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158 Cards in this Set

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SQ3R method

survey, question, read, recite, review


scientific study of behavior + mental processes

steps of scientific method

1. observe + theorize

2. hypothesize

3. design study

4. collect data

5. apply results to hypothesis

4 goals of psych





basic research

seeking new knowledge for more general understasnding

applied research

solving practical problems to improve quality of life

Wilhelm Wundt was known as ______ and followed ______

the father of psych, structuralism

Titchener was the student of _________



asking yourself what do you think?


analyzing the basic elements of consciousness, belief that you could break down consciousness to basic elements


how mental processes function, behaviors not just mental processes

Darwin followed ________ and believed in ________

functionalism, evolution

_______ wrote about the stream of consciousness, American psychologist

William James

1st female president of APA

Mary Calkins

"father" of African American psych


established 1st psych lab at an African American college



study of behavior because behavior is observable

3 believers in behaviorism

Pavlov, Watson, Skinner

behaviorists believed that the concepts of mind and consciousness were not _______



human mental life is like an iceberg and unconscious factors determine thoughts, feelings, and behavior

neo Freudians

followers of Freud, Jung, Horney, Adler


uniqueness of human beings and their capacity for choice growth and psychological health

____ + _____ were humanistic

Maslow + Rogers

Cognitive Psych

humans use mental processes to transform their experiences

Gestalt psych

type of cognitive psych-individuals perceive objects + patterns as whole units, mind interprets in predictable ways rather than react directly

Clinical psych

diagnosis + treatment of mental disorders

school psych

treatment of learning related problems

forensic psych

psych + law

counseling psych

adjustment problems, less serious than clinical

educational psych

study of teaching + learning

social psych

how behavior is affected by presence of others

3 rules of critical thinking

1. independent thinking

2. suspension of judgment

3. willingness to modify or abandon prior judgments

problem with naturalistic observation

observer bias

problem with surveys

social desirability

experimental method

only research method that can identify cause-effect relationships

independent variable

causes change in another variable

dependent variable

is affected by the independent variable

confounding variables

other variables affect dependent other than independent

selection bias

choosing groups based on pre-existing biases/differences

problems with the placebo effect + experimenter bias can be solved using the ____

double blind

Quasi experiments

comparing groups with different degrees of exposure that can't be experimented on due to moral issues

participant related bias

lack of representation in a research sample compared to the population


records electrical brain waves

PET scan

reveals activity in brain based on bloodflow and oxygen use

functional MRI

reveals brain structure and brain activity more accurately than PET


specialized cells that conduct impulses through the nervous system


chemicals that inhibit the transmission of impulses from one neuron to the next

cell body aka _____


cell body

contains nucleus + carries out life sustaining functions


receivers of signals from other neurons


transmits signals to dendrites or cell body of other neurons + other body parts


junction where axon terminal communicates with receiving neuron

all or none law

neuron fires or doesn't

resting potential

negative electrical potential of axon membrane at rest

action potential

reversal of resting potential, initiates firing of neuron

refractory period

neuron can't fire for 1-2 seconds after firing

myelin sheath

white coating wrapped around axons that acct as insulation and allows impulses to travel faster

_____ and ______ determines strength of neuron fire

rate of fire and # of neurons


movement, learning, memory, REM sleep


movement, attention, learning, reinforcement, pleasure


eating, alertness, wakefulness


metabolism of glucose, energy release in exercise


mood, sleep, appetite, impulsivity, aggression


learning thought + emotion


neural inhibition in CNS


pain relief, feelings of pleasure

nervous system is made up of ____ and ____


PNS is made up of ____ and _____

somatic and autonomic

somatic nervous system controls ______ features and _______ environment

voluntary, external

autonomic nervous system controls _____ features and ______ environment

involuntary, internal

autonomic nervous system contains _____ and _____

sympathetic and parasympathetic

sympathetic nervous system

prepares body for action, flight or flight

parasympathetic nervous system

conserves energy, brings quiet state after emergency

3 parts of the brain

hindbrain forebrain midbrain

hindbrain controls

heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, vitalities

brainstem (hindbrain)

critical functions + physical survival

medulla (hindbrain)

heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure, coughing, swallowing

pons (hindbrain)

connects both halves of cerebellum sleep + dreaming

reticular formation (hindbrain)

arousal + alertness

cerebellum (hindbrain)

body's ability to execute movement, motor learning, muscle tone and posture


relay station between physiological + cognitive activity

sustantia nigra (midbrain)

unconscious motor movement


cognitive + motor functions are controller

largest part of the brain is the


thalamus (forebrain)

relay station for all info flowing in and out of forebrain

hypothalamus (forebrain)

