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54 Cards in this Set

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an excessive fear of open places or public places
Alcoholics anonymous (aa)
a self help group of people who are trying to abstain from alcohol use and to help others do the same
habitual overuse of alcohol
the trade name for disulfiram, a drug used in the treatment of alcoholism
antipsychotic drugs
drugs that relieve schizophrenia
atypical antidepressants
drugs that relieve depression for some patients who do not respong to other antidepressants, generally with only mild side effects
atypical antipsychotic drugs
drugs such as clozapine and risperidone, which relieve schizophrenia without causing tardive dyskinesia
bipolar disorder
a condition in which a person alternates between periods of depression and periods of mania
bipolar I disorder
disorder condition characterized by at least one episode of mania
bipolar II disorder
disorder condition characterized by episodes of major depression and hypomania, which is a milder degree of mania
catatonic schizophrenia
a type of schizophrenia characterized by the basic symptoms plus prominent movement disorders
a repetitive, almost irresistable action
unfounded belief
delusion of grandeur
the belief that one is unusually important
delusion of persecution
the belief that one is being persecuted
delusion of reference
the tendency to interpret all sorts of messages as if they were meant for oneself
dependence (or addiction)
a self-destructive habit that someone finds difficult or impossible to quit
a supervised period for removing drugs from the body
disorganized schizophrenia
a type of schizophrenia characterized by incoherent speech, extreme lack of social relationships, and "silly" or odd behavior
dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia
the theory that the underlying cause of schizophrenia is excessive stimulation of certain types of dopamine synapses
electroconvulsive therapy (ect)
a treatment using a brief electrical shock that is administered across the patients head to induce a convulsion similar to epilepsy, sometimes used as a treatment for certain types of depression
explanatory style
a tendency to accept one kind of explanation for success or failure more often than others
expressed emotion
hostile or critical comments directed toward a person with a psychiatric disorder such as schizophrenia
flooding (or implosion)
a treatment for phobia in which the person is suddenly exposed to the object of the phobia
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
a disorder in which people are almost constantly plagued by exaggerated worries
glutamate hypothesis of schizophrenia
the view that the underlying problem causing schizophrenia is deficient stimulation of certain glutamate synapses
a sensory experience not corresponding to reality, such as seeing or hearing something that is not present or failing to see or hear something that is present
harm reduction
approach to drug abuse that concentrates on decreasing the frequency of drug use and minimizing the harmful consequences to health and well-being
breathe deeply and frequently
major depression
a condition lasting most of the day, day after day, with a loss of interest and pleasure and a lack of productive activity
a condition in which people are constantly active, uninhibited, and either happy or irritable
a drug commonly offered a a less dangerous substitute for opiates
monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
drugs that block the metabolic breakdown of released dopamine, nonrepinephrine, and serotonin, thus prolonging the effects of these neurotransmitters on the receptors of the postsynaptic cell
negative symptoms
symptoms that are present in other people- such as the ability to take care of theselves- but absent in schizophrenic people
neurodevelopmental hypothesis
the idea that schizophrenia originates with impaired development of the nervous system before or around the time of birth, possibly but not necessarily for genetic reasons
a repetitive, unwelcome stream of thought
obsessive-compulsive disorder
a condition with repetitive thoughts and actions
panic disorder (PD)
a disorder characterized by frequent bouts of moderate anxiety and occasional attacks of sudden increased heart rate, chest pains, difficulty breathing, sweating, faintness, and trembling
paranoid schizophrenia
a type of schizophrenia characterized by the basic symptoms plus strong or elaborate hallucinations and delusions
a strong, persistent fear of a specific object, extreme enough to interfere with normal living
positive symptoms
characteristics present in people with schizophrenia and absent in others- such as hallucinations, delusions, abnormal movements, and thought disorders
postpartum depression
a period of depression that some women experience shortly after giving birth
a condition marked by deterioration of daily activities over a period of at least 6 months, plus hallucinations, delusions, flat or inappropriate emotions, certain movement disorders, or thought disorders
season-of-birth effect
the tendency for people born in the winter months to be slightly more likely than other poeple are to develop schizophrenia
seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
a condition in which people become serioiusly depressed in one season of the year, such as winter
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
drugs that black the reputake of the neurotransmitter serotonin by the terminal bouton
social phobia
a severe avoidance of other people and an especially strong fear of doing anything in public
st. john's wort
wort an herb with antidepressant effects
systematic desensitization
a method of reducing fear by gradually exposing people to the object of their fear
tardive dyskinesia
a disorder characterized by tremors and invountary movements
tricyclic drugs
drugs that block the reabsoption of the neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, after they are released by the terminal button, thus prolonging the effect of these neurotransmitters on the receptors of the postsynaptic cell
type I (or Type A) alcoholism
the type that is generally less severe, equally common in men and women, less dependent on genetics, and likely to develop gradually presumably in response to the difficulties of life
type II (or type B) alcoholism
the type that is generally more severe , more common in men, more often associated with aggressive or antisocial behavior, more dependent on genetics, and likely to begin early in life
undifferentiated schizophrenia
a type of schizophrenia characterized by the basic syptoms but no unusual or expecially prominent symptoms