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82 Cards in this Set

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Cluster A personality disorders




- more likely with first degree relative

- more likely to develop schizophrenia

Frozen Shoulder/Adhesive Capsulitis

Follows Trauma, Joint immobilization, Hypothyroidism; typically an insult resulting in inflammtion

Loss of Eversion and dosiflexion of the foot

Common Peroneal (fibular) nerve

- Can be damaged with posterior fibular head

- Waddling gait, swing-out, steppage gait

- dropPED: Peroneal Everts and Dorsiflexes

Loss of inversion and plantar flexion

Tibial nerve

Pityriasis rosea

Exanthematous eruption

Primary lesion = herald patch: oval slightly raised 2-5 cm plaque with peripheral scaly appearance

Secondary lesion = Christmas tree pattern 1-2 weeks later

- supportive tx

- HHV 6,7

Increases Digoxin Toxicity

- Quinidine decreases renal clearance; Lidocain can be utilized for treatment of dysrhythmias caused by digoxin toxicity

- Hypomagnesium, Hypercalcemia, Hyper/Hypokalemia increases digoxin toxicity

(Hypokalemia enhances probability of digoxin binding which will enhance toxicity possibility


which cells


what enzyme is most effected by decreased gastrin

- Delta cell tumor

- Syndrome: DM, Cholelithiasis, Steatorrhea, Hypochlorphydria dt decreased gastrin

- Pepsin is most effected since gastrin secreted from G cells hits Parietal. Release H. Acidity is needed for pepsinogen to change to pepsin

what causes telangiectasia?

Chronic liver diseases causes excess estrogen dt the livers inability to properly metabolize it.

- Gynecomastia is also a manifestation

Retrograde vs Anterograde amnesia

- Retrograde: can't remember stuff right before the amnesia but CAN make new memories

Can regain memory

- Anterograde: loss of the ability to make new memories, leading to a partial or complete inability to recall the recent past; long term memories are still intact

CANNOT regain memory for the ones that were not encoded properly

MC ankle ligament tear

- Anterior talofibular ligament

- Calcaneofibular ligament

- Posterior talofibular ligament

ATF - Always Tears First

effects of OC on breast, ovarian, endometrial cancer

- increase breast

- decrease endometrial

- decrease ovarian

- potentially slight increase in cervical cancer

Lab studies found in polymyositis

elevated creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, aldolase

- Anti-Jo-1 antibodies

PUD Benign ulcer on endoscopy

- smooth, flat erosion filled with exudate seen on endoscopy; regular rounded edges with a smooth ulcer base filled with exudate

PUD treatment

H. pylori:

- PPI to reduce gastric acid secretion by inhibiting the HKATP pump in parietal cells

- clarithromycin, Amoxicillin antibiotic

Anxietolytic that decreases risk of dependence

Buspirone - no sedation, CNS depression, dependence

- good for those with alcoholism and substance abuse

- binds serotonin and dopamine D2 receptors

increased CRI

Systemic fever, strenuous exercise, OMT

Decreases CRI

Depression, Chronic fatigue, Chronic infection

Crush Syndrome

Elevated creatine kinase, myoglobin, phosphate

- myoglobin causes AKI dt ATN

- Hypovolemic shock, hyperkalemia, HF, Arrhythmia, ARD, sepsis, DIC

Drug administered for hyperkalemia in a crush patient

Calcium gluconate - cardioprotective; doesn't directly effect potassium levels

Serotonin Syndrome Symptoms




CV instability




Treatment for Serotonin Syndrome

Cyproheptadine (5-HT2 Receptor Antagonist)

Tricyclic Antidepressant OD


CNS Toxicity

AntiCholinergic Sx

Tricyclic Antidepressant OD Treatment

Sodium Bicarbonate - raises the pH and makes more drug protein bound and thus less likely to cause problems


- what breaks it down

- what is released dt tyramine

- Tyramine causes release of Norepi from nerve terminals

- MAO is normally found in the but and therefore breaks down tyramine; thus inactivating and metabolizing catecholamines







Top Treatments for HTN




Calcium Channel Blocker

Increases CHF survival

Beta Blocker



Aldosterone Antagonist





Niacin deficiency, Nicotinic Acid

Gene mutation in Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease

PKHD1 - the gene for fibrocystin

* Fibrocystin is found on epithelail cells of renal tubules and bile ducts

* Autosomal Recessive or spontaneous

Complication of a newborn with ARPKD

Respiratory Distress


Reduced amniotic fluid leads to Potter Syndrome

Potter syndrome

Flattened Facies, Limb deformities, Pulmonary hypoplasia dt fetal compression

- Due to Oligohydramnios

- PKD, No ureteric bud formation, bilateral renal agenesis, obstructive uropathy causes the oligohydramnios

- cause of death: pulmonary hypoplasia

Complication with Autosomal Dominant PKD

Cerebral aneurysm - not associated with the recessive!

