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43 Cards in this Set

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It is a system comprises of lungs, airways and associated structures

Respiratory system

What are the 3 major parts of RS?

1. ventilating mechanism

2. conducting portion

3. respiratory portion

it creates pressure differences that moves air into and out of the lungs.

Ventilating mechanism

Parts of ventilating mechanism


Rib Cage

Intercostal muscle

Abdominal muscle

Lung's elastic CT

It carries air to and from the site of gas exchange without collapsing under pressure

Conducting portion

Condition the air, warms, moistens and cleans the air to enhance gas exchange.

Parts of conducting portion

Nasal cavity






Terminal bronchioles

It allows gas exchange between air and blood

Respiratory portion

Presence of alveoli

Parts of respiratory portion

Respiratory bronchioles

Alveolar ducts


Alveolar sacs

Enumerate the wall structure of RS

1. Epithelium

2. Lamina propria

3. Mucles

4. Adventitia

What are the epithelial cell types?

1. ciliated columnar cells

2. mucous goblet cells

3. brush cells

4. basal cells

5. small granule cells

It refers to the changes in the epithelial organization or types in response to changes in the physical or chemical environment


Large, narrow and more posterior chamber of the nasal cavity

Nasal fossa

What is called the curved bony shelves?

conchae or turbinate bones

Smaller, wider and more anterior chamber behind the nares which contains sebaceous and sweat glands


Term used for thick short hair


an erectile tissue overlying the conchae that regulates hydration of nasal mucosa

Swell bodies

The cavities in the frontal, maxillary, ethmoid and sphenoid bone is called?

paranasal sinuses

It is a specialized tissue involved in the smell that is present in the root of each fossa

Olfactory epithelium

It is a broad cavity overlying the soft palate that lies in the upper part of the pharynx


It is a bilaterally symmetrical tube in the neck between the oropharynx and trachea


It is a 10cm tube from the larynx to the primary bronchi


Part of bronchial tree that resembles trachea

primary bronchi

It is a lobar bronchi that supplies the pulmonary lobe

Secondary bronchi

It is a segmental bronchi that supplies one bronchopulmonary segment

Tertiary bronchi

Branch from the smallest bronchi from which they differ only by lacking cartilage and glands in their walls


It is the smallest component of conducting portion.

Terminal bronchioles

Clara cells- lining its epithelium

First part of respiratory portion that resembles the terminal bronchioles but no goblet cells

respiratory bronchioles

distal extensions of the respiratory bronchioles that resembles a hallway with so many doors

Alveolar ducts

Distal termination of alveolar ducts


Dead end hallways

Alveolar sacs

200 um sacs that open into respiratory bronchiole,alveolar duct, atrium and alveolar sac


A structure that is specialized for gas exchange separating the thin walls of alveoli

Interalveolar septa

structures that O2 and CO2 must cross to be exchanged

Blood-Air Barrier

stimulate bronchial constriction

Parasympathetic motor fibers

Cause bronchial dilation

Sympathetic fibers

Carry poorly localized pain sensation, monitor airway irritants and participate in cough reflex

Sensory nerves

what Reduces surface tension in the alveoli with bactericidal effects?

pulmonary surfactant

A serous membrane which contains thin films of lubricating fluids which reduces friction between lung surface and thoracic walls


2 layers of pleura with functions

Visceral pleura - covers the lungs

Parietal pleura - covers thoracic cavities inner wall

What alveolar cell type is responsible for the alveolar lining degeneration?

Type II cells

Monocyte derivative that is also called "heart failure cells"

alveolar macrophage (dust cells)

stains positive for hemosiderin

Types of alveolar cells

type I cells- squamous alveolar cells

type II cells- great alveolar cells

Secretory cells secreting pulmonary surfactants

Type II pneumocytes