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250 Cards in this Set

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explain condensation in terms of loud speakers [diaphragm]
diaphragm of speaker moves out pushing air molecules together
explain rarefaction in terms of loud speakers [diaphragm]
diaphragm of speaker moves in pulling aire molecules apart
pure tones occur when pressure changes in the air occur in what type of pattern?
sine waves
what's the frequency?
number of cycles of alternating high and low pressure regions within a given time period
what's the perception of frequency?
what is tone height?
the increase in pitch that happens when frequency is increased
what does the audibility curve show?
threshold of hearing
humans most sensitive to 2,000-4,000 Hz but can hear between 20-20,000 Hz
what does the audibility response area show?
we hear tones that fall within this area. at intensities below audibility curve we can't hear a tone
what does the equal loudness curve demonstrate the relationship of?
between loudness and frequency. indicate the number of dB that create the same perception of loudness at different frequencies
repetition rate of a complex tone
fundamental frequency
periodic complex tones consist of a number of....
pure tones
how can we build a complex tone?
using additive synthesis in which a number of sine wave components are added together to create the complex tone. add harmonics
what's the starting point for creating a complex tone by additive synthesis?
single pure tone which has a frequency equal to a complex tone's fundamental frequency
how is timbre created?
partially by the multiple frequencies that make up complex tones
increase sound level by 10 dB- how does it affect loudness?
doubles loudness
what's the perception of amplitude?
perceptual experience of increased pitch that accompanies increase in a tone's fundamental frequency:
notes with the same _____ have fundamental frequencies that are multiples of one another
how does removing the fundamental frequency affect the wave?
pitch stays the same; it changes a tone's waveform but not its repetition rate.
it changes timbre
what's the quality that distinguishes b/w 2 tones that have the same loudness, pitch, and duration but still sound different?
what's closely related to harmonic structures of a tone?
what does timbre depend on?
the tone's steady-state harmonic structure and on the time course of the attack and decay of tone's harmonics
outer and middle ear are filled with:
what act to amplify vibration for better transmission of vibrations from air to fluid in inner ear?
main structure of inner ear:
what sets the cochlea into vibration?
stapes [stirrup]
how is the cochlea divided?
scala vestibuli on top an scala tympani.
divided by cochlear partition
what contains the organ of corti?
cochlear partition
in the organ of corti what vibrates in response to sound and also supports the organ of corti?
basilar membrane
what are the receptors for hearing?
inner and outer hair cells
what extends over hair cells in the organ of corti?
tectorial membrane
why do cilia bend on top of hair cells in the organ of corti?
the in and out movement of the stapes creates pressure changes in the liquid inside to cochlea that sets the cochlear partition into up and down motion
what increases vibration of basilar membrane?
outer hair cells
movement of outer hair cells in 1 direction opens channels in the membrane and ions flow into cell. this creates:
electrical signals that result in teh release of neural transmitter from inner hair cell
when cilia bend in other direction:
the ion channels close so electrical signals aren't generated
explain the entire sensory transduction in general terms [flow]
airborne sound
movement of eardrum
movement of ossicles
movement of oval window
creates fluid-borne pressure waves and displacement of basilar membrane
stimulation of hair cells
hair cells all along cochlea send signals to nerve fibres that combines to form:
auditory nerve
low frequency causes max activity where on the cochlea?
high frequency causes max activity where on the cochlea?
base end
physical properties of basilar membrane
base: near stapes
compare width and flexibility of base to apex
base: 3-4x narrower than at apex
100x stiffer than at apex
what does the spinal lamina do?
supporting structure that makes up for the basilar membrane's difference in width at base and apex ends of cochlea
what are used to determine threshold for specific frequencies measured at single neurons?
pure tones
what is auditory masking?
ability to hear a sound is decreased by presence of other sounds
what's the frequency analyzer?
what is the cochlear amplifier?
actions of outer hair cells
pathway from cochlea to cortex:
cochlear nucleus
superior olivary nuclei [brain stem]
inferior colliculus [midbrain]
medial geniculate nucleus [thalamus]
primary auditory receiving area A1 [temporal lobe]
processing in superior olivary nuclei is important for determining:
auditory localization
auditory areas in the cortex:
neural signals travel through:
the core, then belt, then parabelt area
simple sounds cause activation of:
core area
which areas are activated in response to more complex stimuli of many frequencies?
