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55 Cards in this Set

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Average Speed:



Average Speed = Distance travelled/time


The rate of change of distance of an object calculated over a complete journey

Average Velocity:



Average velocity = change in displacement/ time taken

v = ∆s/∆t

For a return journey v=0 as s=0

The change in displacement for a journey divided by the time taken

Distance-time graph:



Straight line (Horizontal) - Stationary

Straight line, with gradient - Constant speed, gradient = speed, a=0

Curve - Varying speed

Straight line? Gradient? Curve?

Displacement-time graph:



Straight line (Horizontal) - Stationary

Straight line, gradient - Constant velocity, gradient = velocity, a = 0

Curve - Varying velocity

Straight line? Gradient? Curve?

Velocity-time graph:



Straight line (Horizontal) - Constant velocity, a = 0

Straight line, gradient - constant acceleration, gradient = a

Curve - Varying acceleration

Area = displacement

Straight line? Gradient? Curve? Area?

Stopping Distance

Total distance travelled from when the driver first sees a reason to stop, to when the vehicle stops

Stopping Distance = Thinking Distance + Braking Distance

Thinking Distance:



The distance travelled from when the driver first sees a reason to stop, to when they use the brake

Thinking Distance = speed × Reaction Time

Braking Distance

The distance travelled from the to me the brake us applied until the vehicle stops

Free Fall

The motion of an object accelerating under gravity with no other force acting on it

Acceleration of free fall

The rate of change of velocity of an object falling in a gravitational field. Given on earth as, g (9.81 ms^-2)

Terminal Velocity

The constant speed reached by an object when the drag force (and upthrust) is equal and opposite I the weight of the object

Three stages of free fall

(Describe the motion of a sky diver as the leave an aircraft)

Net force/resultant force? Acceleration?




The product of the force and the perpendicular distance from a pivot or stated point

Moment =Fx

Moment = Force × perpendicular distance of the line of action of a force from the axis or point of rotation

Principle of Moments

For a body in rotational equilibrium, the sum of the anticlockwise moments about any point is equal to the sum of the clockwise moments about that same point


A pair of quality and opposite forces on a body but not acting in the same straight line




The moment of a couple

Toque = Fd

Torque of a couple = one of the forces × perpendicular separation between the forces


Density = mass/volume

ρ = m/V

Mass per unit volume kgm^-3


Pressure = Force/Area

P = F/A

Force exerted per unit cross sectional area

kgm^-1s^-2 = Nm^-2 = Pa

Pressure in Fluids:



Archimedes' Principle

The upthrust exerted on a body in a fluid, whether partially or fully submerged, is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced and acts in the opposite direction

Work done:

•Definition of work


•Realtion to energy

The product of the force and the distance moved in the direction of the force

Work done = force × distance moved in direction of force

W = Fx

Work done = Energy Transferred


The capacity for doing work (J)

Kinetic Energy

Energy due to motion of an object with mass

KE = (mv^2)/2

KE = 1/2 × mass × velocity^2

Gravitational Potential Energy

Energy of a an object with mass due to its position in a gravitational field

GPE = mgh

GPE = mass × acceleration of free fall × height

Chemical Energy

Energy contained within the helical binds between atoms - can be released when atoms are rearranged

Elastic Potential Energy

Energy stored in an object as a result of a reversible change in its shape

EPE = Fx/2

EPE = 1/2 × average force × final extension

Or: as F=kx

EPE = (kx^2)/2

Nuclear Energy

Energy stored within the nuclei of atoms

Radiant Energy (EM Energy)

Energy associated with all the electromagnetic waves, stored within oscillating electric and magnetic fields

Sound Energy

Energy of mechanical waves due to the movement of atoms

Internal Energy (Heat or Thermal)

The sum of the random potential and kinetic energies of atoms in a system


The rate at which work is done (W)

Power = work done/time


W = Js^-1 = kgm^2s^-3

Equation for energy efficiency

Efficiency (%) = (useful energy output/total energy input) × 100

Hooke's Law

The extension of a spring is directly proportional to the force applied until the elastic limit of the spring is exceeded


Force = force constant × extension

Force-extension Graph for Metal Wire

Force-extension Graph for Rubber

Force-extension Graph for Polythene

The area under a force extension graph is equal to

Work done

∆W = F×∆x

Equivalent spring constant for springs in parallel

k(eqv) = k(1) + k(2)

Equivalent spring constant for springs in series

1/k(eqv) = 1/k(1) + 1/k(2)

Tensile Stress

Force per cross sectional area on a material (Pa)

Stress = Force/cross sectional area


Tensile strain

The extension per unit length of a material, a dimensionless quantity

Stain = extension/original length

Ɛ = x/L

Stress-Strain graph for a ductile material

What are points: P,E, Y1, Y2, UTS,B?

P - limit of proportionality, stress and strain no longer proportional

E - Elastic limit, elastic deformation up to this point, plastic for any further

Y1 Y2 - Upper and lower yield points, material extends rapidly

UTS - ultimate tensile strength, maximum stress a material can withstand while being stretched before it breaks. Necking occurs beyond this point

B - Breaking point, stress value is known as breaking stress


Process by which a material elongates and narrows at its weakest point due to stress above the materials UTS

Young Modulus

The ratio of tensile stress to tensile strain when these quantities are directly proportional (Pa)

Young modulus = tensile stress/tensile strain

E = σ

The gradient of the linear section of a Stress-Strain graph

Stress-Strain Graph for Rubber

Stress-Strain Graph for Polythene

Newton's First Law

A body will remain at rest it continue to move with constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force

Newton's Second Law

The net resultant force ring in an object us directly proportional to the rate of change of its momentum, and is in the same direction

F = ∆p/∆t

For an object of constant mass:

F= (mv-mu)/t = m(v-u)/t


Newton's Third Law

When two objects interact, they exert equal and opposite forces on each other


Momentum = mass × velocity


Conservation of Momentum

For a system of interacting objects, the total momentum in a specific direction remains constant as long as there are no external forces acting on the system

Perfectly Elastic Collisions:

What is conserved?


•Total Energy

•Total KE

Momentum - Conserved

Total Energy - Conserved

Total KE - Conserved

Inelastic Collisions:

What is conserved?


•Total Energy

•Total KE

Momentum - Conserved

Total Energy - Conserved

Total KE - Not Conserved


The product if force and the time over which the force acts (Ns)

Impulse = F × ∆t

F = ∆p/∆t

Therefore, Impulse = change in momentum