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103 Cards in this Set

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Compared to people with average taste sensitivity, people who are "supertasters" have;
a very dense network of taste buds
The taste receptors are called
taste cells
How are the nerve fibers that carry pain signals different from those that carry signals for warmth, cold, and touch?
The pain nerve fibers are thinner and slower
Which of the following is true about pheromones?
The role of pheromones in human sexual behavior remains unclear
Receptors for which of the following are located deepest in the skin?
Olfaction refers to the sense of;
What is kinesthesis?
The sense that lets you know where your body parts are
Receptor cells for which sense regenerate within a week to ten days?
Which of the following are the chemical senses?
Taste and smell
In studies cited in the text, when women were exposed to male sweat, what were the findings?
Some felt relaxed; others became sexually aroused
Which of your senses takes in information from the movement of fluid in the semicircular canals?
Which of the following is true about acupuncture?
It appears to be no more effective than fake acupuncture, in which needles are inserted superficially in random places in the body.
Which of the following statements is true about the skin senses?
Sensory information is transmitted from the spinal cord to the somatosensory cortex
Renee is smelling a rose. Its odor's chemical molecules lock into the odor receptors in Renee's nose. The resulting neural impulses then follow which path?
Olfactory nerve to olfactory bulb to olfactory cortex in the temporal lobe
Charlene is fastening the clasp of her necklace at the back of her neck. She is aware of exactly where her fingers are without seeing them because of which sense?
Regarding the sense of taste, which of the following statements is true?
The receptors for taste are located mostly on the tongue
Compared to pain fibers, fibers that carry signals about temperature and touch are
thicker and faster
Approximately what percent of people are "supertasters"?
In response to pain, the brain signals the release of
Which of the following is(are) responsible for carrying impulses from the odor receptors in the nose to the brain?
Olfactory nerve
Which of the following statements is true about olfaction?
Smell is the only sense in which sensory information does not go through the thalamus on its way to the cerebral cortex
Austin experiences motion sickness. From which two senses has Austin received conflicting information?
Vestibular and visual
Sensations of hotness result from;
simultaneous stimulation of warm and cold receptors
Various species emit chemical substances that play important roles in many behaviors. These substances are called;
Which sense monitors the position of your body in space and helps maintain balance?
Which sense has connections with several structures in the limbic system and is especially effective at stimulating emotional memories?
The frequency of sound waves determines their perceived loudness
Humans hear by sensing sound waves that result from changes in the pressure of air or water
Kim wrote a term paper about the sense of hearing. She might have titled her paper;
All About Audition
Humans can hear frequencies between;
20 and 20,000 cycles per second
Rebecca tells Tom that he is singing "off pitch." Rebecca is referring to which physical property of sound?
Which physical property of a sound wave is represented by its height?
Dr. Rhoden conducts animal experiments on visual perception. Rhoden wants to stop the animal's pupil from changing size, so he paralyzes the;
Regarding the theories of color vision, which of the following is true?
Most authorities today suggest that color vision includes elements of both trichromatic and opponent-process theories
People who see only in black and white are called;
Which of the following is true of cones?
They provide detailed vision
The part of the eye that changes shape to adjust for an object's distance is the;
What is true about the blind spot?
It's the part of the retina where the optic nerve leaves the eye
The ratio of rods to cones is approximately;
20 to 1
In vision, the sensory receptors are called;
rods and cones
In color vision, blue-violet cones are most sensitive to ________ wavelengths, red cones to ________ wavelengths, and green cones to ________ wavelengths.
short; long; middle
Regarding colorblindness, which of the following statements is true?
About one in every forty thousand people is completely colorblind
Only rods allow us to see;
in dim light
The nerve cells in the back of the eye that transmit neural impulses in response to chemical changes in the rods and cones are;
ganglion cells
Which of the following describes the pupil?
An opening through which light enters the eye
Who won the Nobel Prize for discovering that the visual cortex contains nerve cells that respond only when an animal is shown a line with a particular orientation?
David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel
The optic nerve is made up of the ________ of the ________ cells
axons; ganglion
Alice has the job of lighting director for the school play. She wants the Cowardly Lion to be bathed in yellow light. In front of her is a console with three buttons: red, blue, and green. Which ones would give her yellow light?
Red and green
The muscle that regulates the amount of light entering the eye is the
For the sharpest vision, the image of an object should be focused on the;
The role of feature detectors is to;
respond to very simple stimuli such as a horizontal line
When you scratch your eye, the part that is actually scratched is the;
Negative afterimages provide support for which theory of color vision?
Opponent-process theory
Since they can see only during the daylight, some birds must return to roost as darkness approaches. This is because their eyes contain;
cones, but no rods
An object that reflects primarily long-wavelength light would most stimulate which category of cone?
Neurons that respond to specific characteristics of the visual stimulus are called;
feature detectors
To see a dimly lit object at night, the image must fall on your;
Red, green, and blue-violet light can be combined to create any color of the spectrum. This has been interpreted as supporting;
trichromatic theory of color vision
The photoreceptors, or sensory cells, of the human eye are located in the;
Visible light consists of wavelengths of approximately;
300-750 nanometers
Which color of the spectrum has the shortest wavelength?
