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156 Cards in this Set

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What does the aircraft do when it commands safe A?

1. Aircraft commands safe airspeed

2. Proceeds to nearest waypoint

3. climbs/descends to waypoint altitude

What is the ECIM minimum voltage for operation?

12 V (if less than 11.9 V a 30 second timer starts, after 30 seconds the ECIM power is set to off)

Why is fiber optic used instead of coaxial from the GEM to the GCS?

To reduce signal degradation over long distances.

What GCS components are connected via fiber optic cable?


What does AIM do?

Provides long range C2 and video signals between our vehicle and GCS. Contains a bandit radio and a freewave modem. It encrypts C2 up to the air vehicle and decrypts video from the air vehicle.

What does GEM do? (GPS electronics module)

Supplies the GCS with GPS data about the location of the skyhook, allows for aircraft guidance via differential GPS (DGPS). Converts analog to digital

What is the optimum launcher speed.

52 knots +/- 1 knot

How is the approach speed calculated?

Minimum airspeed + 1/3 the headwind component loaded into I-MUSE

Max towing speed of the Mark 4 launcher

45 MPH

Tire pressure of the Mark 4 launcher?

45 PSI on road/ 17 PSI off-road/ 50 psi Max

What five components need updating with a new I-MUSE software?

1. A/C code and bootloader

2. IFC code and bootloader

3. Primary IDC I-MUSE computer

4. secondary IDC, I-MUSE computer (image tracking client)

5. maint laptop

What are the frequencies of C2 and video?

C2- 900 MHz and 1.3 GHz.

Video- 2.4 GHz

What are the Mark 4 launcher speed operating limits?

20 knots - 62.2 knots

What does the HPEA (high pressure electrically actuated) valve flag indicate?

1. The launcher is armed when the flag moves left so it is perpendicular with the track.

2. See red your dead

When does the aircraft go into tight maneuvering mode?

1. Take off phase

2. Approach phase

3. Engine out

4. Uplink failure - after 10 s link timeout timer.

What are the acronyms for orbits and routes?

DIRTS - drag, icon, right click, target, sensor controller.

RIP - Right click, icon, panel

What are the different AC electrical buses?

13 v (bat charger/transponder/wing lights/strobe lights/freewave Tx/Rx/bandit radio)

5 v (ignition/engine power/servos/spine board/ gps receiver and antenna)

3.3 v (flight computer only)

What two things happen after commanding cat?

Max throttle and elevons deflect slightly up.

Launch recommendation in system (ready for launch, launch with caution, cancel takeoff.)

Ftc needs to be within how many degrees perpendicular to the sky hook?

+/- 25

What is the key altitude and how do you calculate it?

The altitude where you cut your engine for a belly landing. Measure in feet from landmark to belly landing site, divide by 12, then add deted

What types of AC generator failures are there?

Electrical and mechanical

What does the helmsman reset do?

Restores lost information to the AC and returns the AC to normal operations

What visual signals do you see for a downlink, uplink and full lost comms failure?

Downlink- red AC, red icon, AC is frozen on map, camera is still functioning so video will respond. "Downlink failure"

Uplink- first yellow box (no dgps) then yellow AC with C2 dropouts detected or failure to acknowledge route or orbit. Video will not respond, aircraft goes safe A and tight maneuvering mode also.

Full lost comm- red AC, red icon, AC is frozen on map, camera is NOT functioning so video will NOT respond. "GPS failure"

How much flight time will an AC get on battery power with a generator failure?

20 min, but depends on load applied to battery.

What steps do you do for every EP?

Identify the EP

Execute memory items

Open checklist

Aviate, navigate, communicate

What are location priorities for a belly landing.

Clear of people and property

Clear of obstructions and rough terrain

Near ground station or safe retrieval location

Minimum airspeed

Into the wind

Wings level

Where are the freewave modems located




What do you add to the AC log book after every flight?

Flight time

Tach time

Fuel log

Mission data form

F11 does what?

Parameter report

Why must all the launches and recoveries be logged?

For maintenance of the launcher and sky hook.

If IMUSE crashes, where will the AC go?

The AC will continue to fly it's last programmed command (route or orbit with last commanded airspeed and altitude.)

Can the sky hook run off shore power?

No, shore power only charges batteries

Can you raise the skyhook without shore power?

Yes hand pump and valves

The capture bungee on the skyhook must be what in length?

16ft 6 in to 17 ft

What are the skyhook operating temperatures?

-20 to 55 c

What are the gem operating temperatures?

-20 to 55 c

How many skyhook configurations are there?

