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9 Cards in this Set

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Name the '5 K's'

Kesh, Kara, Kanga, Kirpan, Kachera.

What is cosmology?

Large scale properties of the universe as a whole.

What are cosmogonic myths?

A symbolic native of how the world began.

What is a sema?

A sufi ceremony that is based around dance and music.

What is a Ruth Yatra?

A Hindu Chariot festival.

Where is there a statue of Shiva Nataraja?


What does CERN (EONR) stand for?

Translated into English:

The European Organisation for Nuclear Research

What does the right upwards facing hand of a dancing Sufi represent?

Open to receive blessings from god.

What does the left downwards facing hand of a dancing Sufi represent?

Facing down to show the connection of God with the world.