4 F's feeding fighting flighting f******

limbic system (forebrain)

emotional expression, memory, motivation

amygdala (forebrain) (limbic system)

emotion, response to punishing stimuli and fear responses, agressiveness

hippocampus (Forebrain) (limbic system)

stores new memories

primitive central core

basic life maintaining processes


2 hemispheres connected by corpus callosum, higher mental functions

corpus callosum

connects 2 hemispheres of brain

cerebral cortex

thin convering over hemispheres responsible for higher mental processes, language, memory, thinking

left hemisphere

math, logic, analysis, language, reading, writing, comprehension, reasoning

right hemisphere

music processing, emotions, visual-spatial relations

during split brain operation the ____ is cut

corpus callosum

_____ lobe is the largest


frontal lobe

contains motor cortex + Broca's area

prefrontal cortex (frontal lobe)

personality functioning

motor cortex (frontal lobe)

voluntary body movements

Broca's area

production of speech

Broca's aphasis

inability to produce sound or speak

Parietal Lobe

reception + processing of touch stimuli

somatosensory cortex (parietal lobe)

touch, pressure, temp, pain

occipital lobe

visual info

primary visual cortex (occipital lobe)

vivsion registers

temporal lobe

auditory info

primary auditory cortex

hearing registers

Wernicke's area (temporal lobe)

word understanding + speech reception

Wernicke's aphasia

speech is fluent but does not make sense


growing of dendrites + axons


brain eliminates unneeded synpases


development of myelin sheaths around axons


capacity of brian to adopt to changes such as brain damage

pituitary gland

master gland, growth rate

parathyroid gland

calcium levels

pineal gland

sleep cycles

thyroid gland


parathyroid gland

digestion + mineral absorption

thymus gland

immune system

adrenal gland

emergencies, stress, sex

pancreas regulates

blood sugar


genetic makeup


what individual's actual characteristics are

polygenic inheritance

many genes influence trait

multi factorial inheritance

influenced by genes and environmental factors


everything we are aware of at given time

suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)

controls timing of circadian rhythms, biological clock

____ helps you re-synch after jet-lag


subjective night

when bio clock is saying to sleep

circadian sleep theory

sleep keeps humans safe at night

restorative sleep theory

sleep is for restoration of body + mind

sleepiness is affected by _____ and ______

time of day, time since last slept

sleep spindles appear in stage __


slow wave sleep occurs in stages ___ and ___

3 + 4

REM sleep stand sofr

rapid eye movement

REM rebouund

increased amount of REM sleep following REM deprivation


occurs early in night, breif


vivid, late night






disorder in sleeping state


disorder that occurs in waking state


randomly falls asleep in day

sleep apnea

breathing stops in sleep


difficulty falling or staying asleep

REM dreams are ______ NREM dreams are ______

memorable, forgettable

lucid dream

dreams we can influence

manifest content

actual content of dream

latent content

hidden meaning of dream

activation synthesis theory of dreaming

dreams make sense of random firing of brain cells

evolutionary theory of dreaming

dreaming helps us rehearse survival skills

sociocognitive theory of hypnosis

we behave how we expect to behave while hypnotized

neodissociation theory of hypnosis

two aspects: planning + monitoring, planning we carry out suggestions and monitoring we observe everything around us onconsciously

theory of dissacoiated control

hypnosis weakens our contrel of consciousness and our responses become automatic

substance abuse

continued use of substance despite negative consequences

physical dependance

tolerance to dosage

psychological dependance

craving for drug