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86 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following occurs when children use their existing schemes to deal with new information or experiences?
Children begin to represent the world with words, images, and drawings. They also form stable concepts and begin to reason. This is known as Piaget’s
According to David Elkind, __________ is the heightened sense of self-consciousness in adolescence.
adolecsent egocentrism
In order to teach a science lesson, a teacher gives children a number of different objects and a large container of water with which to explore whether each object floats or sinks. This is an example of which of which of the following education recommendations drawn from Piaget’s ideas?
turn the classroom into a setting of exploration and discovery
The range of tasks that are too difficult for a child to master alone but that can be learned with the guidance and assistance of adults or more-skilled children is called
zone of proximal development
What is the benefit of using private speech, according to Vygotsky?
it aids in problem solving espcailly when the task is difficult
Which of the following is a criticism of Piaget’s theory?
infants especially young ones are more competant then he thought
Which of the following is a criticism of Piaget’s theory that is supported by recent research?
he placed too little emphasis on culture and education
__________ is Vygotsky’s term suggesting that, over the course of a teaching session, the teacher should change the level of support given to fit the student’s performance level.
Both Vygotsky and Piaget suggested that
teachers should be facilators and guides rather then directors
Vygotsky’s theory suggests that children’s cognitive development depends on
social interactions and the cultural context that we live in
According to William Perry, adolescent thinking is __________, and adult thinking is __________.
absolute; relative
knowing the correct answer may vary from situation to situation
__________ is a characteristic of postformal thought.
Which theorist suggests that young adults become less idealistic as they enter the work force and face the constraints of reality?
Gisela Labouvie-Vief
This stage begins with basic reflexes and progresses to making complex sensorimotor patterns and using primitive symbols.
The inability to distinguish between one’s perspective and someone else’s perspective is
According to Piaget, children who can classify or divide things into different sets or subsets and consider their interrelationships are in which stage of development?
concrete operational
Susie insists that her four-year-old daughter go through flashcards daily to learn to read and do arithmetic so that her daughter can be a high-achieving student. This contradicts which of Piaget’s educational ideas?
promote the student intellectual health
Which of the following is a criticism of Piaget’s theory?
estimates of children are not formally correct
Ella cannot read a Dr. Seuss book by herself but knows most of the words and just needs her older brother to help her with the longer, hard words. Vygotsky would use the following term to describe this task:
zone of proximal development
Mrs. Lopez is assisting Julio in constructing a bridge out of drinking straws. After she shows him how to make a triangle using straws, Julio is able to continue connecting shapes on his own to finish the bridge. This is an example of
Which of the following traits is most likely to relate to complex cognitive thinking in emerging adults?
Johnny used to think that people’s behavior was either right or wrong, but now he understands that some behaviors can be both right and wrong at the same time. Johnny’s thinking is characteristic of
postformal thought
Reading the word “dog” is a complex task for a child just learning to read, but for an adult, it’s very simplistic. The term that best describes the developmental change behind this is
Andrew Meltzoff is known for
gaze following
Which of the following statements about attention in infancy is true?
frequency engagment in joint attention results in infants saying their first word earlier
Which type of attention might be described as focusing on one voice among many in a crowded room?
selective attention
Most adults can’t remember anything from the first three years of their lives. This is called
infintile amnesia
Research shows that six-month-olds can remember information for twenty-four hours. But by twenty months of age, infants can remember information they encountered
12 months earlier
__________ memory is the retention of information about the “where” and “when” of life’s happenings.
Which of the following strategies is most likely to improve children’s memory skills?
enourage children to engage in mental imagery
Regarding information processing in early childhood, which of the following statements is true?
significant improvments occur in short term memory
The field of cognitive neuroscience depends on ________ to reveal the areas of the brain that are activated when individuals are engaging in certain cognitive activities.
brain imaging techniques, like fMRI, DTI, PET
_______ involves generating new ideas, being open to new information, and being aware of multiple perspectives.
Connor has a chronological age of fifteen but a mental age of seventeen. His IQ is
above 100
Because IQ scores fall along a normal distribution, most individuals have an IQ between
Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences includes all of the following except
analytic intellegence
Heritability of intelligence indicates that intelligence has ____ genetic influence.
a strong
Research suggests that parents can have an effect on children’s intelligence scores by
talking with them more often
Although IQ scores are typically lower in African American populations than in non-Latino white populations, this gap narrows most in which of the following situations?
when socioeconimic status is equal
What is a sign of intelligence in infants as assessed by the Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence?
time to habituation
Fluid intelligence is different from crystallized intelligence, as it
declines in middle adulthood
Mental retardation requires an IQ score of lower than ____, while giftedness requires an IQ score of higher than ___.
