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109 Cards in this Set

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In Pavlov's experiment, the dog salivating to a previously neutral stimulus is an example of a(n):

conditioned response

Every time Lisa's dog heard the sound of the electric can-opener he began to salivate because he associated the sound with food. In this example, the can-opener is a(n):

conditioned stimulus

After Pavlov had conditioned his dogs to salivate to the tone, he repeatedly presented the tone without presenting the food. As a result, ____________ occurred.


After repeatedly pairing the appearance of a nurse in a white uniform with the painful experience of getting a vaccination, the patient will react with fear every time they see a nurse in white uniform enter the room. The nurse in the example is a(n):

conditioned stimulus

Micah is extremely afraid of rats but not of hamsters or gerbils. This phenomenon is called:

stimulus discrimination

Operant conditioning focuses on how:

behavior is influenced by its consequences

The apparatus used in operant conditioning to condition a rat to press a lever for food is called a(n):

Skinner box

Anthony wears his lucky socks every time he has a baseball game because they were accidentally paired with a good RBI. Anthony's behavior is an example of

superstitious behavior

What affect would a reinforcer have on a child's behavior?

it would increase the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated

Philip is reinforced with a $10 bill every time he presses the bar. This is an example of:

continuous reinforcement

Behavior that is conditioned with partial reinforcement is _________ resistant to extinction.


Jason receives $5 for practicing tennis for 20 minutes. Jason is on a _________ schedule of reinforcement.

fixed interval

Katherine is a telemarketer who receives $6 for every ten calls she makes. Katherine is on a ____________ schedule of reinforcement.

fixed ratio

Why do variable ratio schedules of reinforcement produce high steady rates of responding?

it is not possible to predict which response will lead to the delivery of a reinforcer

Secondary reinforcers are neutral but gain their reinforcing properties by being associated with:

primary reinforcers

In operant conditioning, when the subject responds differently to different stimuli, he's:


Many common phobias have their source in:

classical conditioning

A phobia can often be interpreted as a:

conditioned emotional response

Emotional reactions to objects and events are sometimes learned as a result of observing others rather than through direct experiences. This phenomenon is called:

vicarious conditioning

In operant conditioning a response will eventually disappear if reinforcement is withheld. The procedure is called:


The primary problem associated with punishment as a means of changing behavior is that it:

usually suppresses a response only temporary

Understanding, knowing, anticipating, or otherwise making use of higher mental processes is known as:

cognitive learning

Latent learning involves learning without any obvious:


Three-year-old Imani likes to imitate whatever her older sisters are doing because of the powerful effect of:


In classical conditioning, to respond differently to different stimuli is to:


Gradually modeling responses to a desired pattern is called:


Agricultural workers are paid according to the number of barrels of apples they pick. They are on which schedule of reinforcement?

fixed ratio

Which reinforcement schedule is the most addictive and resistant to extinction?

variable ratio

Which schedule of reinforcement tends to produce the scallop effect pattern in which responding is low following a reinforcer but rapidly increases as the time for the next reward approaches?

fixed interval

A child watches how his mother tenses up in the presence of dogs. Although the child has never encountered a dog before, he responds emotionally when a dog is near him. His reaction demonstrates:

vicarious learning

In his experiments, Pavlov found that conditioning worked best if the CS was presented:

just before the US

Ms. Campbell gives her students a star for every completed homework assignment. The star serves as a(n):

positive reinforcer

The occurence of spontaneous recovery in classical conditioning shows that:

the association between the CS and the US have not been forgotten

In classical conditioning, a neutral stimulus is repeatedly paired with another stimulus that naturally elicits a reflex response. The neutral stimulus is the:

conditioned stimulus

The most effective means of suppressing an unwanted response involves:

negatively reinforcing the response

The three basic processes of memory are:

encoding, storage, retrieval

If you attend to the information in your sensory memory, it will:

be transferred to your short-term memory

The three kinds of memory are:

sensory memory, short-term memory, long-term memory

Which sensory register briefly holds mental representations of visual stimuli?

iconic memory

The sensory register that briefly holds auditory stimuli is defined as:

echoic memory

If the letters VCAFC BNLSBRC are rearranged into VCR-ABC-CBS-NFL, they become much easier to remember and store. This is because you're using a process called ____________.


Which of the following is the most effective way to transfer information from short-term memory to long-term memory?

elaborative rehearsal

Tyler hasn't ridden a bike in 10 years, yet he gets on a bike and rides it without any complications. Tyler's ability to ride his bike is due to:

procedural memory

Explicit memory is defined as:

information that can be be consciously recollected

Explicit memory is also called __________ memory.


Implicit memory is defined as:

memory that cannot be consciously recollected

Unlike short-term memory, long-term memory

is relatively permanent

Remembering your first kiss or date involves __________ memory.


