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21 Cards in this Set

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Main functions of reproductive system

Produce sperm and eggs and help them meet up


Produce sperm and secrete testosterone


250 smaller compartments kn a testes, form sperm, producs androgens (including testosterone)

Semi Inferous Tubules

Located inside Lobule, forms sperm

Sperm Tail

Allows sperm to swim

Sperm Body

Mitochondria, energy

Sperm Head

Primarily a nucleus with genetic information


Helps sperm fertilize egg

Seminal Vesicles

Secrete thick yellow material, rich in fructose, Vitamin C, and prostaglandins that nourishes and activates sperm as it passes through ducts

Prostate Gland

Encircles urethra bellow bladder, secretes milky alkaline substances that increases the sperms mortality and counteracts the acid in the vagina as it enters the women's body

Bulbourethral Glands

Located beneath prostate gland, Secretes a think mucus into the urethra that acts as lubricant during intercourse

FSH (male)

Promotes spermatogenesis by stimulating the spermatogenesis cells to respond to testosterone

LH (male)

Development if interstitial cells of the testes and secretion of testosterone


Produces sperm, sex character, increased hair, depended voice, thicker skin and increased sweat glands, increased musculo-skeloton growth and development of male physique

Bartholin's Glands

Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GRH)

Stimulates the secretion of LH and FSH (Gonadotropins)

FSH (female)

Stimulates the growth and maturity of the ovarian follicle at the beginning of the follicular phase


Causes ovulation, stimulates corpus luteum to secrete progesterone


Enlarge and develop female reproductive organs, enlarge and develop breasts, deposition fat into breath, but, and thighs, widens pelvis, onset of menstral cycle


Helps maintain pregnancy, prepares breasts for milk production, and with estrogen it established the menstral cycle.

Functional Layer of Endomential Lining

Shed during menstruation