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51 Cards in this Set

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On Carl Sagans Cosmos Calendar, how long ago did humans first appear?

90 minutes

On Carl Sagans Cosmic Calendar what time did Agriculture first appear?


How long ago did humans begin to include meat in their diets?

2.5 Million years ago.

How long ago did humans begin to domesticate plants and animals?

12000 years ago

When was the first dog domesticated ?

15000 years ago in Asia.

How many dogs are eaten in Asia each year?

13-16 million.

How many Koreans have eaten dog at some point?

83%. More men than women.

How did we discover dogs originated in East Asia?

Using mitochondrial DNA. TRACING LINEAGE

Who challenged parts of Darwin’s theory of evolution?

Balyaev. With his Silver Foxes.

What is the Biophilia Hypothesis?

The idea that humans should psychologically prefer certain types of environments.

What is Biophobia ?

An irrational fear and disgust of certain wild organisms

What were the four types of intelligence 40000 years ago?

1. Social

2. Natural History

3. Technical

4. General

When did stone tools appear?

2.5 million years ago.

What was “Lucy” also known as?

Dinkinesh. Meaning “you are amazing”

3.2 million years ago in Ethiopia.


How much more energy do brains require than equivalent muscle?


What was the first species to have a modern sized human brain?


Possibly due to language acquisition.

What was different from Neanderthals to early humans 30000 years ago?

They had no art or relationships with animals.

What are the five types of biological relationships?

1. Mutualism 😁😁

2. Commensalism 😁😐

3. Parasitism 😁😈

4. Synnecrosis 😈😈

5. Amensalim 😐😈

6. Neutralism 😑😑

What is adaptation ?

A modification of an organism or it’s parts that makes it more fit for existence.

A way to act in order to survive.

Edward O Wilson proposed that humans have a what?

An innate tendency to focus on life and life like processes.

Who was the first homo sapien discovered in 1929?

Taung Child. 4.2 million years old


What three things are required for adaptation at the species level?

Individual variation

Biological fitness

Genetic selection

What is comensal domestication ?

It was of benefit to the dogs. But not the humans.

How long ago were all currently domesticated creatures permanent fixtures?


What are the four requirements of an animal to be domesticated?

1. It eats readily available food

2. Breeds easily

3. Docile

4. Lives in packs or herds with a clear leader.

What are some environments that are covered my Environmental Psychology ?








When did environmental psychology first appear?


Egon Brunswick & Kurt Lewin

What is Proxemics?

The study of personal space

Four zones - Intimate, personal, social, public

What is crowding?

A sense of too many people.

What is Shinrin Yoku?

Forest Bathing

What are some non contact cultures?

North America

Northern Europe

East Asia

What are some contact cultures?

Latin America

Southern and Eastern Europe

Arabic Cultures.

What is sustainable consumption?

Doing more with less.

What are some psychological barriers to change?

Limited cognition- being unaware

Ideologies - free market and capitalism.

Comparison to others

Sunk costs

Perceived Risks

Limited Behaviour - doing the bare minimum to feel better.

Where is mental mapping done in the brain?


How do dogs learn new behaviours?

Trail and error.

The single most important achievement of humans is…..

the ability to take knowledge from one dimension and make sense of another dimension.

Steve Mithen.

What is Ethology?

A branch of zoology interested in understanding animal behaviour.

Who discovered geese imprint ?

Konrad Lorenz

Who devised the mirror test?

Gordon Gallup

Define pet

Any animal that is domesticated tamed and kept as a favourite

Why would hunter gather children have kept pets?

To learn animal behaviour and understand animals for future hunting

What is Premarin and where does it come from?

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Horse Mare Urine.

What is Carnism and what are the 3 N’s?

Collective Meat Bias

Eating meats is normal, natural and necessary.

What is an obligate carnivore?

Can survive solely on meat

What is omnivorous?

Can survive on either plant or animals or both.

What are the three core components of the Theory of Planned Behaviour?


Subjective Norms

Perceived Behavioural Control

What is Hippotherapy?

Therapy with horses.

what are some uses for animals in science ?

Space, sonar, medicine, engineering

What are some uses for animals in science ?

Space, sonar, medicine, engineering

What are the 3 R’s?




(Also relevance and redundancy)