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14 Cards in this Set

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his aim was to study the structure of the human mind and the best way to do this was to break down behaviours into their basic elements. the technique he used was introspection.


it is a process of which a person gains knowledge about their own mental and emotional states. it able's us to observe our inner world.


the belief that all knowledge is derived from sensory experience. it is generally characterized by the use of the scientific method in psychology.

what do empiricist believe?

that knowledge comes from observation and experience alone.

scientific psychology?

-uses empirical methods

- refers to the methods that are objective, systematic and replicable.

- development of theory

evaluation of the origins of psychology

WUNDTS methods unreliable

introspection not accurate

classical conditioning?

associated with pavlov.

involves pairing of NS with UCS so that eventually NS becomes CS, Capable of creating a CR.

NS must be shortly before UCS

extinction- CS loses its ability to produce CR after few trials if no reinforcement

if CS and UCR are paired again, link more quickly.

strengths and limitations of classical conditioning?

strengths: explanations include development of treatments for reduction of anxiety.

weakness: different species have different capabilities to learn through classical conditioning.

operant conditioning?

likely hood of repeating behaviour depends on consequences

positive and negative reinforcement increases the likelihood of the behaviour occurring.

pleasant consequences= positive reinforcement

adding unpleasant consequence or removing a pleasant stimulus= negative reinforcement.

evaluation of operant conditioning?

strengths: reliance on the experimental method.

limitations: on animals not humans


children observed aggressive or non-aggressive models interacting with bobo doll

the aggressive models displayed distinctive physical and verbal aggressive acts towards the dolls

children then allowed to interact with the bobo doll.

findings: children who observed aggressive model imitated their aggression

social learning theory?

- new patterns of behaviour shown as a result of observation

- models provide examples of behaviour that can be observed or imitated

- model must be able to preform behaviour, be able to be watched and shows observed consequences

vicarious reinforcement?

individuals learn about the likely consequences of behaviour by observing others.

strengths and limitations of social learning theory?

understanding of criminal behaviour

learning more effective from similar than dissimilar model

criticism of view of criminal behaviour due to exposure to deviant models