Trichromatic theory suggests that;
the retina has three types of color receptors—red, green, and blue-violet
Dr. Rhoden conducts animal experiments on visual perception. Rhoden wants to stop the animal's pupil from changing size, so he paralyzes the
The optic nerve transmits information to the visual cortex in the brain via the;
Roger was studying psychology in his quiet bedroom when there was a loud "pop" in the apartment next door. Later, when the police asked him whether he heard a gunshot, he said, "No, I guess I was concentrating too hard on my studies." According to Roger, the fact that he did not detect the signal is due mostly to;
psychological factors
The idea that the threshold for sensing a stimulus depends not only on the properties of the stimulus itself but also on the level of background stimulation is explained by;
signal-detection theory
If you are expecting a telephone call, you may be more likely to notice the telephone ringing while you are in the shower than if you were not expecting a call. This example is an illustration of;
signal-detection theory
Dr. Dawson's research program is concerned with how a person's experience changes as the intensity of a sound is increased. Dr. Dawson is studying;
Which German scientist is credited with initiating the scientific approach to psychology with his book Elements of Psychophysics?
Gustav Fechner
The absolute threshold for vision involves being able to see the flame of a candle flickering on a dark, clear night from a distance of about;
30 miles
When the house was quiet, Rhonda, lying in bed, was able to hear the babysitter's watch ticking in the living room, from a distance of 15 feet away, about 50 percent of the time. But when the babysitter moved from the chair to the couch, another foot away, Rhonda was no longer able to hear the watch. The fact that Rhonda can hear the detect the ticking of the watch from that distance signals a(n);
absolute threshold
The smallest amount of a stimulus that a person can reliably detect is called the
absolute threshold
A recipe requires 10 grams of salt. Since Weber's constant for saltiness is 1/5, how much more salt must a chef add to make the recipe noticeably saltier?
2 grams
The ability to feel the wing of a bee falling on one's cheek from about 1 centimeter away is a(n);
absolute threshold for touch
Which of the following is a test for an absolute threshold for taste?
Detecting one teaspoon of sugar dissolved in two gallons of water
"Make the TV louder," said Paula. "I did," said Jack, pointing at the remote. "Doesn't sound louder to me," said Paula. "Does to me," said Jack. Jack is failing to consider the discrepancy between his ______ and Paula's.
difference threshold
With reference to Weber's constants, people are LEAST sensitive to changes in which of the following?
saltiness of food
The study of how physical sources of stimulation are related to our experience of these stimuli is termed
The process by which we receive, transform, and process stimuli is;
Other factors being equal, which sensory stimulus is LEAST likely to lead to sensory adaptation?
The wail of a loud car alarm
Which of the following is a psychological factor that influences a person's threshold for determining a visual signal?
Her level of motivation
Weber's constant for the volume of sound is 1/10. A car alarm is sounding off at 60 decibels. After 5 minutes, it is programmed to get louder. How loud does it have to be for people to perceive it as louder?
At least 66 decibels
Which technique has proved particularly effective in treating migraine headaches?
Thermal biofeedback
Perceptual set suggests which of the following results when participants are shown the ambiguous picture?
Group 1 will report seeing a rat, and group 2 will report seeing a man
Which of the following is a monocular cue for depth perception?
Linear perspective
Which term best captures the meaning of Gestalt?
The tendency to perceive properties of an object as remaining the same despite changes in its retinal image is called;
perceptual constancy
When you are presented with the following visual information, "A," your brain sees a series of lines and angles in a particular format and interprets this visual information as the letter A. This is an example of which concept from perception?
Bottom-up processing
Depth cues that require the use of both eyes are called;
binocular cues
Who conducted a classic study demonstrating perceptual set?
Bruner and Minturn
A magician makes it appear that a scarf moves by itself from around his neck to the neck of a woman in the audience. The people in the audience who think that the magician has the ability to move things without touching them believe in;
Which of the following is the best definition of clairvoyance?
The perception of events not available to the senses
The study of events that cannot be explained by known psychological, physical, or biological mechanisms is referred to as;
Just this morning, Brad studied the gate-control theory of pain in psychology class. Therefore, after tripping and scraping his knee on the way back to the dorm, he tried to apply the theory by;
lightly rubbing the injured area
Grouping disconnected pieces of information into a meaningful whole describes the Gestalt principle of;
Which of the following infants is demonstrating habituation?
Electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback is to thermal biofeedback as ________ is to ________.
muscle tension; temperature
Muscular tension caused by your eyes turning inward provides the depth cue of;
The process by which the brain interprets stimuli and turns them into meaningful representations of the external world is;
What is the process of focused attention that induces a relaxed mental and physical state?
When you are watching a movie, what type of apparent movement gives you the perception of a "moving picture"?
Stroboscopic movement
Cathy takes three treatments of chemotherapy a week. At each session she brings along pleasant music to listen to during her treatment. Cathy is using which method of pain management?
Salvador does business as a mind reader. Salvador believes he is capable of;
Which of the following is true about ESP?
There is no reliable scientific evidence that any form of ESP exists