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67 Cards in this Set

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(21) Why do cells in a many-celled organism differ?
Each cell has a special function.
(21) organ
An organ is a group of different tissues working together to do certain jobs.
(29) egg
An egg is a female sex cell.
(21) community
Community is all the population living together in the same place.
(24) How is a bacterial cell different from plant and animal cells?
A bacterial cell does not have a nucleus.
(21) organism
An organism is any living thing that can carry out its life activities on its own
(3rd Review) How are living things organized internally?
cells --> tissues --> organs --> organ systems --> organism
(21) ecosystem
An ecosystem is the living and nonliving things in an area interacting with each other.
(29) During Meiosis, how many chromosomes are in each cell at the end?
(21) organ system
An organ system is different organs working together to do certain jobs.
(29) What changes in chromosome number take place during sexual reproduction?
When a sperm and egg join, the resulting cell has the same number of chromosomes as the cells in the parent organisms.
(21) population
Population is all the organisms of the same kind living in the same place.
(3rd Review) Name four groups of carbon compounds.
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids
(21) cell
A cell is the basic unit of life. All things are made up of cells.
(29) sperm
A sperm is a male sex cell.
(21) tissue
Tissue is a group of similar cells working together at the same job.
(29) How do mitosis and meiosis differ?
Mitosis produces cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. Meiosis produces egg and sperm cells with half the number of chromosomes as the original cell.
(22) cell wall
A cell wall is a stiff covering outside the cell membrane of a plant cell.
(29) What happens during interphase?
During interphase, the cell grows, develops, and prepares to divide.
(21) What are the activities of living things?
response and movement
(21) How are some living things put together?
Similar cells are grouped into tissues, groups of tissues form organs, and organs form organ systems with specific functions.
(24) What element is most abundant in the human body?
(24) What are the kinds of compounds in food? Does each substance help you?
Food contains carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. They provide energy and proteins for cell growth and repair.
(22) vacuole
A vacuole is a sac-like storage space in a cell.
(29) During meiosis, how many chromosomes are in the cell at the beginning?
(24) What are the contents of a human cell?
70% water
15% proteins
10% lipids
4% nucleic acids
1% carbohydrates
(24) What are the major elements found in the human body?
oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, magnesium
(22) mytochondrion
A mitochondrion is a rod-shaped structure that supplies the cell with energy.
(29) meiosis
Meiosis is the division of the nucleus resulting in cells with half as many chromosomes as in other cells.
(24) What element is least abundant in the human body?
(24) What are some kinds of carbon compounds found in the human body?
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids
(22) nucleus
A nucleus is the densest part of a cell, which controls a cell's activities.
(29) Why do cells divide?
Cells divide because as thh ration of volume to surface area increases, cells cannot work effectively.
(22) What structures are found inside the nucleus?
(3rd Review) Name the parts and fuctions of an animal cell.
See page 114 in the textbook for a diagram, and pages 114 - 115 for functions.

Parts of an animal cell are cell membrane, nucleus, chromosomes, cytoplasm, mitochondria, and vacuoles.
(22) chromosome
A chromosome is a strand in the nucleus that stores directions for cell activities.
(29) mitosis
Mitosis is the division of the nucleus while a cell is dividing into two identical cells.
(27) What is the role of the cell membrane in moving substances in and out of the cell?
Food, oxygen, and other substances pass in and out of the cell through the cell membrane.
(3rd Review) What is a living cell mostly made up of?
(22) cytoplasm
Cytoplasm is a gel-like substance inside the cell membrane, where most cell activities occur.
(3rd Review) What is the size and shape of a cell related to?
The size and shape of a cell is related to its function.
(24) How are animal and plant cells alike?
Plant and animal cells both have chromosomes, a nucleus, nuclear membrane, a transport system, cytoplasm, mitochondria, vacuole, and a cell membrane.
(3rd Review) What parts of a plant cell are not found in an animal cell?
chloroplast, cell wall
(22) cell membrane
A cell membrane is a cell's outer covering.
(29) During mitosis, what happens after the chromosomes line up?
After the chromosomes line up, the pairs split up and move to opposite sides of the cell.
(26) diffusion
Diffusion is the movement of molecules from higher to lower concentration.
(29) asexual reproduction
Asexual reproduction is the production of a new organism from one parent.
(22) chloroplast
A chloroplast is a green structure in a plant cell where food is produced.
(29) What are the two parts of the cell cycle?
The two parts of the cell cycle are interphase and mitosis.
(27) Describe the process that allows you to smell an open bottle of perfume.
Molecules of perfume move from a region of high concentration (near the bottle) to a region of low concentration (near your nose).
(29) During mitosis, wha happens after the chromosomes first become visible?
After the chromosomes first become visible, they make copies of themselves.
(26) active transport
Active transport is the movement of molecules through a cell membrane, requiring energy.
(29) fertilization
Fertilization is the joining of an egg and sperm into one cell.
(27) What is the difference between passive transport and activie transport?
Passive transport does not require energy and active transport does require energy.
(21) How are living and nonliving things alike? How are they different?
Both living and nonliving things are made up of the same basic materials, such as carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.

Living things have these substances organized into cells.
(26) osmosis
Osmosis is the diffusion of water through a cell membrane.
(3rd Review) What is diffusion?
Diffusion is the movement of molecules from higher to lower concentration.
(26) photosynthesis
Photosynthesis is teh food-making process in production using sunlight.
(3rd Review) What is osmosis?
Osmosis is the diffusion of water through a cell membrane.
(26) respiration
Respiration is the release of energy from sugar molecules.
(29) sexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction is the production of a new organism from two parents.
(26) fermentation
Fermentation is a form of respiration without oxygen.
(29) What limits the size of cells?
The ration of volume to surface area limits the size of cells.
(27) How do cells get the energy they need to live?
Cells with chloroplasts are able to trap the sun's energy and use it to meke food by photosynthesis. These cells get their energy through respiration,the process of breaking down the sugar to release energy.
(27) Why is photosynthesis important for you?
We depend on plants for food and oxygen produced by photosynthesis.
(24) How are plant and animal cells different?
Animal cells contain lysosomes, and plant cells do not. Plant cells contain chloroplasts and have a cell wall, which animal cells don't have.
(27) How does a kidney machine use diffusion?
Blood circulates through the tubing of the machien, and wastes diffuse through the tubing into a cleansing solution.