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34 Cards in this Set

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What was Reagan's approval rating when he started


What was Carter's average approval rating


What fell under Reagan

The Soviet union

How many electoral college votes did regan win in 1980


How electoral college votes did regan win in 1984


Who had regan win the biggest popular vote Margin since jn 1984


What did Clinton say

The ear of big government is over

When did the Soviet union fall


How much had the number of families receiving welfare fall from and to by 2000

From 5 million to 2 million

What was Bush's slogan

Continue the regan revolution

When was Reagan shot


What did regan attempted assassination help pass

His economic program through the democratic dominated house

What did regan approval ratings exceed after hiss assisination attempt


What was the peak of his congressional support

1981 omnibus reform act

How big was regan republican majority in the Senate in his first term


What did regan never win

The house

What didn't regan on advice that it would never get through congress not propose

Amendment on school prayer

What did regan brig back into government


How did regan bring business back into government

Sponsorships in sport and huge campaign donations

What was regan approval rating when he left office


What did Clinton accept the need for

Balanced budget and lower taxes

What % of people trusted gov jn 1988 compared to 1980

41% compared to 26%

What was blocked

Ending bussing

What was congress forced to reverse to deal with deficit

Tax cuts

What was iran contra

Reagan administration had sold arms to rebel contras

What was regan found after it an contra

Egligeent but not guilty

How much did regan approval ratings fall during iran contra

From 67% to 46%

How many people watched the Reagan carter debates

80.6 million

How many people watched 1984 debates

67.5 million

How many people watched 1988 debates

65.1 million

Who did regan nominate for supreme court justice in 1986

Antonio Scalia

Bork confirmation vote


What sort of state co tell issues where blocked

Moving funding for road building from federal to state control

What did bush famously say

'Read my lips no new taxes'