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49 Cards in this Set

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central executive

control centre of working memory; coordinates attention and exchange of information among 3 storage components

constructive memory
a process by which we first recall a generalized schema and then add in specific details
retain info in memory without using it for any specific purpose
short-term memory (STM)
memory store with limited capacity and duration
long-term memory (LTM)
hold info for extended period of time, if not permanently
sensory memory
a memory store that accurately holds perceptual information for a very brief amount of time
Working memory
a model of short-term remembering that includes a combination of memory components that can temporarily store small amounts of information for a short period of time
selects which information will be passed on to STM
the process of storing information in the LTM system
bring information from long-term memory back into short-term memory
organizing smaller units of info into large, more meaningful units
Dual coding
occurs when information is stored in more than one form
Procedural memories
patterns of muscle movements (motor memory)
Semantic memories
declarative memories that include facts about the world
Episodic memories
declarative memories for personal experiences that seem to be organized around “episodes” and are recalled from a first person (“I” or “my”) perspective
Encoding specificity principle
retrieval is most effective when it occurs in the same context as encoding
Elaborative rehersal
prolonging exposure to information by thinking about its meaning
Explicit memories
see declarative memories
Implicit memories
see nondeclarative memories
Declarative memories
memories that we are consciously aware of and that can be verbalized, including facts about the world and one’s own personal experiences
Nondeclarative memories
include actions or behaviours that you can remember and perform without awareness
Flashbulb memory
an extremely vivid and detailed memory about an event and the conditions surrounding how one learned about the event
long-term potentiation (LTP)
showed that there is an enduring increase in connectivity and transmission of neural signals between nerve cells that fire together
phonological loop
storage component of working memory that relies on rehearsal and that stores information as sound, or an auditory code
first-letter technique
using first letter of a set of items to spell out words that form a sentence
organized clusters of memories that constitute one’s knowledge about events, objects, and ideas
a technique intended to improve memory for specific information
maintenance rehersal
prolonging exposure to information by repeating it
method of loci
a mnemonic that connects words to be remembered to locations along a familiar path
visuospatial sketchpad
a storage components of working memory that maintains visual images and spatial layouts in visuospatial code
DRM procedure
participants study a list of highly related words called semantic associations
Imagination inflation

the increased confidence in a false memory of an event following repeated imagination of the event

Retroactive interference
the most recently learned information overshadows some older memories that have not yet made it into long-term memory
Proactive interference
a process in which the first information learned occupied memory, leaving fewer resources left to remember the newer information
Recovered memory
a memory of a traumatic event that is suddenly recovered after blocking the memory of that event for a long period of time
False memory
remembering events that did not occur, or incorrectly recalling details of an event
Misinformation effect
when information occurring after an event becomes part of the memory for that event
Testing effect
the finding that taking practice tests can improve exam performance, even without additional studying
the process of converting short-term memories into long-term memories in the brain
pronounceable words whose letters represent the initials of an important phrase or set of items
Control processes
shift information from one memory store to another
Episodic buffer
a storage component of working memory that combines images and sounds from the other two components into coherent, story-like episodes
a profound loss of at least one form of memory
Anterograde amnesia
the inability to form new memories for events occurring after a brain injury
Retrograde amnesia
a condition in which memory for the events preceding trauma or injury is lost
Serial position effect
in general, most people will recall the first few items from a list and the last few items, but only an item or two from the middle
the time and manner in which information is retained between encoding and retrieval
repeating information until you do not need to remember it anymore
Recovered memory controversy

a heated debate among psychologists about the validity of recovered memories