The ten most important battles of the Civil War in the order that they occurred are stored in __________ memory system.


What method of retrieval are you using when answering a multiple-choice question?


Elaine does well on multiple-choice exams but has a hard time when the exam consists of essay questions. Elaine finds _____________ harder.


Although Jordan practiced the poem several times, when he performed in front of his speech class he remembered the beginning and end but forgot the middle. This pattern of forgetting illustrates the:

serial position effect

Cynthia can recall very specific and vivid details on the day the Oklahoma City bombing occurred. Cynthia's memory of this personal event in her life is an example of what is called:

a flashbulb memory

Which of the following psychologists pioneered the scientific study of forgetting?

Herman Ebbinghaus

The graphic representation of the results of Ebbinghaus's research is called the:

forgetting curve

If you can't remember whose picture is on a five dollar bill, the reason is most likely:

encoding failure

When old information interferes with the acquisition of new information, ___________ is occurring.

proactive interference

When new information interferes with information we have previously learned, ___________ is occurring.

retroactive interference

Nia was brutally raped a few years ago. According to Freud, her inability ti remember the event is most likely due to:


According to Freud, ______ memories remain unconscious but have a profound capability of influencing behavior and personality.


Anthony can't remember anything that happened after his stroke. Anthony is suffering from:

anterograde amnesia

Temporary injuries to the brain may cause loss of memories that occurred before the injury. This loss of memory is called:

retrograde amnesia

The gradual, physical process of converting new long-term memories into stable, enduring memory codes is called:

memory consolidation

Of the following items, which helps promote the process of consolidating new memories?


Methods that help store and retrieve information by providing organization for encoding are called:

mnemonic devices

Whenever Tony hears Amazing Grace it brings to mind the funeral of his father, followed by the loss of the family home, transferring to a new school and other sad memories. Tony is experiencing:


State-dependent learning is a term which refers to the fact that:

bodily states can be a strong cue for later memory

Jason inebriated when he studied for his biology test. According to the __________ theory of memory, it would be best if he were inebriated when he took the test.


The average number of bits of information that short-term memory can usually hold is:


Coding, chunking, and rehearsal are epecially important for the improvement of

short-term memory efficiency

____________ refers to the fading of memory traces from short-term memory


Classical and operant conditioning can be distinguished by paying attention to which aspects of a response?

antecedents and consequences

You once got sick on a roller coaster. Now the sight of a roller coaster makes you feel queasy. Apparently, the sight of a roller coaster is a ___________ and your queasiness is a ______________.


According to the informational view, classical conditioning creates new


After you have extinguished a conditioned response, it may recur because of

spontaneous recovery

At least some phobias can be thought of as


Conditioned fears responded to a therapy called

systematic desensitization

The law of effect defines the role of ____________ in learning.

operant reinforcers

Operant reinforcement works best when it is

response contingent

Negative reinforcement __________ responding.


Response cost is one form of


Tokens are

secondary reinforcers

Programmed instruction presents information in small amounts, gives immediate practice, and provides ___________ feedback to learners.


Studies have shown that animals are _______ to the passage of time.


The "sniffer" dogs that locate drugs and explosives at airports learn to identify contraband through _______ training.

operant discrimination

Punishment tends to encourage escape learning, avoidance learning, and


Discovery learning is often superior to its opposite:

rote learning

For observational learning to occur, the learner must pay attention to a model, remember what was done, and ________ the modeled behavior.


As a behavioral management strategy, self-recording applies ________ to change personal habits.


Bad habits can be altered by finding ways to remove, avoid, or delay the reinforcement that follows unwanted responses. This strategy is best described as

use operant extinction

The first step in forming a memory is


Storing information as an iconic or an echoic memory is most characteristic of

sensory memory

Selective attention controls which information moves from sensory memory to


Information in LTM is stored mainly on the basis of


The digit-span test is primarily a measure of


Elaborative processing while encoding is especially useful for forming

long-term memories

Redintegration can be said to occur when one memory

leads to another

Which of the following is a type of declarative memory?

episodic memory

The least sensitive test of memory is


Which type of memory test would be most likely to reveal a serial position effect?


Implicit memories are which type of memories?


Decay of memory traces appears to apply most to the forgetting of

sensory and short-term memories

A saxophone player learns three new pieces of music, one after the other, in a single afternoon. The next day he is least able to remember the third piece because of

proactive interference

If you can't remember putting a painful memory out of mind, you may have used


Repressed memories could be thought of as the reverse of

flashbulb memories

Memory consolidation would most likely be disrupted by


Which of the following is BAD advice for improving memory?

take tests when you are hungry

The cognitive interview is superior to hypnosis for helping people remember because it

does not lead to more false memories

The keyword method is commonly used

mnemonic technique