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4 Cards in this Set

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Renal cancers tend to have a mutation in what protein involved in angiogenesis?

Mutation in pVHL leading to constitutive activation of HIF-1α and ∴ activation of VEGF → angiogenesis

See metastasis lecture for mechanism

What type of drugs target the process of angiogenesis?

VEGF receptor kinase inhibitors e.g. Sunitinib

Describe hormone treatment for prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer cells, like normal prostate cells, need testosterone (from the testis) to proliferate (hormone-dependent cancer).

First line treatment for prostate cancer → castration therapy

> Surgical castration

> Chemical castration GnRH agonists → overstimulation of HPG axis → -ve fb

(GNRH antagonists, oestrogens and androgen recepetor antagonists are also used as chemical castration)

What is the difference between predictive markers and prognostic markers in stratified medicine?

Predictive markers

> predict which patients will benefit from specific treatment

> aids drug choice

Prognostic markers

> Inform about outcome regardless of treatment

> May help choose which patients to treat, but now how to treat them

> eg circulating T-cells in breast carcinoma

Oestrogen receptor (ER) is both predictive and prognostic for breast cancer