belt and parabelt areas
what does the WHAT/ventral stream do?
identifies sounds
where does the WHAT/ ventral stream start?
in anterior portion of the core and belt and extends to the prefrontal cortex
what does the WHERE/ dorsal stream do?
locates sounds
where does the WHERE/ dorsal stream start?
in posterior core and belt and exts to parietal and prefrontal cortices
in A1 the neurons that respond better to low frequencies are on the:
in A1 the neurons that respond better to high frequencies are on the:
auditory cortex is important for discriminating between different:
tasks that require pitch recognition activate:
core area
tasks that require recognition of complex stimuli activate areas:
parabelt area
pitch perceived when fundamental frequency is removed [pitch stays the same, timbre changes]
periodicity pitch
locating an object in space based on their source
auditory localization
surround an observer and exists wherever there is sound. perceive object located at different positions based on their sounds.
auditory space
position left to right
azimuth coordinates
position up and down
elevation coordinates
position from observer
distance coordinates
location cues based on the comparison of the signals received by the left and right eaers
binaural cues
interaural time difference: ITD
difference between the time sounds reach the 2 ears
when the source is to the side of observer:
times will differ [ITD]
Interaural Intensity [level] difference: ILD
difference in sound pressure level reaching teh 2 ears
ILD: reduction in intensity occurs for ______frequency sounds for the far ear
high frequency
ILD: for high frequencies head casts an
acoustic shadow
disruption of high frequency waves creates a decrease in sound_______ on the far side of the head
sound intensity
--> acoustic shadow
ITD provides info about______ of ______frequency sounds
info about location of low frequency sounds
ILD provides info about _______of ______frequency sounds
info about location of high frequency sounds
ITD & ILD judge what kind of locations
monaural cues: what affects intensities of frequencies?
pinna and head
this is a spectral cue since info for location comes from spectrum of frequencies
head-related transfer function
the differences caused by the fact that before the sound stimulus enters teh auditory canal it's:
reflected from teh head and within various folds of the pinna
differences in the way the sounds bounce around within the pinna create:
different frequency spectra for 2 locations [with same ITD & ILD]
spectral cues work best for judging:
elevation at high frequencies
neurons in inferior colliculus and superior olivatry nuclei that respond to a range of ITDs
narrowly tuned ITD neurons
a specific ITD activates neurons tuned to that ITD is a form of
specificity coding
Jeffress Model
series of neurons that each respond best to a specific ITD these neurons are wired so that they each receive signals from 2 ears.
- source directly in front- waves reach at same time and signals start from each each start together. as they travel down the axon it stimulates each neuron in turn at beginning of journey
- neurons receive signals from only left or right and they don't fire
distributed coding model- info in nervous system is based on the pattern of neural responding
broadly tuned ITD neurons
interaural time difference detectors
neurons that respond to specific interaural time differences
where are interaural time difference detectors located?
in auditory cortex and at first nucleus [superior olivary nucleus] on system that receives input from both ears
what type of neurons signal location by their pattern of firing
panoramic neurons
the where/dorsal stream shows more specific neural response for location where?
the further upstream the neurons are located in teh cortex
array of all sound sources in the environment
auditory scene
process by which sound sources in the auditory scene are separated into individual perceptions
auditory scene analysis
heuristics of auditory grouping:
single sound source tends to come from 1 location and to move consistently
heuristics of auditory grouping:
similarity of timbre and pitch
similar osunds are grouped together
heuristics of auditory grouping:
proximity in time
sounds that occur in rapid succession usually come from same source
heuristics of auditory grouping:
good continuation
sounds that stay constant or change smoothly: same source
heuristics of auditory grouping:
listen for melodies: melody schema
vs jumble of notes
where are the mechanoreceptors located?
fires continuously as long as pressure is applied. senses fine details. disk shaped.
