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40 Cards in this Set

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function of facial muscles

- speech production, facial expression, chewing, eating from a utensil, preventing drooling, sucking from a straw

function of jaw muscles

- speech production, chewing, and biting

functions of the tongue muscles

- speech production, chewing & swallowing, taste sensation

orbicularis oris muscle

- facial muscle

- origin: corner of mouth

- insertion: other corner of mouth

- innervated: CN 7

- function: compress, protrude, round lips

risorius muscle

- facial muscle

- origin: posterior face & masseter

- insertion: corner of mouth

- innervated: CN 7

- function: retract lips, smile

zygomatic (major & minor)

- facial muscle

- origin: zygomatic bone

- insertion: corner of mouth/upper lip

- innervated: CN 7

- function: retract lips, smile

levator labii superioris

- facial muscle

- origin: infraorbital maxilla

- insertion: upper lip

- innervated: CN 7

- function: elevate lip

levator labii superioris alaeque nasi

- facial muscle

- origin: frontal process of maxilla

- insertion: upper lip

- innervated: cn 7

- function: elevate lip

levator anguli oris

- facial muscle

- origin: infraorbital maxilla (deep to superioris)

- insertion: corner of mouth

- innervated: cn 7

- function: elevate upper lip

depressor labii inferioris

- facial muscle

- origin: mandible

- insertion: bottom lip

- innervated: cn 7

- function: depress lower lip

depressor anguli oris

- facial muscle

- origin: mandible

- insertion: corner of mouth/upper lip

- innervated: CN 7

- function: depress lower lip

mentalis muslce

- facial muscle

- origin: mandible

- insertion: skin of chin

- innervated: CN 7

- function: pout, wrinkle chin, protrude lower lip


- facial muscle

- origin: processes of mandible & maxilla

- insertion: corners of mouth

- innervated: cn 7

- function: compress cheeks


- jaw muscle

- origin: temporal bone

- insertion: coronoid process of mandible

- innervated: CN 5

- function: elevate jaw, close mouth


- jaw muscle

- origin: zygomatic arch

- insertion: angle and ramus of mandible

- innervated: CN 5

- function: elevate jaw, close mouth

medial pterygoid

- jaw muscle

- origin: medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate

- insertion: medial surface of angle of mandible

- innervated: CN 5

- function: elevate jaw, close mouth

lateral pterygoid

- jaw muscle

- origin: lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate

- insertion: condylar process of mandible

- innervated CN 5

- function: protrude jaw (move to front), lateralize jaw (side to side)

anterior belly of digastric

- jaw muscle

- origin: symphysis of mandible

- insertion: hyoid bone

- innervated CN 5

- function: depress jaw (open mouth)


- jaw muscle

- origin: mandible

- insertion: mylohyoid groove of mandible

- innervated CN 5

- function: depress jaw (open mouth)


- jaw muscle

- origin: mandible

- insertion: hyoid bone

- innervated: CN 12

- function: depress jaw (open mouth)

superior longitudinal mm

- intrinsic muscle of the tongue

- runs back to front

- function: elevate tongue tip, pull tongue to sides, retract tongue

inferior longitudinal mm

- intrinsic muscle of the tongue

- runs back to front

- function: depress tongue tip, pull tongue to sides, retract tongue

- CN 12

transverse muscles

- intrinsic muscle of the tongue

- runs midline to lateral edges

- function: narrows tongue

- CN 12

vertical muscles

- intrinsic muscle of the tongue

- runs interior to superior surface of tongue

- function: flatten tongue, pull tongue downward


- extrinsic muscle of the tongue

- origin: mandible

- insertion: all along tongue at midline (fan-like)

- action: protrude tongue out and depress tongue in

- CN 12


- extrinsic muscle of the tongue

- origin: greater horns of hyoid bone

- insertion: sides of tongue

- action: pull sides of tongue down & back

- CN 12


- extrinsic muscle of tongue

- origin: styloid process of temporal bone

- insertion: sides of tongue

- action: retracts tongue back & up

- CN 12

function of velum muscles

- to raise and lower for oral and nasal sounds

levator veli palatini

- velum muscle

- makes up bulk of velum

- origin: temporal bone near styloid process

- insertion: midline of velum

- action: pulls velum up and back

- CN 10, pharyngeal branch

musculus uvulae muscle

- velum muscle

- origin: posterior nasal spine

- insertion: uvula

- action: shortens velum & uvula

- CN 10 pharyngeal


- anterior faucial pillar

- velum muscle

- origin: back of velum, front part

- insertion: sides of tongue

- CN 10, pharnyngeal branch

- action: depresses velum, raises tongue


- posterior faucial pillar

- velum muscle

- origin: back of velum, back part

- insertion: thryoid cartilage

- action: depresses velum, narrows pharynx

- CN 10, pharyngeal branch

tensor veli palatini

- velum muscle

- origin: sphenoid bone

- insertion: midline of velum

- action: opens eustachian tube

- CN 5

function of pharynx muscles

widen/close for speech & swallowing

superior pharyngeal constrictor

- pharynx muscle

- origin: pterygomandibular ligament

- insertion: middle of posterior pharynx

- action: narrows nasopharynx (close passavant's pad)

- CN 10, pharyngeal branch

middle pharyngeal constrictor

- pharynx muscle

- origin: hyoid bone

- insertion: middle of posterior pharynx

- action: narrows oropharynx

- CN 10 pharyngeal branch

inferior pharyngeal constrictor

- pharynx muscle

- origin: sides of thryoid muscle

- insertion: middle of posterior pharnyx

- action: narrows hypopharynx

- CN 10 pharyngeal branch


- pharynx muscle

- origin: sides of cricoid cartilage

- insertion: middle of posterior pharynx (top of esophagus)

- action: constrict upper esophageal opening

- CN 10 pharyngeal


- pharynx muscle

- origin: eustachian tube

- insertion: palatopharyngeus m. & lateral pharyngeal walls

- action: raise & dilate pharynx

- CN 10 pharyngeal branch


- pharynx muscle

- origin: styloid process of temporal bone

- insertion: lateral pharyngeal walls & thyroid cartilage

- action: raise & dilate pharynx

- CN 9 (glossopharyngeal)