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24 Cards in this Set

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Is the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1 over 299,792,458 of a second


Old Definition

The symbol m, is the SI unit of length. It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the speed of light in vacuum c to be 299792458 when expressed in the unit 𝑚 𝑠 , where the second is defined in terms of the Cesium frequency ∆𝑣𝐶.


2019 Definition

Measuring Tools

1. Divider

2. Retractable steel tape

3. Ruler

4. Vernier Caliper

5. Folding rule

6. Caliper

Marking tools

1. Automatic chalk line

2. Pencil

3. Marking knife

4. Awl

5. Capiz shell

Directional or Guiding tools

1. Sliding bevel

2. Square (large or small)

3. Combination square

4. Dovetail marker

5. Plumb bob

6. Level

7. Sliding bevel

8. Marking and Mortise gauge

The hard, fibrous material that forms the main substance of the trunk or branches of a tree.


Inorganic, nonmetallic solids that remain hard when heated.


Solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible and ductile, and with good electrical and thermal conductivities; readily loses electrons to form cations.


Synthetic or semi-synthetic organic compounds made from a wide range of organic polymers that are malleable and thus moldable into solid objects while soft until set to a rigid or slightly elastic final form.


Material made from two or more different materials so combined to achieve a specific purpose and properties different from its component materials.


Processes for Woods

Cutting, Bending, Shearing, Drilling, Lathing, Grooving

Processes for Metal

Welding , Cutting , Bending , Shearing , Drilling , Lathing , Grooving

Processes for Plastics

Material Extrusion , Polymerization , Powder Bed Fusion , Material Jetting , Binder Jetting

Processes for Composites

Braiding , Knitting , Weaving , Fiber placement , Draping , Chemical Vapor Deposition

Processes for Ceramics

Milling, Batching, Mixing, Forming, Drying, Firing, Assembly

Biological polymers (biopolymers) of crystalline n-chains of saccharides.


Lower molecular weight branch-chained polysaccharides.


Complex and high-molecular weight phenylpropane chains.


Gets filled up by these biopolymers.

Cell wall

These are other Properties of Wood

a. Color

b. Luster

c. Odor

d. Taste

e. Texture

Have pores visible with the naked eye or a hand lens.


1. Growth rings

2. Heartwood and sapwood

3. Grain orientation

Are the _________

Macroscopic properties of woods

Advantages of woods

• Thermal Properties

• Acoustic Properties

• Electrical Properties

• Mechanical Properties

• Aesthetic Properties

• Oxidation Properties

• Working Properties

• Variation

• Environmental

• CO2sequestration

Disadvantages of woods

• Shrinkage and Swelling of Wood

• Deterioration of Wood

• Biotic Deterioration of Wood

• Pest and Parasite Infestation

• Hygroscopicity