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12 Cards in this Set

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Child with erythematous macular rash, fever; started on face, then to trunk and extremities; hx of URI:

What family of virus?




respiratory droplets

MMR active vaccine - live attenuated; passive immunization post exposure
Child with cheek swelling after fever, malaise, anorexia; discomfort with chewing/speaking:

Two surface glycoproteins?

Where does it replicate?

Mumps virus - enveloped RNA virus

humagglutinin neuraminidase (HN), Fusion protein (F)

respiratory epithelial cells

parotitis (most common), orchitis, meningitis/encephalitis, pancreatitis
What is the best test to confirm mumps?

Which Ab appears early in infection and indicates current infection?

Which Ab indicates past infection, and Ab's last for years?
Ab's against envelope Ag (V Ag, HN)

S Ab

V Ab - (HN)
Migrant worker with fever, rash, achy joints, 2 months pregnant, 2 adults and 3 kids have similar illness - virus and family?

Greatest concern with this virus?

How to check for rubella?
Rubella - German measles - Togaviridae (+ssRNA)

effect on fetus (CRS) - can cause abortion, fetal cataracts, heart defects, deafness

serum IGM, virus isolation from culture
Rash, no fever/illness, mother thinks it's Parvovirus; virus structure and family:


"Fifth disease", "slapped cheek" appearance:

What makes up the rash? Complications?
Parvoviridae - ssDNA virus

fetal hydrops - 10% death of fetus; aplastic crisis

Erythema Infectiosum

Ag-Ab complexes in skin; aplastic crisis
7 y/o with maculopapular rash on soles of feet, palms of hands, vesicular lesions under tongue:

What virus family?

Where do enteroviruses replicate?

How are they shed?

Who is usually infected?
Hand, Foot, Mouth: (Coxsackie A, Enterovirus)


replicate in GI (TQTQ)

respiratory, feces

Symptoms from enterovirus infections are from what?

Coxsackie can cause what other illnesses?
virus being deposited in tissues - NOT Ag-Ab complexes (different from other skin virus infections)

herpangina, summer rash
dsDNA, enveloped, causes oral and genital lesions:

Where does HSV stay latent in the body?

Common presentation of HSV-1 infection?

Problems in the immunosuppressed?
HSV-1 - oral, HSV-2 - genitals


child - gingivostomatitis, fever, malaise, lesions;
adult - severe pharyngitis for a week

pneumonia, severe mucocutaneous lesions
Virus for chicken pox, shingles:

Pathogenesis of shingles?

Why is VZV so contagious?

Varicella Zoster

latency in ganglia + impaired T-cell function = recurrence along dermatomes

transmitted by respiratory AND skin lesions

Vaccine - recommended for children 1 y/o, seronegative adults; passive immunization for imunocompromised
Common infection, associated with roseola, transmitted via saliva:

Associated with Kaposi's sarcoma:

causes warts - dsDNA viruses, non-enveloped:

HHV types associated with malignant lesions, included in vaccine:
HHV-6, HHV-7



HPV-6, 11, 16, 18
First disease to be eradicated, and virus family:

How is its replication unique?

Acidophilic inclusions in cytplasm:

Smallpox - Poxviridae

Does not involve cell nucleus - makes its own enzymes (big virus)

Guarnieri bodies

vaccination eradicated in 1977; Cox pox (Vaccinia) current vaccine
Molluscum contagiosum - where are the lesions and what do they look like?

How is this virus different from herpesvirus?
dome shaped, translucent lesions

child - trunk, face
adults - genitals
AIDS - all over

virus stays in skin lesions - when lesions gone, virus gone