Merkel receptor
stack of flattened disks in the dermis, fires only when pressure is applied and removed, controls hand grip
Meissner corpuscle
branched wires inside a cylindrical capsule. responds continuously to stimulation, perceives stretching of skin
Ruffini cylinder
onlion like capsule deep in skin. responds when stimulus is applied and removed. senses rapid vibrations and fine texture
Pacinian corpuscle
what type of fibres are found in Merkel receptors and Ruffini cylinder receptors that fire continuously as long as pressure is applied?
Slowly adapting fibres
what type of fibres are found in Meissner corpuscle and Pacinian corpuscle receptors that fire at onset and offset of stimulation?
rapidly adapting fires RA
what responds to pattern of grooves?
SA1 fibres, Merkel receptors
what doesn't respond to the details of patterns of grooves stimuli?
RA2 fibres
Pacinian Corpuscle
what's the frequency range?
3 Hz for SA1 fibres to 500 Hz for RA2 fibres
what's the bundle of nerve fibres that travel to the spinal cord?
peripheral nerves
what are the 2 major pathways in the spinal cord?
medial lemniscal pathway
spinothalamic pathway
what does the medial lemniscal pathway consist of?
large fibres that carry proprioceptive and touch info
signals related to sensing position of limbs [proprioreception] and perceiving touch
what does the spinothalamic pathway consist of?
smaller fibres that carry temp and pain info
what do the nerve fibre bundles to? how do they travel?
cross over to opposite side of the body adn synapse in the thalamus. most synapse in ventrolateral nucleus in teh thalamus but some synapse in other thalamic nuclei [LGN-vision; MGN-hearing]
signals travel from teh thalamus to the:
somatosensory receiving area: S1 and the secondary receiving area: S2 in teh parietal lobe
focal dystonia
musician's cramp
loss of skilled hand movement due to fused cortical areas belonging to affected hand
what are 2 ways to measure tactile acuity?
1. 2 point threshold
2. grating acuity
describe the 2 point threshold
minimum separation needed b/w 2 points to perceive them as 2 units
describe grating acuity
placing a grooved stimulus on teh skin and asking the participant to indicate the orientation of the grating
there's a high density of what type of mechanoreceptor in the fingertip?
Merkel receptor: SA1
Merkel receptors are:
sensitive to details
get better acuity with less spacing
areas with high acuity are:
- represented how in the cortex
- have what type of receptive fields?
-larger areas of cortical tissue devoted to them [homunculus]
-smaller receptive fields on skin
what type of mechanoreceptor perceives vibration?
pacinian corpuscle: RA2
what are the 2 types of cues to perceive texture?
1. spatial cues
2. temporal cues
describe spatial cues
determined by size, shape and distribution of surface elements. caused by large surface elements [bumps and grooves] that can be felt both when the skin moves across the surface elements adn when it's passed onto the elements [braille, comb]
describe temporal cues
determined by the rate of vibration as skin is moved across finely textured surfaces. . provide info in form of vibration that occur as a result of movement over a surface.
perception of fine features
perception of coarse textures:
spatial cues
perception of fine textures:
temporal cues
what systems are involved in active touch?
-sensory system: detecting cutaneous sense [touch, temp, texture]
- motor system: ove hands
- cognitive system: think abt info provided by sensory and motor systems
exploratory procedures:
-lateral motion
-contour following
firing pattern of groups of mechanoreceptors signals:
shape [curvature of object]
what shows cells that respond to centre-surround receptive fields
what cortex shows cells that respond maximally to orientations and directions of movement
somatosensory cortex
somatosensory neurons respond best to:
- grasping specific objects
- paying attn to the task
unilateral neglect
denies ownership of limbs on 1 side of the body [parietal lobe-visual/somatosensory damage]
define pain
multimodal phenomene containing a sensory component and an affective or emotional component
3 types of pain
1. nociceptive
2. inflammatory
3. neuropathic
describe nociceptive pain
signals impending damage to skin
types respond to heat, chemicals, severe pressure, and cold
threshold of eliciting receptor response must be balanced to arn of damage but not be affected by normal activity
descrbie inflammatory pain
caused by damage to tissues or joints that releases chemicals that activate nociceptors
describe neuropathic pain
caused by damage to CNS
stroke causing brain damage
repetitive movements [carpal tunnel]
signals from nociceptors travel up teh spinothalamic pathway and activate:
-subcortical areas including hypothalamus, limbic system, and the thalamus
- cortical areas S1 & S2 in somatosensory cortex, teh insula, and anterior cortex
- ---> pain matrix
what affects pain?
