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3 Cards in this Set

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Property 1

For even roots of all positive numbers, there are two solutions , one positive and one negative. However, when the radical sign is used, the question is only asking for the principal square root. There is only one solution for an even root of “0”, and the even root of a negative number is not a real number , so there is no solution on the GMAT

Example: the two roots of 16 are +4 and - 4 but radical 16 (16 inside the radical sign) = + 4 only

Radical 16 = + 4 only, but when x^2 = 16 then x=+4 and - 4

Property #2

For odd roots of all real numbers, there is exactly one solution, which can be negative, positive , or 0

Property 3

When taking the square root of number between 0 and 1, the result is greater than the original number. For all positive numbers greater than 1, the square root of that number will be less than the original number