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74 Cards in this Set

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(32) The scientific name for the bobcat is Lynx rufus and for the lynx is Lynx canadensis. How do their names indicate that they are related? How are they different?
The scientific names show that both animals belong to the same genus, Lynx. They are different because they are different species.
(32) biodiversity
the wide variety of life on Earth
(31) How is meiosis different from mitosis?
Meiosis results in four nuclei, each with half the number of chromosomes as the original; while mitosis results in two nuclei, each with the same number of chromosomes as the original.
(31) During mitosis, what happens during metaphase?
Chromosome pairs line up along the middle of the cell.
(31) How does the nucleus change while a cell divides?
Answers vary. Possible answer: In mitosis, chromosomes duplicate, the membrane disappears, chromosomes line up in center and separate into two nuclei.
(31) Which do you think will show diffusion: oil and water, warm water and cold water, ink and oil, ink and water? How would you test your answers?
warm and cold water, ink and water

Put drops of one into a cup of the other.
(31) What are some of the main parts of a healthy lifestyle? How can a healthy lifestyle affect the growth and division of cells in your body?
Answers vary. A healthy lifestyle can help prevent damage to cells.
(31) What is food making in plants called?
(31) What is a bacterium?
a one-celled organism
(32) kingdom
one of the largest groups used to classify living things
(31) Why do cells divide?
Cells divide because as the ratio of volume to surface area increases and the cell cannot work effectively.
(32) phylum
a main group within a kingdom, whose members share a main characteristic
(31) What is the division of a nucleus when the chromosome number ends up unchanged?
(31) Describe the populations that much up an environment--such as in a park or a desert. Describe how the populations interact.
Answers vary. Possible answers for the park environment: humans, pigeons, sparrows, squirrels, oak trees, elm trees, shrubs. Animals nest in trees; humans feed animals; squirrels feed on acorns from the trees.
(31) What is a green body found in a plant cell?
(31) What types of activities increase a person's risk of cancer?
Activities that increase a person's risk of cancer include exposure to cigarette smoke and ultraviolet radiation.
(31) What limits the size of cells?
The size of cells is limited by the ratio of volume to surface area.
(32) Which level of classification has the most diverse members?
(31) During mitosis, what happens during telophase?
During telophase, a nuclear membrane forms around each set of choromosomes. Each new nucleus has the same number of chromosomes as the original cell.
(31) What are the phases of mitosis?
interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and then each new cell is in the growth stage of the cell cycle
(32) Which level of classification has the most similar members?
(31) List in order words showing organization in an animal or plant.
cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism
(31) How are respiration and photosynthesis related?
Photosynthesis is the process that traps the Sun's energy in food. Respiration is a process that releases energy from food.
(31) How do mitosis and meiosis differ?
Mitosis produces cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. Meiosis produces egg and sperm cells with half the number of chromosomes as the original cell.
(31) During mitosis, what happens during prophase?
Chromosomes become visible, and the membrane around the nucleus begins to disappear.
(31) An egg and a sperm join during ____ .
(31) List in order words showing organization in an ecosystem.
population, community, ecosystem
(32) What organisms belong to the family Canidae?
carnivores with course fur, long limbs, claws that to do not retract, and rounded pupils
(39) How can food spoilage due to bacteria be slowed down?
canning, pasteurization, refrigeration, or dehydration
(32) What organisms belong to the species called Canis familiaris?
(36) Why are viruses not included in the six kingdoms of life?
Viruses are not cells and do not carry out life processes.
(4th Review) How are a kingdom and a phylum related?
A phylum is a main group within a kingdom.
(34) Name the six kingdoms.
animals, plants, fungus, protist, archaebacteria, eubacteria
(36) microbe
a living thing so small that it can be seen only with a microscope
(34) What common traits are shared by anthropods?
outer body case and segmented legs
(36) virus
a microscopic particle made of hereditary material and a protein coat, which can reproduce inside a living cell
(34) How are plants grouped? How does this differ from animals?
Plants are grouped by division. Animals are grouped by phylum.
(34) What classifies an organism as a plant?
Answers vary, but may include that plants have many cells, cell walls, a true nucleus, and roots; and the cells have chlorophyll.
(34) How do mosses differ from seed plants?
Mosses are seedless and have spores.
(37) spore
A spore is a cell that can develop into an adult organism without fertilization.
(4th Review) What two kingdoms contain bacteria?
Eubacteria (or "true bacteria") and Archaebacteria (or "ancient bacteria")
(34) How are cone-bearing plants similar to flowering plants?
Cone-bearing plants are similar to flowering plants because they both reproduce with seeds.
(34) Which divisions of the plant kingdom are the most similar? Why?
Flowering plants and cone-bearing plants are most similar, because they both have seeds.
(37) metamorphosis
Metamorphosis is the changes of body form that some animals go through in their life cycle.
(34) Which divisions of the plant kingdom are the most different? Why?
Ferns and mosses are the most different, because mosses do not have special tissue for transporting water.
(37) fission
Fission is a kind of asexual reproduction in which one parent cells divides into two offspring cells.
(4th Review) What are the two types of asexual reproduction?
fission, budding
(4th Review) What kingdom includes mosses?
(31) Which parts of a plant cell are not found in an animal cell?
cell wall, chloroplasts
(36) How are fungi different from plants? How are they similar?
Fungi are different from plants because they are single-celled; they have no chlorophyll; and they cannot make, absorb, or digest food.