-shifting attention
-content of emotional distraction
-individual differences
what makes up the gate in the gate control model of pain perception?
substantia gelatinosa cells in spinal cord
SG- and SG+
where does input into gate come from?
-large diameter L fibres: info from tactile stimuli
-small diamter S fibres: info from nociceptors
-central control: info from cognitive factors from cortex
pain doesn't occur when gate is closed. when is gate closed?
stimulation into SG- from central control on L fibres into the T cell
pain does occur from stimulationi from the:
S fibres into the SG+ into the T cells
give me the low down on S fibres.
acitivy in S fibres increases activity of transmission T cell. intensity of pain is determined by amount of T cell activity with more activity resulting in more pain. the paths along which signals from teh S travel down excitatory ones. signals from S fibres always excite T cells and increase pain
lay it down on L fibres:
nonpainful tactile stimulus signals sent form skin rubbing activity in teh L fibres can send inhibition to the T cells this occurs bc signals that pass thru SG activate an inhibitory synapse this closes gate which decreases T cell activity and decreases pain
what's up with central control?
fibres contain info related to cognitive function [expectation, attention, distraction] carry signals down from teh cortex
how is the perception of pain determined?
balance between input from nociceptors in teh skina nd nonnociceptive activity from teh skin and brain
Stern & McClintock experiment:
secretions from donors taken at beginning of their cycles affect recipients how?
led to a shortened length of recipient's cycle
Stern & McClintock experiment:
secretions from ovulatory phase affected recipients' cycles how?
lengthened recipient's cycle
why do different species smell better or more?
individual receptors for all animals are equally sensitive so the difference lies in the number of receptors they have
humans: 10 million
dogs: 1 billion
what's the difference threshold?
smallest difference in concentration that can be detected between 2 samples.
threshold is at 11%
what's the recognition threshold?
concentration needed to determine quality of an odourant
how many odours can humans discriminate?:
trouble naming: recollection problems
what are the 6 corners of Henning's Odour prism?
6 corners with the qualities putrid, etheral, resinous, spicy, fragrant, and burned
how does Schiffman's odour space work?`
odours are arranged such that the distance between 2 indicates their similarity
where is the olfactory mucosa located?
top of nasal cavity
where are the receptors contained in the olfactory mucosa?
the cilia of sensory neurons
how many types of olfactory receptors have and how do they work?
350 types of receptors each expressing a protein that crosses the membrane seven times
give a general overview of the flow of signals/information in olfactory system
- odourants flow over mucosa
- olfactory receptor neurons [ORNs] are activated
- signals are sent to glomeruli in olfactory bulb
signals sent to higher cortical area
where are olfactory signals sent to after the signals are carried to the glomeruli in teh olfactory bulb?
- then sent to primary olfactory [piriform] cortex in temporal lobe
- secondary olfactory [orbitofrontal cortex] in front lobe
- amygdala deep in cortex
odourants are coded by combinations of olfactory receptors called:
recognition profiles
how many different types of ORNs in mucosa?
how many of each type of ORN in mucosa?
how many different types of olfactory receptors does each ORN have?
one type of olfactory receptor
what's the pattern of activation?
the odourant's recognition profile
the idea that an odourant's smell can be related to different response profiles is similar to what theory in vision?
trichromatic theory of colour vision
each odourant is coded by a different pattern of firing of ORNs and a particular ORN respond to
many odourants
activation of receptors in mucosa causes electrical signals in ?
