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20 Cards in this Set

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What is an algorithm?
The methods to solve problems
What is a Data Structure?
The organizations of data that algorithms use
Define Computation.
Computation is the manipulation of data by either humans or machines.
What is a computer?
Something that does computation.
Create a code that asks for an integer input and names it number_int
number_int = input ("Enter a number: ")
number_str = '20' make this an integer
number_int = int(number_str)
What is a module?
Modules contain python commands and can be imported into python shell.
Import the math module.
import math
What is an expression?
An expression is a combination of values and operations that returns a new value.
What is a return value?
A return value is the value returned by an operation.
What is a statement?
A line that does not return a value but does perform a task
(my_int = 5)
What are Keywords?
Words that can not be used to name things they indicate commands to the python interpreter.
("if" "else" "for")
What are operators?
Special tokens (sequences of characters) that have meanings to the python interpreter using them implies some operation.
("+" "-" "*" "/" "<")
What are Punctuators (Delimeters)?
Separate different elements in python statements and expressions ("()" "[]" "{}")
What is a literal?
A literal is a notion that represents a fixed unchangeable value.
What is a variable?
Variables are symbols that can be assigned a value and that value can be modified during the execution of the code.
How are multiple word names linked?
With the underscore character ("_") Monty_Python
Why is the string "my_name" different than "My_Name"?
Python sees lowercase and capitals as different letters.
What does "=" mean in python?
Assignment in x = 5 this means the variable x has been assigned to 5.
What is an intiger?
Designated as: int
intiger numbers (no decimals)
can perform expected operations ("+" "-" "*" "/*) as well as a few others