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25 Cards in this Set

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What was regans approval rating when he started and ended

69% and 64%

What showed reagans millitary strength

Fall of svoiet union in

How many elecotral college votes did regan get in 1984


What was bushs slogan

Continue the regan revolution

Whay did clinton say about big gov

The era of big governemt is over

When was regans attempted assination


What did his attempted assination help pass

His economic program through the democratic house

What were regans approval ratings after assination


What did the 1981 ominbus reform act show

Peak of congressional support

Which house did regan have a majority in during his first term

Senate of 54 reps

Which house did regan never win

House of represnetatives

Why didnt regan introduce a bill on school prayer

Advised he would never get it throigh congress

How did regan bring bussiness back into gov

Huge campaign donations

Whats an example of where congress blocked regan from moving poers from fed to state gov

Road funding

What did clinton promise of wwellfare

A paycheck not a welfare chexk

By 2000 what did the number of families recieving welfare fall from

5milliom to 2 mill

What % of people trusted the gov in in1988 compard to 1980

41% compard to 26%

Whay anti civil rights regan policy was blocked by congress

Ending bussing

What did congress force regan to do kn 1985

Reverse tax cuts to deal with deficit

How did iran contra affect reagans approvals

Feel from 67% to 46% but then rebound back to 64% by the end of his second term

What did dems have by 1988

Majority in house and senate until 1996

How many views did the 1980 debates get compard to 1984 and 1988

80.6 million in 1980 then 67.5 mill in 84' then 65.1 mill in 88'

When was borks nomination blocked


What was borks confirmation vote


What did bush fail at

Following regans tax cutting agenda