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16 Cards in this Set

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what does a tension headache feel like?

what type of headaches are extremely uncommon?

what does a cluster headache feel like?

band squeezing the head, dull tightness, bilateral, no neurological effects

cluster, genetics play a huge role in this

pain around the eye, explosive pain, restlesss, tearing, runny nose

what are the symptoms of a mirgraine?

what are the 4 phases of a migraine?

what happens in the first phase?

gradual onset, unilateral, felt on one side, throbbing pain, visual changes, n/v

prodrome, aura, headache, postdrome

prodrome- photophobia, iritability, loss of appetite

how many migraine attacks are required to diagnosis migraine if you have an aura? witihout aura?

define chronic migraine?

what things in food can trigger a migraine?

2 and 5

headache on at least 15 days per month for at least 3 months with at least 8 headaches meeting cirteria for migraine w/o aura

MSG, nitrates, aspartame, sulfites, tyramine, yeast

what medications can cause migraine?

what NSAID can only be used for 5 days?

what are the two migraine products with butabital in it?

what type of headache is this best used in?

oral contraceptives, indomethacin, nifedipine


fioricet (apap) and fiorinal (asa)

tension type

what formulations does ergotamine come in?

what about dihydroergotamine?

what drugs are usually given with the ergots?

oral, sublingual, suppository

nasal, injection

antiemtic, metoclopramide or chlorpromazine

what are the contraindications to ergot use?

what are the contraindications for triptans?

CV disease, renal and hepatic failure, triptan use in past 24 hours

history of MI, stroke, tia, or uncontrolled HTN

what triptans come in ODT?

as injection?

nasal spray?

rizatriptan, zolmitriptan


sumatriptan, sumatriptan/naproxen, zolmitriptan

what type of headaches are triptans usually not given for?

what should you use?


nsaids, apap, opioid, butabital

how do you treat cluster headaches?

what is unique about the nasal formulations as compared to oral?

what should you use if you are contraindicated to the above? what is one issue with this medication

100% oxygen, triptans or ergotamine

nasal work quicker

steroid taper, or octreotide, does not cause vasoconstriction

what should you use to treat mild migraines?

what drugs do you use to prophylacic for tension headaches?

cluster headaches? what drug should you not give this with

nsaids, apap, butabital


verapamil and lithium, eletripan

what drugs is lithium contraindicated in?

when is migraine prophlaxis indicated?

what comorbid disease are good to use when deciding to use beta blocker for prophylaxis?

thiazide, ace arb, (renal problems and CHF)

more than 2 mirgraines a month, disablity lasting 3 days, use of aboritve medicine twice in a week, failure to other options

CHF, HTN, anxiety

what antidepressenant can be used if tcas cant be used?

what drug combo is dangerous when using tcas?

when should you consider antiepleptics for prophylaxis?

what should you use if a patient needs prophlaxis with antiepeptic and has trigeminal neuralgia?


triptans, can lead to serotonin syndrome

if you cant take a beta blocker


how can you treat a menstrual headache?

what triptans can you use prior to menustartion?

when is it best to use tcas for prophylaxis?

when should you consider botox?

use nsaid before menstratution

frovatriptan, naratriptan, zolmitriptan

patient has depression or insomnia

for chronic migraines

at what age can you use triptans?

why should asa be avoided?

what antiemetic is best in peds?


reyes syndrome

promethazine, low eps

what products should you use in a pregnant patient?

if you have to use a triptan, what ones should you use in a pregnant patient?

apap, avoid nsaids in third trimester, avoid opioids, can use steriods

sumatriptin, naratriptan, rizatriptan