Red ragged fibers

Gomori trichome stain of a muscle biopsy of muscle fibers with a blotchy red appearance

- Mitochondrial inheretance

- EM: Increased number of enlarged, abnormally shaped mitochondria

Mitochondrial Myopathies

- myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibers

- Leber optic neuropathy (blindness)

- Mitochondrial encephalopathy with stroke like episodes and lactic acidosis

Palpable purpura

Henoch-Schonlein Purpura

Triad in Henoch-schonlein purpura

Palpable purpura on but and legs


GI: Abdominal pain

Vasculitis secondary to IgA Immune complex deposition (Type III)

- Follows URI

- MC childhood vasculitis

- Mechanism: circulating immune complexes

majority of OD in the USA


( Benzos cause less respiratory distress)

Blood supply to the femoral head which will lead to avascular necrosis

Ascending Cervical and Retinacular branches of Medial Circumflex artery

- Medial and Lateral Circumflex come from the Deep Femoral Artery, but the DFA is more hidden

- Lateral Circumflex provides only a small amount

Where is ADH synthesized

Paraventricular and Supraoptic Nuclei of the Hypothalamus; Transported to the POSTERIOR pituitary for storage

pH >5.5 (unexpected)


Kidney stones

Type I RTA

Type I RTA

pH >5.5 (unexpected)


Kidney stones

Defect in alpha intercalated cells to secrete H

Metabolic Acidosis

Dt: Amphotericin B toxicity, analgesic nephropathy, congenital anomalies

Urine pH < 5.5


Type 2 RTA

Type 2 RTA

- Defect:

- Causes:

Urine pH < 5.5


- Defect in PCT HCO3 reabsorption

- Fanconi Syndrome, Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors

Urine pH <5.5


Type 4 RTA

Type 4 RTA



Urine pH <5.5


- Decreased aldosterone production

- Cause: diabetic hyporeninism, ACE inhibitors, ARB, NSAIDS, Heparin, Cyclosporine, Adrenal insufficiency or aldosterone reisstence

Causes of Metabolic Acidosis with Increased Anion Gap

M - Methanol

U - Uremia


P - Propylene glycol

I - Iron tablets, Isoniazid

L - Lactic acidosis

E - Ethylene Glycol

S - Salycilates (late)

*** Adding Acid

Causes of Metabolic Acidosis with Normal Anion Gap



Addison Disease





Saline Infusion

Shifts K out of Cells = Hyperkalemia

- Cell Lysis

- Low Insulin (High blood sugar)

- Beta Blockers

- Acidosis

- Digoxin

Shifts K into cells = Hypokalemia

- Insulin (INto Cells)


- Alkylosis

- Cell Creation/Cancer

Electrolyte: that decreases DTRs, lethargy, bradycardia, hypotension, Cardiac arest, Hypocalcemia

Increased Mg

Electrolyte: causes tetany

Decreased Ca, Mg

What is elevated and decreased in Poststrep GN?

Elevated Antistrptolysin O for just strep pharyngitis, not impetego.

- Elevated Anti-DNAse B for BOTH

- Decreased Complement (C3) levels

Mutation on Chromosome 17

NF-1 - tumor suppressor gene that causes neurofibromatomas

Mutation on Chromosome 3p

VHL gene

Mutation on Chromosome 13 that's a tumor supporesor

RB - lead to retinoblastoma and osteosarcoma

Mutation on Chromosome 11 Tumor suppressor

WT-1: Wilm's Tumor

What does the ureteric bud give rise to?

Collecting system of the kidney: Collecting tubules, ducts, major and minor calyces, renal pelvis and ureters

What does the metaneprhic mesoderm (blastema) give rise to?

Glomeruli, Bowman's space, proximal tubules, loop of henle, Distal convoluted Tubule

3 rate limiting enzymes of Glycolysis



Pyruvate Kinase

Rate Limiting for De Novo Pyrimidine synthesis

carbamoyl phosphate syntheatase-2

Rate Limiting de novo purine synthesis

Glutamine PRPP amidotransferase

Rate limiting Glycolysis

PFK-1 (Phosphofructokinase-1)

Rate Limiting Gluconeogenesis


Rate limiting Glycogen Synthesis

Glycogen Synthase

Rate limiting Glycogenolysis

Glycogen Phosphorylase

Rate Limiting TCA Cycle

Isocitrate Dehydrogenase

Rate Limiting Hexose Monophosphate Shunt

Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase

Retroperotoneal Organs


A - Aorta and IVC

D - Duodenum (2-4)

U - Ureters

C - Colon (ascending, descending)

K - Kidneys

P - Pancrease (head, not tail)

E - Esophagus (thoracic past diaphragm)

A - Adrenals

R - Rectum

Enzymes for Gluconeogenesis


Fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase

Pyruvate carboxylase + BIotin

PEP carboxykinase

What are the two main nitrogen transporters in the blood?

alanine and glutamine

What are teh major regulatory enzymes of the TCA?

Citrate Synthase

Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (rate limiting)
alpha-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (highly regulated)

What is the landmark for the pudendal nerve block?

Palpate the Ischial Spine

Uncoupling agents:

increase permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane and decrease the proton gradient thus produce heat

- 2,4 Dinitrophenol (used for weight loss)

- Aspirin OD

- Termogenin in brown fat (hibernation)

Position of ease for nursemaid elbow

Flexion of elbow, Adduction, and pronation

Mechanism of injury during nusemaid elbow?

Longitudinal traction on a pronated, extended elbow

Treatment position for nursemaid elbow

Flex elbow to 160 and supinate

H2S positive, Black colonies on Hektoen Agar

Salmonella typhi

Green colonies on Hektoin Agar

No Hydrogen Sulfide


Contaminated Peanut Butter


