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16 Cards in this Set

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Range of Motion
The full motion possible at a joint.
What are the types of ROM exercises?
What is Passive ROM?
Movement of a segment within the unrestricted ROM that is produced entriely by an external force; there is little to no voluntary muscle contraction.
During PROM where does the external force come from?
Gravity, a machine, another individual, or another part of the individual's own body.
What is Active ROM?
Movement of a segment within the unrestricted ROM that is produced by active contraction of the muscles crossing the joint.
What is Active-Assistive ROM?
type of AROM in which assistance is provided manually or mechanically by an outside force because the prime mover muscles need assistance to complete motion.
Indications for PROM?
In the region where there is acute, inflamed tissue, passive motion is benefical; active motion would be detrimental to the healing process. Inflammation after injury or surgery usually lasts 2-6 days.
When a pt is not able to or not supposed to actively move a segment or segments of the body, as when comatose, paralyzed, or on complete bed rest, movement is provided by an external source.
What is the primary Goal for PROM?
Is to decrease the complications that would occur with immobilization, such as cartilage degeneration, adhesion and contracture formation, and sluggish circulation.
Goals of PROM?
Maintain jt and connective tissue mobility
Minimize contractures
Maintain muscle elasticity
Assist circulation and vascular dynamics
Enhance synovial movement-cartilage nutrition and diffusion of material in jt
Decrease/inhibit pain
Assist with healing process
Help maintain pt awareness of movement
Indications for AROM?
Used when a pt is able to contract muscles and move a segement with or without assistance.
Will start with AAROM on weak muscles then progress to full AROM as pt is able
If pt has a segment immobilized, AROM is used on the segments above and below to maintain mobility.
Goals of AROM/AAROM?
Maintain physiological elasticity and contractility of participating muscles
Provide sensory feedback from the contracting muscles
Provide a stimulus for bone and joint integrity
Increase circulation and prevent thrombus formation
Develop coordination and motor skills for functional activities
Limitations of PROM?
Does not prevent atrophy
Does not increase strength or endurance
Does not assist with circulation as much as AROM
Limitations of AROM?
Does not maintain or increase strength (strong muscles)
Does not develop skill or coordination except in the movement patterns used
Precautions and Contraindications ROM
ROM should not be done when movement is disruptive to the healing process. Signs of too much or the wrong motion include increased pain or inflammation
ROM should not be done when pt response or the condition is life threatening. Extreme caution with thrombus formation and following cardiac situations.
Examination, evaluation,and treatment planning
-Determine pt's impairments and level of function
-Determine precautions or contraindications of ROM
-Determine pt's ability to participate in AROM,AAROM,PROM
-Determine the amount of motion that can safely be applied based on pt's diagnosis
-Determine what patterns you will use (anatomic, combined, functional)
-Monitor pt response to ROM
-Document and communicate response to treatment
-Re-evaluate and modify intervention as necessary
Patient Preparation
-Communicate with pt-explain to them what you are doing and why.
-Free the area to be treated from restrictive clothing, splints, dressing, drape pt if needed
-Position pt in comfortable position with good body alignment and stabilization-make sure you are able to move segment through available ROM
-Position self so proper body mechanics can be maintained during intervention