3 main setup configs and 2 alternative configs.

Main setup are 180 degree position - the neutral position, the other two positions are the 90 degree and the 270 degree position.

What are the two alternative setup configurations of the skyhook?

147 degree and 211 degree positions.

What position is closed on the high pressure release valve on the compressor ?

The horizontal position is closed on the high pressure release valve

What does ecim stand for

Electronic control interface module

Why is it important to do performance planning prior to launch?

To determine if the engine can perform based on the mission requirements and weather. (Will the aircraft be able to take off with the weight of the fuel, payload, how will density altitude affect performance, meet on station time etc.)

What does the launcher generate power for



Launcher heater plumbing

Compressor heating blanket

How much time must the generator operate before the launcher systems are operated

5 min

The launcher is dangerous when the generator is running, the ecim power switch is on or the pneumatic system is?


What PSI does the low pressure system on the launcher range from

122 to 142 psi (pressure is released if it exceeds 150 psi)

How long is the low pressure hose?

20 ft

What PSI does the high pressure system on the launcher range from

150 to 2,200 psi (metal membrane or rupture disk breaks open if pressure exceeds 3,000 PSI)

At what PSI should you turn off the compressor when setting up for launch

Stop the compressor when the launcher pressure indicator on the remote console shows approximately 30 PSI more than the calculated launch pressure.

At what temperature May the compressor heating blanket be needed

If the ambient temperature is below -6° C

What is the launcher tow rope limitation

The Tow rope cannot have frays and charring and cannot have failure of any one segment. The tow rope must not be used if one or more segments has charring too much fraying or is broken.

What direction does the starter spin


What angle must the arming rope be extended from the right rear of the launcher


What is the launcher angle

17 +/- 1 degree

What are the three arming triggers on the Mark 4 launcher

Cooling boom proximity switch, hpeav red flag, green launch button

What is the launch logic

Aircraft launches, maintains launcher heading, climbs to minimum altitude, command-safe altitude and turns to approach hold, awaits further commands

What is wave off logic by controller or aircraft

Aircraft simultaneously climbs to faf and turns back to approach hold

What is wave off logic for a missed capture

Aircraft reaches mppt 65 ft

Aircraft simultaneously climbs to FAF and turns back to approach hold

What is go around logic via controller

Aircraft side steps 20 ft.

Aircraft climbs to faf

Reaches faf or mppt 2000 ft

Turns back to approach hold

What is go around logic via missed capture

Aircraft continues to mppt 2000 ft.

Aircraft simultaneously climbs to FAF and turns back to approach hold

What is cancel recovery logic

Aircraft executes program missed approach behavior

Exits approach mode

Climbs to safe altitude

Commands and orbit at approach hold.

At what CHT does the engine need to be replaced

180 cht

Scan eagle OAT limits for avionics

-20 c to 50 c

What temp does the "avionics: hot" caution illuminate

60 c (is a setting in imuse engineering tables can be changed)

Avionics Bay temperature limits

-40 c to 65 c

How many satellites are needed for air vehicle GPS

Four satellites minimum but seven is ideal

What happens when the air vehicle loses GPS

The air vehicle dead reckons for 60 seconds and enters into a tight right hand turn after 80 seconds the air vehicle arms engine kill.

What amount do we use for bingo fuel

.5 kg

Recovery limitations?

Max wind 40 knots, Max tailwind zero knots, Max crosswind 20 knots, Max gust five knots.

Why are weather forecast important for scan eagle operations?

Knowing winds for takeoff and launch, knowing if icing or rain conditions will be present, knowing how effective the eo900 will be with cloud layers

Are cloud levels given an MSL or AGL on a metar or TAF


Launch limitations

Max wind 35 knots, Max tailwind 0 knots, Max crosswind 10 knots, Max gust 10 knots.

Maximum wind in flight

40 knots including gust, Max Gust 10 knots

If winds are gusting on launch what value do we use and why

Launch low, so use the lower wind value so the launcher calculates enough pressure to safely launch the aircraft if the gusts die down.

If winds are gusting on recovery what value do you use and why

Sky high! use the higher wind value, this prevents the air vehicle from calculating a slower speed on recovery which could cause a stall if winds picked up.

Max fuel

5.5 kg

What is the fuel ratio of the p09 engine? What type of fuel? How big is the header tank?

