease boats

Gathering Lines

move oil to trunk lines from well

Trunk Lines

move oil from extraction point to refiniries

Refined Product Pipelines

move petroleum from refineries to fuel storage

Containerized Freight

freight loaded into container and never leaves that container


changes containers a ton

KPIs of Transportation

Service Quality and Efficiency

Transportation Management System

(TMS) information technologies used to plan, optimize, and execture transportation operations

Freight Bill auditing

payments must reflect agreed upon amount

4 Primary Functions of Distribution

1) Accumulation 2) Sortation 3) Allocation 4) Assortment


involves the receipt of goods from a variety of sources


focuses on assembling like products together for storage in the distribution facility


focuses on matching available inventory to customer orders for a SKU


involves the assembly of customer orders for multiple SKUs