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102 Cards in this Set

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What is a pig considered based on the number of legs it has?
What is a man considered based on the number of legs it has?
What is the way a pig walked called?
What is the way man walks called?
What are the openings that are on the snout, that air in warmed filtered and humidified, normally referred to as nostils?
external nares
What are the external ears called?
What is the third lid-like structure called?
nictitating membrane
What is the eardrum called?
tympanic membrane
What is the paperthin covering on the whole pig?
What is the double pouch structure found on male fetuses?
What is the skeleton of all vertebrates called?
What are even-toed hoofed mammals called?
What form of mammals gives birth to live young in a pouch?
What class do most mammals fall under?
Gland that is ventral to the heart, makes white blood cells?
Produces thryoxine?
thyroid gland
Space between the gums and cheeks?
Muscular organ that helps to break food apart (mechanical)?
What is a wad of food called?
What is the chewing of food called?
What if the flap of skin under the tongue that attaches tongue to floor of mouth called?
lingual frenulum
What if the flap of skin that holds the upper lip to the upper jaw called?
labial frenulum
What is the bone called that the extrinsic tongue muscles attach to?
hyoid bone
What are the ridges on the hard palate called?
palatal rugae
Word for varies a lot?
What is posterior to the hard palate and helps to close off the nasal cavity from food and drink?
soft palate
What is the cartilage flap that covers the larynx when swallowing?
What is the voice box called?
What is the tube that leads to the lungs?
What is cranial to the trachea?
what is the site of exchange for oxygen and carbon dioxide?
What is the muscular tube, dorsal to the trachea and connects the mouth to the stomach?
What is the sphinter called that separates the esophagus from the stomach?
lower esophageal sphincter
What are the terminal sacs of the lungs called?
What is the sac that aids in breathing that is on the lung?
visceral pleura
What is the sac that aids in breathing that is on the chest wall?
parietal pleura
What condition do you get when your lower esophageal sphincter will not close all the way?
What is wave-like contractions called?
What is the thin membrane that lines the entire abdominal cavity holding the organs in place?
What is the word for the kidneys since they are on the dorsal side of the peritoneum?
retro peritoneal
What blood vessel leads cranially to the liver?
umbilical vein
What does the umbilical vein become?
falciform ligament
What are the two vessels from the umbilicus and lead caudally toward the urinary bladder called?
umbilical arteries
What holds the bladder up in creatures once they are born?
umbilical arteries
What is the large flat muscle that seperates the thorax from the abdomen?
What retains waste from the baby and gives to the mother?
allantoic duct
What is more muscular an artery or vein?
What is the organic chem lab of the body?
What is the chemical that is needed to emulsify fats in the intestines, made in liver?
What is the tube that leads from liver carrying the bile produced in the liver?
hepatic duct
What is the sac structure that stores bile?
gall bladder
What is the tube that leads from the gall bladder carrying bile that was stored there?
common bile duct
What does the common bile duct empty into?
What produces digestive enzymes?
What do the Ilses of Langerhans produce?
What is the muscular pouch at the caudal end of the esophagus, where protein digestion begins?
What is the soupy mixture produced in the stomach?
What are the bumps in the stomach called?
gastric rugae
What breaks down the proteins in the stomach?
What is the sphincter that allows chyme to leave the stomach and go to the duodenum?
pyloric valve
What is fetal caca called?
What is the first part of the small intestines?
How long is the first part of the small intestines?
10 inches
What is the second part of the small intestines?
How long is the second part of the small intestines?
8 feet
What is the third part of the small intestine?
What is the sphincter valve through which food leaves the ileum and enters the caecum?
ileocecal valve
What is the first part of the large intestines?
What hangs off of the first part of the large intestines in humans?
vermiform appendix
What is the second part of the large intestine in humans?
ascending colon
What is the third part of the large intestine in humans?
transverse colon
What is the fourth part of the large intestine in humans?
descending colon
What is the fifth part of the large intestine in humans?
sigmoid colon
What is the last part of the large intestine?
What is the muscular sphincter through which gecal material leaves the rectum?
What is the sac like organ that is part of the lymph systerm, and holds a cup of blood?
What is the retro peritoneal organ that filtesr blood and produces urine from the waste products filtered out?
What checks to see what belongs to what in cells?
B and T lymphocites
What is the tube that leads from kidneys and carries urine to the urinary bladder?
What is the muscular pouch that holds about 700-800 mL of urine
urinary bladder
What are used to tell if the urinary bladder or rectum is full?
barro receptors
What is the tube leading from the inferior portion of the urinary bladder to the outside of the body?
What is the upper chambers of the heart called?
What are the lower two large muscular chambers of the heart?
What is the thin membran sac that encloses the heart?
What are the arteries and veins that leave the heart and go to the lungs to get blood oxygenated?
pulmonary arteries and veins
What are the primary veins that drain the body and return the blood to the right atria of the heart?
superior and inferior vena cava
What are the pair of blood vessels that run across the ventral surface of the heart?
coronary artery and vein
What is the connective tissue that holds down the obliques?
linea alba
What order is a pig?
Is the body temperature of a pig higher than mans?
What are the two main characteristics of mammals?
skin covered with hair and milk producing glands
What glands are on the kidneys?
adrenal glands
What do the uterine horns go together to form?
What is a continuation of the uterus and lies dorsal to the urethra
What species do pigs belong to?
Sus scrofa
What is the average life span of a pig?
15 to 20 years
What is the body temperature of a pig compared to a human?
slightly higher
How much do domestic breeds of pigs weigh?
900 lbs
What class to pigs belong to?
What covers the fetal pigs whole body?
What is an internal skeleton called?