Fungi are similar to plants to plants because fungi cells have walls like plant cells, and they have a true nucleus as do plant cells.
(39) What kind of production takes place in yeast?
(34) What are the main characteristics of animals?
*many-celled organism
*cells have true nucleus; no cell wall
*eat and digest other organisms
*most can move from place to place
*have tissues organized into organs and organ systems
(34) What are the main characteristics of plants?
*many-celled organism
*many cells have chlorophyll--in light, they make their food (and produce oxygen)
*cells have walls; have true nucleus
*roots or rootlike structures anchor the plant and absorb water
(39) Is fission an example of sexual or asexual reproduction?
(36) What are the characteristics of fungi?
*mostly many-celled organisms; some one-celled organisms
*do not have chlorophyll; cannot make their own food
*absorb and digest food
*cells have walls,; have true nucleus
(37) budding
Budding is a kind of asexual reproduction in which a new organism develops from a bump (bud) on the side of the parent.
(36) What are the characteristics of protists?
*one-celled and many-celled organisms
*all cells contain a true nucleus
*plant-like protists, which have chlorophyll and make food
*animal-like protists, which take in food from surroundings
(36) What the main characteristics of bacteria?
*one-celled organisms
*do not contain a true nucleus
*have cell walls
*have mitochondria, but not many other cell parts
*most do not make food, but break down or decompose other living or once-living things
*some bacteria (cyanobacteria) contain chlorophyll and another pigment, and make their own food
(32) What organisms belong to the genus Canis?
dogs, wolves, coyotes, jackals
(36) What are the main characteristics that are used to classify animals?
Animals are classified by structure and complexity of organs and organ systems.
(36) How are members of the plant and fungus kingdoms alike? How are they different?
Both plants and fungi have cells with cell walls and true nuclei.
(39) Is budding an example of sexual or asexual reproduction?
(4th Review) Why do all living things need food? What are some other basic needs?
Food contains store energy, which originally is from sunlight, and raw material for growth. Some other basic needs are oxygen and respiration, and right temperatures.
(31) During mitosis, what happens during anaphase?
Chromosome pairs split apart and begin to move towards opposite sides of the cell.
(32) scientific name
a two-word term for a living thing, based on its classification
(32) Euglena is a one-celled organism that moves on its own and has chloroplasts. Why would it have been difficult to classify in Aristotle's time?
It has both plant and animal traits.
(36) How do the two bacteria kingdoms differ from other kingdoms?
Bacteria include all cells without a true nucleus or most cell structures.
(37) conjugation
Conjugation is a kind of sexual reproduction in which two parent cells join and exchange material before they divide.
(39) Is conjugation an example of sexual or asexual reproduction?
(31) Is mitosis occurring inside you right now? Explain your answer.
Answers vary, but should reflect the understanding that some cells are always growing.
(32) species
a group of familar organisms in a genus that can reproduce more of their own kind
(31) What changes in chromosome number take place during sexual reproduction?
When a sperm and egg join, the resulting cell has the same number of chromosomes as the cells in the parent organisms.
(4th Review) What are the six main activities of living things? Which is the most important?
nutrition, respiration, excretion, response and movement, growth, reproduction

Possible answer for most important: The most important is nutrition for intake of energy.
(4th Review) Describe each state of complete metamorphosis.
An egg is laid by the adult female parent; larva hatches from egg and feed; larva enters pupa stage by covering itself with a case, within which it develops into an adult, which has a different body structure from the pupa.