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17 Cards in this Set

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The cells that provide nourishment for maturing spermare:

Sustentacular cells

Which of the following is the function of epididymis: -

a) Stores sperm

b) Serve as duct system

c) Cause peristaltic contraction

d) a & b only

e) a, b and c

Answer: d) a & b only

The corpus luteum secrets

a) Estrogen

b) Progesterone

c) LH

d) a & b only

e) a, b & c

Answer: d) a & b only

In female, production of FSH is inhibited by

a) Estrogen22 / 23

b) LH

c) Progesterone

d) Prolactinee) a & c only

Answer: e) a & c only (a) Estrogen and (c) Progesterone

Which of the following hormones is used as the basis forpregnancy testing?

Answer: c. HCG

Which hormone is responsible for triggering ovulation in the female reproductive system?

Answer: C) Luteinizing hormone (LH)

What is the primary function of the testes in the male reproductive system?

Answer: A) Sperm production

What is the function of the fallopian tubes in the female reproductive system?

Answer: C) Fertilization site

Which of the following is a common method of male contraception?

Answer: B) Condoms

What are the primary organs of the male and female reproductive systems, and what are their functions in the process of reproduction?


A) Male: Testes, Female: Uterus

Male: Testes produce sperm;

Female: Uterus is the site for fertilization.

The ______&& is a passageway leading to scrotum.

inguinal canal

Under the skin of scrotum, __________ elevates tests during cold weather.

Cremaster muscle

Each test contain 800 lightly coiled ________ which produce thousands of sperm each second.

Semniferous Tubules

Each test is oval-shaped measuring 4.5 c.m. long, 2.5 c.m wide in adult. It is enclosed in fibrous sac called

Tunica Albuginea

Next to tunica albuginea is _______, which is a continuation of membrane of abdomino-pelvic cavity

Tunica Vaginals

The germinal tissue contains two types of cells: _________ producing or developing the sperm cell and the __________, which provide nourishment for the germinal sperm.

spermatogenetic cell, sustentacular cell

The male genetic carrying cell is the sperm. Matured ______ have head, middle piece, and tail.