ORNs that are distributed across the mucosa
ORNs send signals where?
glomeruli in the olfactory bulb
all of the 10,000 ORNs of a particular type send signals to how many glomeruli
1 or 2 glomeruli
each glomeruli collects info about?
firing of a particular type of ORN
what determines general area of olfactory bulb that's activated?
functional group
what determines the position within the area of the olfactory bulb?
chain length
what area is involved in the process of perceiving complex odours?
t discriminates between different odours
piriform cortex
when perception of pleasantness changes [cheese vs body odour] and the pattern of ORN firing is still the same what reflects the difference?
orbitofrontal cortex activity
5 basic tastes:
1. salty
2. sour
3. sweet
4. bitter
5. umami
what are the 4 types of papillae on the tongue?
1 filiform
2 fungiform
3 foliate
4 circumvallate
describe the filiform
shaped like cones and located over entire surface.
only papillae with no taste buds
describe the fungiform
shaped like mushrooms, found on sides and tip
describe the foliate
series of folds on back and sides
describe the circumvallate
shaped like mounds at back
how many taste buds?
each taste bud has taste cells with tips that extend where?
into taste pore
when does transduction occur?
when chemicals contact receptor sites on tips of taste cells on taste buds
electrical signals generated in teh taste cells are transmitted from the tongue in a number of different nerves [name 4]
1. chroda tympani nerve [from taste cells on teh front and sides of tongue]
2. glossopharyngeal nerve
3. vagus nervoe [from mouth and throat]
4. superficial retronasal nerve [soft palette on top]
what is the perception of flavour?
combination of smell, taste, and other sensations
odour stimuli from food in mouth reachs the olfactory mucosa through:
the retronasal route
where are the responses from taste and smell first combined?
orbitofrontal cortex
where does the orbitofrontal cortex also receive input from?
primary somatosensory cortex and the inferotemporal cortex in visual what pathway
what type of neurons are present in the orbitofrontal cortex due to convergence of neurons from different senses?
bimodal neurons
the firing of neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex reflects:
the extent to which an animal will consume a particular food
the responses of neurons in the OFC reflect:
the pleasantness of flavours and help control food intake
vision sends to what area following what path to ultimately end up at the orbitofrontal cortex?
vision sends to the V4 area following the IT cortex what pathway to reach the OFC
taste sends to what area then to where to ultimately end up at the orbitofrontal cortex?
taste sends signals to the thalamus then to the primary taste cortex and ends up at OFC
olfaction sends signals to what and then to where to ultimately end up at the OFC?
olfaction sends to the olfactory bulb and then to the primary olfactory cortex and ends up at the OFC
touch sends signals to what and then where to ultimately end up at the OFC?
touch sends signals to the thalamus and then to the primary somatosensory cortex and ends up at the OFC
odourant molecules released by food in oral cavity and pharynx travel through what to reach the olfactory mucosa in nasal cavity by following teh retronasal route to olfactory receptors?
through the nasal pharynx
measure neural responses to a visual stimulus
visual evoked potential VEP
visual acuit of infants at birth:
must view a stimulus from 20 ft away to see same thing as adult at 400 ft
when is full visual acuity reached by?
1 year
what are 2 reasons for low visual acuity at birth?
1. visual cortex not fully developed
2. shape and size of cones aren't fully developed
compare a newborn's cones to an adult's cones
fat inner segments and very small outer segments. adults have inner and outer segments of same width
what does the small size of a newborn's outer segment of the cone tell us?
newborn's cones contain less visual pigment therefore they don't absorb light as effectively as adult cones
what does the fat inner segment of a newborn's cone create?
coarse receptor lattice with large space between segments
what do adult inner segments do when they become thin?
pack closely together to create a fine lattice that is well united to detect fine detail
cone receptor's outer segments cover what percent of adult fovea and what percent of a newborn's fovea?
