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19 Cards in this Set

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PRV stands for ? (2)

Pressure relief valve

Pressure reducing valve

How does a pressure reducing valve work?

Through pressure exerted by the spring pressing on the diaphragm

List 2 applications for pressure reducing valves in a plumbing system:

1) excessive pressure in the water line

2) excessive pressure from a down feed system in a high rise system

Why must a strainer be installed on the main or high pressure side of a PRV?

To prevent dirt from being lodged between PRV and seat and disc

Explain the term “ reduced flow pressure “:

The pressure maintained by valve when water is flowing

Explain the term “ series, relative to PRV installation “:

Two or more valves installed inline.

Explain the term “ parallel, relative to PRV installation”:

Two or more valves installed to serve the needs of one large supply main.

Why might a series installation be necessary?

To allow for pressure reduction capacity greater to that provided by a single drive.

Why might a parallel installation of pressure reducing valves be necessary?

Two allow the use of 2 smaller , less expensive valves rather than one large, expensive valve.

Why might one PRV in parallel be set at a higher opening pressure than the other PRV?

To prevent both valves from opening during low demand periods .

The most common type of pump is the _________ pump


Booster pumps are used to ________ and to supply adequate _______ and _______.

Lift water



Buster pumps come in what range of sizes?

1/4 HP to 200HP

In a combination upfeed/downfeed system , where will the take off for the cold water upfeed portion be located?

Upstream of the pump

What valve is required when lower floors are supplied by a down feed system?

Pressure reducing valve

Is a check valve necessary on a booster pump system?


On a combination upfeed/downfeed system, the lower floors are supplied by _______

Main pressure

A constantly running pump requires a ____________.

Pressure relief valve

What must be taken into consideration when mounting a pump to the floor?

Noise and vibration transmitted through the building.