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31 Cards in this Set

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Plateau rang of O2 Hb dissociation curve


Therefore I alveolar PO2 a little below normal there is little change in Hb saturation

Steep portion of O2- Hb dissociation curve

Rand of Po2 in tissues, O2 unloaded

Shift to the right in O2-HB dissociation curve

Less Hb saturation

Aka O2 unloads more easily/loads less easily


1. increase Pco2

2. Decrease pH

3. Increase temp

Increase metabolism (e.g. exercise)

Shift to left of dissociation curve

Hb more saturation aka. Loads easier

Cause by (the conditions at the lungs)

1. Decrease Pco2 and temp

2. Increase pH

CO2 carried in 3 ways

1. Dissolved in plasma 8%

2. Bound to hemoglobin 20%

3. As bicarbonate (HCO3-) 72%

CO2 levels In the plasma

45mmHg = deoxy

40mmHg = oxygenated

Carbamino Hb

CO2 on hemoglobin globin

Carbonic anhydrase in RBS


Hemoglobin and H+

Acts as a acid/base buffer

Chloride shift

HCO3- being transported out of RBC to plasma in exchange for Cl-

(Allows more HCO3- to be made)

Deoxy Hb

HbH or HbCO2

Haldane effect

HbO2 binds CO2 and H+ poorly, therefore CO2 is released

2 groups of neurons at respiratory centers in Medulla

1. Ventral respiratory groups

2. Dorsal respiratory groups


Generate rate

Expiratory and inspiratory neurons


Receive chemorecpetor input and modify VRG output

Inspiratory neurons

Impulses down spinal cord to

1. Phrenic nerve (innervetes diaphragm)

2. Thoracic nerve(innervate ext. Intercostal)

Expiratory neurons

Fire to inhibit inspiration neurons

(Expiration occurs passively)

Pontine respiratory centres

Work with medullary centers to make breathing smooth and even

If damaged: gasping and irregular

Lung stretch receptors

In smooth muscle of bronchi and bronchioles

Hering breuer reflex

Hering breuer reflex

Receptors overstretched on insp.

Leads to

Inhibit Insp. Neurons

Relaxes mucles (expiration)

Volentary control

Primary motor cortex to skeletal muscle (bypass medulla)

Medulla can override voluntary control

Chemical control

Via. Chemoreceptors

Peripheral (carotid and aortic bodies)

Central (medualla oblongata)

Peripheral chemoreceptors

Weakly sensitive to Pco2

Very sensitive to H+

Po2 of 50-60mmHg

End of plateau of HB-O2 curve

Stimulates peripheral chemoreceptors

Emergency situations

- often caused by lung disease or low atm Po2

Central chemoreceptors

Respond indirectly to arterial Pco2

ONLY responds to H+

CSF poorly buffered so small change stim. Repsonse

Resting arterial Pco2

40mmHg (37-43mmHg)


Decrease arterial Pco2 causes cerebral vasoconstriction

Decrease Po2 to brain = dizziness


Increase arterial Pco2 increase H+

Causes CNS confusion


Increase H+

CO poisoning

CO binds 210x stronger to Fe than O2

Resulting in decline of total O2


Incomplete burning of gas, coal, wood, cigarettes