68% of adult fovea
2% of newborn fovea
contrast to sensitivity measured by determining
the smallest difference b/w light and dark bars of a grating that can be detected
spatial frequency
number of cycles per grating per visual angle
contrast sensitivity function plot of
contrast sensitivity vs spatial frequency
infants can only perceive contrast at what type of frequencies?
low frequencies
at low frequencies infants contrast sensitivity is _______x ______ than an adults
20-100x lower than an adults
infants can see little or nothing above ____cycles/degree
spatial frequency depends on both
fineness of the grating and the distance from which it is viewed
determining the contrast sensitivity of gratings with different spatial frequency result in a plot of contrast sensitivity vs spatial frequency
contrast sensitivity function CSF
adults most sensitive to gratings with a spatial frequency of
3 cycles/ degree
see high spatial frequency drops off rapidly above
10 cycles/degree
due to the underdeveloped state of fovea forces it to see primarily with
rod-dominated peripheral retina
habituation method
infants more likely to look at novel stimulus
as one stimulus is presented repeatedly infant looking time
once habituation occurs a new stimulus is presented if the infant can distinguish b/w the stimuli
dishabituation will occur
what helps infants with perception of object unity?
intermodal perception
coordination of info from different senses into a perceptual whole
describe the fibrous tunic
white dense inflexible material: protective coat
bulges in front and turns into transparent cornea
cornea draw nutrients from the anterior chamber containing the aqueous humour
80% of focusing: forms a clear image on the retina
describe the vascular tunic
most the heavily pigmented spongy structure: choroid
nourishes entire eye [esp retina]
reduces light scatter due to its dark pigmentation
in the anterior chamber it turns into the ciliary body producing the aqueous humour
describe the iris
formed from the ciliary body in the anterior chamber
2 layers: outer pigmented layer- circular muscle
inner vascularised layer- radial muscle
regulate amt of light received by light thru the pupil and the depth of field
describe the lens
1. an elastic covering or capsule
2. an epithelial layer just inside the capsule
3. lens field
because of its elastic nautre the optical power can be varied to accommodate for near and far vision
*aging causes sclerosis of lens
describe the vitreous chamber
2/3 of volume of eye
bounded by the lens and the retina
this chamber is filled with a transparent fluid called vitreous
describe the retina
innermost of 3 layers
3 layers:
1. retinal ganglion cells
2. collector [bipolar, amacrine and horizontal cells]
3. photoreceptors [rods and cones]
where is vision most acute?
macula located at centre of the retina
what accounts for 80% of focusing? the other 20%
cornea: 80% [fixed]
lens: 20% [adjusts shape for object distance]
how does accommodation work?
ciliary muscles are tightened which causes lens to thicken
distance of near point at:
20: 10 cm
50: 40 cm
60: 100 cm
70: 400 cm
what are the 2 components of visual pigment molecules?
opsin: large protein
retinal: light sensitive molecule
when does visual transduction occur?
when retinal absorbs 1 photon
retinal changes it shapes [isomerization]
opsin crosses disc membrane 7 times
process needed for transduction:
-retinal molecule changes shape after absorbing 1 photon of light
-opsin molecule separates
-retina shows pigment bleaching
-retinal and opsin must recombine tor respond to light
how long does a cone pigment take to regenerate?
6 minutes
how long does a rod pigment take to regenerate?
over 30 minutes
what's the purkinje shift?
enhanced sensitivity to short wavelengths [blue] durking dark adaptation when teh shift from cone to rod vision occurs
rod pigment absorbs best at what wavelength?
500 nm
cone pigments absorb best at:
419, 532, 558
avrage: 560 nm
rods and cones send signals VERTICALLY through:
bipolar cells
ganglion cells
ganglion axons [optic nerve]
rods and cones send signals HORIZONTALLY through:
horizontal cells
amacrine cells
how many rods and cones each converge onto a ganglion cell?
120 rods to one ganglion cell
6 cones to 1 ganglion cell
cones in fovea have what ratio to ganglion cells
signals can travel between receptors through?
horizontal cells
signals can travel between bipolar and ganglion cells through?
amacrine cells
variations in intensity of light sources
perception of reflectance
high reflectance: white
low reflectance: black
cortical magnification factor
apportioning the small fovea with a large cortical area
optic ataxia
parietal lobe damage who have trouble reaching for objects and forming their hands to grasp them
4 ways to perceive motion:
1. real movement
-object physically moving
2. apparent movement
-stationary stimuli presented in different locations
3. induced movement
-movement of one object makes a stationary object look like it's moving in opposite direction (moon and clouds)
4. movement aftereffect
-moving object. stationary object. appears to move in opposite direction