32 to 1. C10. 500 g

What is the service ceiling of the p09 engine

16 kg for 19,800 ft da

22 kg for 16,200 ft da

What is the max and min RPM for the p09 engine

8,600 RPM to 3,700 RPM

What is the maximum electrical power of the p09 engine

150 w

What is the maximum crab angle on recovery

+/- 20 degrees

What are the min and Max closing speeds for 14 kg and 20.5 kg aircraft

40 to 62 knots.

33.5 to 49 knots.

What is the maximum airspeed for scan eagle


Flight operations within 20 nautical miles of thunderstorms or observed lightning is


If the aircraft is flown in rain how long do you need to let the dome dry after removing it

12 hours at least

Fuel estimate discrepancy caution at what split

If the fuel estimate differs by more than 500 g from the fuel quantity.

Always use lowest estimate for calculating flight time.

What does less than 0.68 kg in the fuel estimate window represent

The main tank is close to empty but the header tank is still full

What is the skyhook safety radius

75 ft

What is the skyhook erected height

45 ft 9 in

What is the skyhook removal tool called

Double spring gate removal tool

How many batteries are in the skyhook

4 6 volt batteries in series.

24 volt used for the hydraulics.

12 volt used for the gem. Parallel

GPS antenna to gem connection

Coax cable

What does gem stand for

GPS electronics module.

Tension on the skyhook

20 to 30 lb.

What is the skyhook inspection cycle

300 point

40 captures or 1 month - replace rope.

10 captures - flip rope

What damage must the capture rope be replaced at?

More than 50 percent sheath circumference damage

No internal core damage

Bulges greater than 3/8.

What is the minimum distance between the pulley and bowline knot on both capture bungees.

13 ft.

What network id number is off limits

255, ip gateway because it is used for freq hopping and havequick

What does the high powered spine board do

High power spine board is the central hub for power and signal distribution in the scan eagle air vehicle

What is the abort via seg?

Abort via seg defines the waypoint at which the uplink failure route begins. It must be defined at the beginning waypoint of the uplink failure route. The abort via seg in the MSparam worksheet tells the AC where the uplink failure route begins.

What are the 3 types of maneuvering modes and associated AOB?

Tight - 44.4 degree max bank

Smooth- 30 degree max bank


What are the three launch recommendations for imuse

Ready for launch

Launch with caution

Cancel takeoff

What are your four parameter files? And which can you adjust.

AC parameter file- contains config data customized to each AC like engine type, servo tables, weight and balance. Can be modified or adjusted.

MS parameter file- contain site-specific information like uplink failure routes, engine out routes, kill radiuses, runway and skyhook recovery approaches. Can be modified or adjusted.

CM parameter file- contains a series of timer values like link timeout after and GPS timeout timer. This file is not adjusted or modified

RP parameter file- contains the telemetry package structure and data transmission rate of the telemetry stream between the air vehicle and GCS. This file is not adjusted or modified.

What is our rule for cloud layers?

500 ft below or above

Three statue mile visibility

2,000 ft horizontal

What are our rules for min max and safe altitude

If surface winds are less than or equal to 15 knots, set min 300 ft above AGL. If over 15 knots including gust, set min to 600 above AGL. Set safe 300 above min and once established set to mission altitude. Set max 300 above safe

How long is the DR timer associated with loss of GPS?

60 sec

What are the 5 reasons for the AVO to wave off recovery

Tailwind caution, not clear from the ground crew, red tie fighter box, high crab angle, wind limits.

What are the VM keys for target, snapshot, counterclockwise orbit, wings level, and clockwise orbit?

Target- c6

Snapshot- c8

CCW orbit- c11

Wings level - c12

CW orbit- c13

What are the limits for adding airspeed on final? Or taking airspeed out?

Add 15 kts in 5 kt increments up to 70 kts max.

Can only remove the 1/3 wind component

Do not adjust speed once on short final

What information is in your telemetry files

Black box, all telemetry packets. All parameters and feedback to and from ac and avo

What do the route colors and shapes mean?

Orange - triangle - not uploaded or acknowledged

Red - circle - other ac routes on network

Teal- circle or pentagon for uplink failure route- uploaded and acknowledged

Purple - square - uploaded but not acknowledged

What is the imuse path of comms from the imuse client to the ifc

Imuse client - server - ground base - ifc

In the acronym BCH the B covers what?

Radio parameters- CDR which is frq net zones

What needs to happen to set min throttle

Max electrical load

Min throttle

min airspeed

In decent or commanded decent

What is the range of our two antennas

10 km for Omni

100 km effective range, 150 km max range for directional

What is the DSM, dcm, and epm?

Data storage module - secondary idc - payload storage, screen capture, and backup to primary idc.

Data control module - primary idc ( imuse digital computer) speaker, mns, ifc.

