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68 Cards in this Set

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It is a management and prevention of peri-radicular pathoses by surgical approach

Endodontic surgery

First recorded endodontic surgery procedure.

By aetius, greek physichian 1500 years ago

Who recomended puncture of "Gum tumor" in 1839


What are the primary objective or root canal treatment?

1. Removal of pathologic pulp tissue

2. Cleaning and shaping of root canal system

3. Three dumensional obturation to prevent reinfectiin

What are the categories of endodontic surgery

1. Abcess drainage

2. Periapical surgery

3. Hemisectional/root amputation

4. Intentional replantation

5. Corrective surgery

Usually small superficial collection of pus coveree by an overlying skin mucosa

Gum boil

Collection of pus in deeper tissue that may reach the surface via fistula or sinus tract


A connection between a cavity lined by granulation tissue and an epithelial surface


A connection between two epithelial lined surfaces.

Connect an anatomical cavity to the surface or another body cavity.

Always lined by stratified squamous epithelium


Drainage of periapical abscess is usually done through the canal via?

Root canal access

Treatment done to alleviate pressure due to pressure im periapical region?

Extraction or root canal treatment

It is a surgical technique use to alleviate acute pain caused by an accumulation of purulent material when drainage through the root canal is imposible.


Criteria for application: (triphenation)

- Acute pain

- absence of soft tissue swelling

- presence of purulent material

- perfomed as an emergency procedure

Measurement of approximate area of apical portion of root

- measure the length of the root on the radiograph

- transfer the measurement intraorally to approprimate area od access


Create a small vertical incision over the area approximating the apex.

Use fo curret or small end of periosteal elevator to strip mucosa and periosteum to expose the underlying bone.

Attempt to probe for possible presence of thin area of bome to facilitate location of apex

Apical access

The use of a small round bur to create an opening on the bone to release the apical abcess

Bone trephination

An extension of endodontic treatmemt that involves the surgical extraction of the lesion that is at the end of the tooth root, section of the end and hermetic retrograde filling

Periapical surgery

Indications for periapical surgery

- root fracture

- severe root curveture

- apical aberration (apical delta)

- large apical cyst that do not respond to conventional technique

- broken instruments within the canal that cannot be retrived

- untreated canals or recurrent infection on a tooth with post and core restoration

Contraindications of periapical surgery

- advanced age

- medical contraindications

- severely compromised teeth

- teeth that are involved in malignancy

What are the medical contraindications

- diabetes melitus

- heart disease

- hypertension

- immuno-compromised condition

- immunosuppresant drugs

Contraindication of advance age

- patient >50 have increase risk of complication

- possible presence of systemic disease

Contraindication for severely comprimised teeth

- non-resorable teeth

- non-functional teeth

- periodontally compromised teeth

- poor crown root ration after surgery

Contraindication for teeth involved in malignancy

- surgery in malignancy will result in tapid growth

- surgery may encourage metastasis

- bleeding control may be difficult in the sit of malignancy

General vonsiderations

1. Pre-medication

2. Anesthesia

3. Flap design

4. Apical seal

Pre-medication are prescribed considering?

- general health status

- age

- extent of surgery

- expected duration og surgery

- pre and post operative infection

What are the standard pre medication?

- analgesic/NSAIDs

- antibiotics???

- steroids for welling

Technique of anesthesia

- local anesthesia

- local anesthesia w/ sedation

- general anesthesia

Surgical procedure directed at removing the apical third of the root of a tooth


Apocoectomy will?

- eliminate apical arboration

- eliminate impassable canals

- eliminate unfilled gross curveture

Anatomic considerstion: maxillary anterior surgery

- nasal fossa

- anterior nasal spine

- infra-orbital spine

- infra-orbital nerve

- root inclination

Anatomic consideration: nasal fossa

- large access may invade nasal fossa

- low nasal fossa may be invaded

Anatomic consideration: anterior nasal spine

May take periapical access to central incisors difficulty due to thickness

Anatomic consideration: infraorbital nerve

Retractos may cause injury especially during surgery in canine

Anatomic consideration: root inclination

Roots that are inclined distally may be more difficult to locate

How many mm the root must be resected?


To reduce the number of tubule and to ensure access to all apical anatomy bur should be angle by?

90 degree

To achieve resection what bur should be used?

Fissure bur

It allow better and cleaner preparation?

Ultrasonic tips

Three instrument used for root-end preparation?

- standard head

- micro head

- ultrasonic tips

Mandibular anterior surgery. Anatomic considerations

- mentalis muscles

- dense cortical and compact bone

- lingual inclination of roots

- possible involvement of mental nerve

- mental nerve and foramen

- mandibular canal and IAN

- buccal bone thickness

Nerve trauma that may occur: mental nerve and foramen

- during incision

- during flap reflection

- during flap retraction

- during bome windowing

- during root resection

- during curretage

Nerve trauma may also occur: mandibular canal and IAN

- during root resection

- during curettage

Thickness of buccal bone to the missial root of first molar


Thickness of the buccal bone on the distal root of first molar


Thickness of the buccal bone to mesial root of second molar


Maxillary posterior surgery: anatomic considerstion

- zygimatic bone

- maxillary sinus

Deroof the cystic lesion


Use of guttapurcha to tract the affected tooth

Sinus tracing

What filling technique use for broken file

Retrograde filling

How many mm in arborization of canal

First 5 mm of apical portion

Atleast how many mm is resected to the root?


How many mm in retrograde filling


Maxillary posterior surgery

- vertical incision place mesial to firdt pre molar

- horizontal incision up to the distal of second molar

- distal relief offers additional access and visibility

- apical of pre-molar may terminate in diatal of first molar

A minimally invasive that is usually indicated for larger condition that may endanger vital structures of enucleated?

- incertion of tube into the cavity to maintain patency

Cystic decompression

Advantages of cystic decompression

- minimally invasive

- minimal skills are required to perform

- less post-operative morbidity

- generally more acceptable to patient

Disadvantage of cystic decompression

- incomplete resolution

- requires periodic follow-up

- loss to follow up

- no tissue acquired for histopathologiv examination. Possibility of misdiagbosis

Suture must be remove for about how many days?

7 days

Cystic decompression should be recall every?

2 weeks

Radiographic recall should be after?

3 month

Procedure where one of the roots of a bi- rooted mandibular molar is sectioned with the intention of retaining the other for restoration.

- section mesial from distak root

- removal of compromised root

- restoration

Bicuspidization or hemisection

Careful section and root removal should be perforemed.

- makesure tooth is cut up to furcation

- eliminate ledges created by the cut

- take care in accidentally avulsing root to be retained

- removw all pathologiv material

- inspect the removed root

What are the three socket preservation method?

- bone graft

- guided bone regeneration

- implants

Management of socket for optimal healing

- Socket prevention method

- suture soft tissue without tension

- wire splint across second premolar, first molar and second molar helps stabilize teeth and maintain space

- remove suture after one week

Follow up done after 3 months

- assess stability

- absence of pathology

- absence of symptoms

- assess need for further bone graft

- radiographic evaluation

An endodontic surgical procedure that involves atraumatic tooth extraction of the offending tooth, root end, resection/preparation/filling and reinsertion of the extracted tooth.

Intentional replantation

Key factor for consideration of intentional replantation

- patient and physical limitation

- endodontic and anatomic tooth factor

- operator factor

Solution used to maintain viability for about 30min (intentional replantation)

- hank's balanced salt solution

- pedialyte as alternative to HBSS

Other term for periapical surgery?