70 ;130
“List all of the different ways one could use a brick” is a command that might be used to assess
divergent thinking
Mental age divided by chronological age multiplied by 100 yields a(n)
intellegence quotient
Which of Gardner’s eight types of intelligence includes the ability to think three-dimensionally?
The triarchic theory of intelligence states that intelligence comes in all of the following forms except
physical intellegence
The worldwide increase in intelligence-test scores that has occurred over a short time frame is called
the flynn effect
Strategies for improving the early environments of children who are at risk for impoverished intelligence include all of the following except
after school programs that emphasize drill and practice
Which of the following statements regarding the nature of cognitive change in adulthood is true?
some dimensions of cognition decline, while others remain stable or improve
Which of the following infant tests would most likely correlate with measures of intelligence in older children?
the fagan test of infant intellegenc
Which of the following questions would encourage divergent thinking?
how to build a bridge using straws
The majority of people who are mentally retarded experience ___________ retardation
Gifted children are typically
According to Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, the ability to understand and interact effectively with others is
interpersonal intellegence
Emotional intelligence is most similar to which of the following?
practical intellegence
Teasing apart the contribution of heritability and environment in the study of intelligence best addresses which of developmental psychology’s big issues?
The Flynn effect is evidence of the impact of ___ on intelligence.
Which of the following is not a way in which IQ tests may be culturally biased?
against different religions
In which way are the Bayley scales and the Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence different?
The Bayley does not correlate with later intelligence measure but the Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence does.
Individuals’ intelligence scores can vary as much as ____ points over the course of their lifetimes.
Organic retardation means that the individual’s retardation is due to
genetic disorder or brain damage
Creative thinkers tend to have all of the following characteristics except
external motivation
A form of communication—whether spoken, written, or signed—that is based on a system of symbols is called
The way in which words are combined to form acceptable phrases and sentences is called
Preschooler Tyrone asks, "where Mommy is going?" This most shows his growing ability to apply rules of
Young children learn culturally specific rules of conversation and are able to adapt their speech in different settings. This indicates advances in
In the middle of the first year, babies produce strings of consonant-vowel combinations, such as “ba, ba, ba, ba.” This is known as
__________ emphasizes that reading instruction should teach basic rules for translating written symbols into sounds.
the phonics approach
By the time children enter first grade, it is estimated that children know about ______ words.
Identifying the names of objects is referred to as
Which of the following factors inhibits a child’s language development?
__________ is the ability to produce an endless number of meaningful sentences using a finite set of words and rules.
infinite generativity
Three-year-old Theresa can put appropriate endings on verbs, use prepositions, and use various forms of the verb to be. This shows her appropriate use of
morphological rules
Jake changes his speech when he talks to his two-year-old sister as compared to when he talks to his kindergarten teacher. This is an example of development in
On the average, infants understand ___ words at thirteen months.
A twenty-month-old child would most likely communicate through
2- word utterances
Regarding reading instruction, research suggests
children can benefit from phonics and whole-language instruction, but phonics should be emphasized.
__________ is a biological endowment that enables children to detect certain language categories such as phonology, syntax, and semantics.
language acquisition device
A ______ is the basic unit of sound in a language, whereas a ______ is a minimal unit of meaning.
phoneme, morpheme
Syntax refers to
Two-year-old Josh says, “Mommy see doggie.” This is an example of
Which of the following is not one of the advancements in pragmatics that characterizes young children’s language development?
the ability to use metaphors, hyperboles and similies
Regarding language changes in older adults, which of the following statements is false?
most language skills decline sharply among older adults, even if they are healthy
A child says, “Kitty walk,” and the parent answers, “Yes, the kitty is walking.” This is an example of
An interactionist view of language development emphasizes
biology and expirience