Electronics power module - power module, ups and battery

How long is a metar good for? How far from the reporting station?

1 hour

5 NM

How long is a taf good for, updated every?

Good for 24 hours

Updated every 6 hours

Do not raise the skyhook with lightning within what distance

10 NM

What metar cloud coverage is considered a ceiling?

Broken or overcast

What is density altitude?

Pressure altitude adjusted for non standard temperature variations. Above or below 59 F.

What happens to AC performance when the AC is heavy or conditions are high, hot or humid?

Aircraft performance decreases

At higher pressure or density altitudes

Higher true airspeed is needed for launch and recovery

Climb performance is reduced

Engines and propellers are less efficient

What is the standard temperature lapse rate per 1000 ft.

Temperature decreases at a rate of 2 c every 1000 ft of altitude gained

What is the difference between a metar and taf

Metar is present weather and a taf is forecasted weather

Why must the launcher generator be on during launch

To operate the blower to cool the AC engine so cht does not rise uncontrollably

When setting up the skyhook for a northbound recovery, which side does the vertical capture bungee and capture rope need to be on respectively

Vertical capture bungee should be on the approach side and the capture rope should be opposite the approach side

What configuration does the skyhook need to be in to check hydraulic fluid levels?

Stowed with outriggers fully raised

What kind of fuel does the LAUNCHER components use


What precautions must be taken when updating the aircraft if code and bootloader

A continuous power supply will be available for the next half hour.

The AC battery is connected, and the umbilical cable is connected to shore power.

If a laptop is used, the power supply is connected to an outlet and it is operational.

The serial and power cables for all equipment are tightly connected.

Why is it important during launch to command the AC to a waypoint prior to commanding DH/DT.

Only authorized command

Want to take it out of launch logic so it does not turn back to approach hold

Won't actually accept dh/dt while in launch logic

Why is it important to keep your target inside your orbit

So you can track your target and remain eyes on/ maximize covertness

When AC turns it won't interfere with camera angles

Slant range

What is the purpose of map annotations and what are their limits

Annotations provide the ability to directly mark up the imuse map. They enable drawing and formatting polygons or ellipses on the map for reference or demarcation. They may define flight boundaries, airspace restrictions or other areas of interest.

What does the pitot/static system do

Pitot/static ports sense air pressure for calculations of airspeed and barometric altitude.

What factors affect launch pressure


Pressure (altimeter setting)




What type of knot is allowed on the skyhook

Bowline knot

What material is the winglets made from and why

Fiberglass, to allow radio transmissions to go through

What material is the wing hooks made out of


What is the primary mission of the scan eagle for NSW

Force protection

If you reach the first waypoint on your launch and have dh/dt commanded for 200 fpm what will happen

The AC will take on the properties of the waypoint to include altitude

What will happen if your GPS altitude and your barometric altitude differ by more than 33 ft on approach

The AC will cancel the recovery

When does the AC command safe A mode

Lost uplink for longer than link timeout after timer

AC receives commands from more than one GCS programmed with the same modem settings

AC has lost connection with UAS pilot when the system expects to receive a signal from the UAS pilot. (In control wheel steering mode)

What is the allowable gap distance from the P09 engine throttle servo gap

.015 in +/-.003

How long is the skyhook capture rope

100 ft

What is the max amount of Gs the mark 4 launcher provides for launch

16.6 Gs

What is the border color around the wing lights

Grey for visible wing lights.

Black for infrared wing lights

AP status


Off (only on ground)

Safe A

Safe G

AP speed





Off (only when flight is set to 0)

AP alt

Off (altitude hold off)

----fp (flight plan altitude)

Number** (fp override)

AP dh/dt

0 (holding altitude)

Number (for climbing rate fpm)

Off (altitude rate controller off)

AP Thr/rpm

-.--- (Throttle fraction)

---- (rpm number)

0 (min throttle)

1 (max throttle)

AP turn

Track (aircraft is tracking to a route)

Orbit (aircraft is tracking to an orbit)

Appr (aircraft is tracking approach)

0 (no turn rate commanded)

Turn rate value (negative for CCW and positive for CW turn)

AP track

Appr (approach)

CWT (control wheel tracking mode)


Number (tracking on and leading to waypoint number)

Go to WP

Number (AC is tracking to this waypoint)

Where do the adjustable stays on the skyhook go?

Bottom, the upper stays are non adjustable.

What is the psi for the pilot Valve?

120 psi

Minimum engine rpm with electrical loads over 80 watts?

6,000 rpm