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36 Cards in this Set

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Where is cholesterol found?

In the cells of humans and animals

What happens when a virus destroys cells in your body?

Your body's defense mechanisms begin to fight back

What kind of fungus obtains its food from dead or decaying plants and animals?


What do we call hair like projections that are used for locomotion and obtaining food?


How many stages of life does a slime mold have?


Why can red algae live in deep water?

Because they can absorb energy from blue light

Can and anaerobes live without oxygen?


In what state is a virus without a host?


Name 3 types of bacteria

Coccus, bacillus, spirillum

What is the part of the mushroom you can see called?

The fruiting body

What do we call the spore containing sacks that form at the tips of certain hyphae?


In what kind of cells is cellulose found?

Plant cells

What is a bacteriophage?

It is a geometrically shaped virus that attacks bacteria

A parasetic fungi can also become what?

Pathogenic fungi

What does yeast breakdown in order to obtain food?


What are the tiniest living organisms?


Why can't fungi manufacture their own food?

Because they do not contain chlorophyll

What 3 things do we know about protists?

They are not plants, they are not animals, and they do not have tissues

How does our body fight viruses?

By using prevention, phagocytosis and antibodies

Name 3 things all cells contain

Cell membrane, cytoplasm, a cell nucleus

What kind of fungi are highly contagious because they produce spores that are easily spread?


What kind of bacteria are beneficial to man, animals, and plants?

Heterotrophic bacteria

What will a bacterium produce if living conditions are unfavorable?


What is a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and alga?

The lichen

How do most bacteria reproduce?

By cell division

What kind of fungi look like shelves on trees?


Name 3 statements that are included in the cell theory

1. All cells come from other cells,

2. The cell is the basic unit of living things.

3. The cell is the basic unit of function of living organisms

What do we call the study of fungi?


How does most yeast reproduce?

By budding

What do we call the body of a brown alga?


What does aerobes need in order to live?

An oxygen environment

What do we call when we get an injection of a weakened form of virus?


What we call the route like structure of the Brown alga?


What do we call the stemlike structure of the brown alga?


How would you look at a virus?

They can only be seen with an electron microscope

What do we call the leaflike structure of the brown alga?
