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55 Cards in this Set

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validity of a psychological test refers to...
accuracy (measures what it says it's measuring)
cronbach and others said all types of validity are subcategories of...
construct validity
mr. sanchez had a hearing impairment but passed the test to become a radio operator because the test didn’t measure hearing acuity. what kind of problem is this?
construct under representation
the problem with using the GRE to determine whether students who have already been admitted to graduate school should be given their degrees is what?
it's contaminated (criterion-related validity)
concurrent and predictive validity are both subcategories of...
criterion-related validity
which types of validity are logistical and not statistical?
content and face
to develop a test with construct validity, what types of validity evidence are needed?
convergent and divergent
the extent to which a test is valid for making statements about the criterion is represented by what?
validity coefficient
validity is...
the degree to which a test actually measures what it purports to measure.
a review of many studies showed that expectancy effects exist in __________ situations.
some but not all situations
miss amy reported that interrater reliability of the observers in her experiment was quite high during training. you should...
check afterwards. reliability is always increased during training and drops afterwards because of observation.
upon repeated applications of the same test, performance on the 2nd application may be affected by previous experience with the test. This is known as _____________.
practice effect
in general the average person’s ability to detect when someone is lying is ______________.
most people poorly detect liars
when helen was being trained to record the behavior of 200 animals, her performance increased when her instructor was watching. This is an example of ____________.
The Rosenthaal Effect occurs when __________________?
The experimenter expects to find something.
Studies on computer-administered interviews have shown what?
Just as reliable; students may be more honest
(2) what affects child assessment.
Reinforcing responses effect. Children who took test in a disapproving group scored lower.
The reciprocal nature of interviewing means what?
Want interaction. Share factors.
This is a special type of interview used primarily to diagnose psychosis, brain damage, and other major mental health problems.
mental status examination
Although interviewers normally avoid _______________ statements, they may be necessary when interviewing a child or someone with mental retardation.
A transitional phrase is __________ (what? When used?)
“yes” “I see” keeps it flowing with minimal effort.
Good interview behavior is more a matter of ____________ than ________________.
Attitude, skill
Reliability runs _______________ for structured interviews, as it does for unstructured interviews.
twice as high
Structured clinical interviews have been criticized because ________________ (why?)
Requires cooperation and relies exclusively on the respondent making the assumptions questionable.
Which of the following is not one of the four suggestions for handling cross-ethnic, cross-cultural, and cross-class interviews?
The suggestions are:
Increase cultural awareness
Know yourself
Be flexible
Look beyond yourself
Accurate empathy ___________________ self-exploration.
leads to
The main improvement of the 1908 Binet-Simons scale was the introduction of what?
mental age and mental scale
The first version of the Stanford-Binet to include non-whites in the standardization sample was which?
Scores from the Stanford-Binet have a mean of _________ and a SD of __________.
10; 3 (formerly 100 and 16)
Binet believed that human intelligence was expressed through what?
Find and maintain a definite direction or purpose.
Make necessary adaptation to achieve that purpose.
Engage in self-criticism so necessary adjustments in strategy can be made.
The IQ concept was introduced when?
1916 Stanford-Binet
To support the notion of G, Spearman developed a statistical technique called what?
Factor analysis
Intelligence Quotient is determined by the formula what?
chronological age divided into mental age
The similarities subtest of the WAIS measures what?
abstract thinking
The Weschler Preschool and Priamry Scale of Intelligence is designed for whom?
2 1/2 - 4 1/2 yr olds
IQ scores are determined on the WAIS by what?
crystalized and fluid intelligence
An IQ score based on one of the alternatives (other than Weschler or Stanford-Binet) ……what do we know about them?
weaker psychometrics
Among his motivations for the development of the Wechsler scales of intelligence, was Wechsler’s belief that _____________________________
Believed IQ tests were a way to peer into an individual’s personality and were not based on theory.
Much of the controversy regarding testing has centered on the finding that on average the IQ scores of African Americans are _________________
What test covers the youngest age range for infant and preschool tests?
The Bayley II is designed to be used with children what age?
1-42 months
Currently in order to be eligible for special education on the basis of a learning disability, under federal and most state laws, children must _______________ what?
qualify through testing; parents must consent
Which of the following is not a possible reason for errors on the Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test?
A mental age less than 9
Brain damage
Nonverbal learning disabilities
Emotional problems
The developmental quotient is employed in what?
Gesell Developmental Schedules
Which of the following was designed as a downward extension of the Stanford-Binet scale?
Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale
Picture completion, block design, and matrix reasoning are components of which index?
An improvement in the WISC IV is its emphasis on what?
verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, processing speed, working memory
content validity ratio
uses judge of panels to rate usefulness on 3 pt scale: essential, useful but not necessary, not necessary
how calculate cvr
# of panelists rating item "essential" - total number of panelists/2 then divide by total number of panelists/2
types of evidence of validity
construct, criterion, content
for validity, reliability is...
necessary but not sufficient
types of validity
face, content, criterion, construct
evidence for construct validity
convergent and discriminant (divergent)
7 sources of validity
1-internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha)
2-external criteria correlations
3-test score increases/decreases over time
4-Score differences between groups theorized to differ according to the construct
5-convergent validity
6-discriminant validity
7-factor analysis
classical test score theory
observed score=true score+error