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36 Cards in this Set

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Group of individuals of same species inhabiting a specified geographical area


Local population

Gene pool

Complete set of genetic information in a population

Population genetics

Study of frequency of alleles and genotypes within a population and change over time


Change in allele frequency within a population

Calculation of allele frequencies

F(A) = number of A alleles/ total no of alleles


p+q = 1

Hardy Weinberg Principle

Predicts a populations genotype frequency from its allele frequency

Relation b/w allele frequency and genotype frequency

Random mating of individuals is equivalent to the random union of gametes

Probability of producing an AA homozygote

P*p= p^2

Probability of producing an aa homozygote

Q*q= q^2

Probability of forming an Aa heterozygote


Allele frequency and genotype frequency

p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1

Assumptions of Hardy Weinberg principle

• Random Mating

• No Natural Selection

• No Mutation

• No Migration

• Large Population Size

Random Mating

Each individual - equal opportunity of mating with any other individual

Assortative Mating

Members of population choose individuals of particular phenotypes more or less often than random


Mating between closely related individuals

Consanguineous Mating

Humans - mating between relatives

Genetic Drift

Random change in genetic frequency due to chance errorfrom one generation to another

Sex linked genes and hardy Weinberg equilibrium

Heterogametic sex - p and q

Homogametic sex - p^2, 2pq and q^2

Polyploidy and hw principle


Inbreeding coefficient

Probability that two alleles of a given gene are identical by decent


Alleles inherited from a common ancestor


Alleles not identical by descent

Inbreeding associated with

Reduction if heterozygosity and increase in homozygosity

Inbreeding coefficient equation

F = He - Ho / He


F = 2pq - Ho / 2pq

Frequency of inbreeding in alleles

AA - p^2(1-F) + pF = p^2 + pqF

Aa - 2pq(1-F) = 2pq - 2pqF

aa - q^2(1-F) + qF = q^2 + pqF

Inbreeding depression

Increased homozygosity for harmful alleles

Genetic Load

Number of harmful alleles present in a gene pool

Heterosis (hybrid vigour)

Beneficial consequences of increased heterozygosity like increased viability and reproduction

Heterozygote advantage

When selection favours heterozygote individuals over either the dominant homozygote or the recessive homozygote

Population substructure

Organisms that are subdivided into local populations

Wahlund Effect

A subdivided population contains fewer heterozygotes than predicted

Effective population size

The size of an idealised population showing the same rate of loss of genetic diversity as the real population under study

Census population size

Number of individuals in a population

Fisher Wright population

Idealized population