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10 Cards in this Set

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Refers to someone who has died & left a will.

Special Warranty Deed

A deed in which the grantor warrants title only against defects arising during the time he/she owned the property, & not against defects arising before his or her time of ownership. Also called Limited Warranty Deed.


A man who makes a will

Voluntary Alienation

When an owner voluntarily transfers an interest to someone else.

Estate of Inheritance

An estate that can be willed or descend to heirs, such as fee simple estate.

Tenancy by the Entirities

A form of co- ownership of property by husband & Wife, in which each spouse has an undivided 1/2 Interest & the right of survivorship ,with neither spouse able to convey or encumbered his/her interest w/o the other Spouse's consent. In Ohio, ____ _____ _____ has been replaced by statutory survivorship tenancy; tenancies by the entirities from before 1985 still exist, but no new ones may be created.

Fee Simple A

The greatest estate one can have in real property; Freely transferable & inheritable, & of indefinite duration, with no conditions on the title. Often called ,_____ ______ _____ or fee title.

Fre Simple Defeasible

A fee estate in real property that may be defeated or undone if certain events occur or conditions aren't met.

Joint Tenancy

A form of co-ownership in which the co-owners have equal undivided interests & the right of survivorship. In ohio, joint tenancy has been replaced by the statutory survivorship tenancy; joint tenancies established before 1985 still exist, but no new ones may be created. It must have the 4 unities present.

Littoral Rights

The water rights of a landowner whose property is adjacent to a lake or contains a lake; often called riparian rights (although that term really refers only to the water rights of a landowner on a river).