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13 Cards in this Set

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Which of these descriptive statistics would it be possible to use with nominal data?

Mean, Median, Mode, Range

Mode - can be put into categories.

One of them is a measure of dispersion.

Which is not a measure of dispersion?

Mean, Range, Standard Deviation, Variance.


What is the probability of a significant result occuring by chance where the significance level is p≤0.025?

2.5% or less, 25% or less, at least 97.5%, less than 2.5%.

2.5% or less

Which feature of science refers to the importance of being able to refute a psychologist's claim?

Deduction, Face Validity, Falsification, Verification.


Refute means to prove something wrong

A researcher found a strong correlation between the number of followers a person has on twitter and how happy they are on a scale of 1-10. What levels of measurement has been gathered?

Ordinal & Interval, Both Ordinal, Nominal & Ordinal, Both Interval.

Ordinal & Interval

2 different types

If a correlation co-efficient is 0.82 would the correlation be...

Positive, Normal, Negative, or have no correlation?


Co-efficients only have a scale of -1 to 1

Which is requirement of a parametric test?

Data is at least ordinal level, Means scores are significantly different, Sample is drawn from a skewed population, Standard Deviations are not significantly different.

Standard Deviations are not significantly different

What data and design is used for a binominal sign test?

Nominal level data and a Repeated Measures design

What data and design is used for a chi-squared test?

Nominal level data and an Independent Measures design

What data and design is used for a Wilcoxon Signed test?

Interval/Ordinal level data and a Repeated Measures design

What data and design is used for a Mann-Whitney U Test?

Internal/Ordinal level data and an Independent Measures design

What data and design is used for a Spearman's Rho Test?

Interval/Ordinal level data and a correlation is used

If a significance level is too lenient, what type of error can this lead too?

Type 1 or Type 2

Type 1