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36 Cards in this Set

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What are the non renewable energy resources

1. Coal

2. Oil

3. Natural gas

4. Nuclear

How do fossil field use steam to drive a turbine

1. Fossil fuel burns gives to thermal energy by heating

2. Water boils to steam drives turbine (mechanically to kinetic store)

3. Generator produces electric current, transfers energy electrical and by national grid

Advantage of fossil fuels

1. Releases lots of energy cheaply

2. Doesn't rely on weather so reliable

3. No need to spend money on new tech, already have them

disadvantages of fossil fuels

1. Release carbon dioxide, global warming

2. Acid rain, impact on aquatic wildlife

3. Going to run out

Explain how nuclear reactor works with heat and steam

Same as other but uranium produces heat to make steam to drive turbines

Explain nuclear reactor energy transfers and changes

Nuclear to thermal by heating, mechanically to kinetic then by electricity to national grid

What's difference between nuclear reactor and fossil fuel station

Xpensive to build and maintain, longer to start up

What do you have to do to the uranium before in nuclear reactor

Process it, causes pollution, risk of radioactive leak

Advantages of nuclear?

1. No greenhouse gas

2. Lots of energy for little put in

3. Lots of uranium left

How does geo thermal work

Only works in certain geographical areas

Pumped in pipes to hot rocks, forced back up bc pressure, turns turbine, drives generator

What are energy transfers in geo thermal

Thermal store to kinetic store to generate electricity

Adv of geothermal

1. Free

2. Renewable

3. No environmental problems

Disadv of geothermal

1. Cost of drilling down

2. Cost of building plant, high comppared to amount of energy

How do wind turbines work

Put them up in open space

Wind turns turbines with generator

Energy transfers in wind turbines?

Kinetic of air to generate electricity

Adv of wind turbine

1. Cheap 2 run

2. No waste

3. Renewable

Disadv of wind turbine

1. Spoiled view

2. Low energy output

3. Very loud

4. Only work in wind

5. Expensive to set up

How does wave power work

Wave converters around coast, up and down motion used to drive generator

Energy transfers in wave power?

Kinetic store of waves to kinetic store of turbine to generate electricity

Advtantage of wave power

No pollution


Initial costs high

Not for large scale

Disadvantage of wave power

Spoiled view

Hazard to boats


No fuel costs

Explain solar power

Energy from sun to generate electricity

Make DC electricity

Adv of solar energy


No pollution

No views ruined

Disadv of solar

Xpensive to setup

Only work in sun

Powers only individual homes

Whats a solar water heating panel

Glass lets solar energy in, absorbed by black pipes to heat water, small scale prod

How can you cook with solar power

Curved mirror, focus sun's light. Unreliable need strong sun rays

What are tidal barrages

Dam with turbine in them, water comes in then is let out, moves turbines with it

Energy transfers in tidal barrage

Kinetic of water to kinetic of turbine

Adv of tidal barrage

No pollution


Minimal running cost

Disadv of tidal barrage

Prevent boat access

Destroys habitat

Spoils view

How does hydro electricity work (dam)

Flood valley with dam, rainwater caught, let out through turbines

Energy transfer in hydro electricity (dam)

GPE store of water to kinetic

Adv of hydro electricity (dam)


No pollution


Disadv of hydro electricity (dam)

Rotting vegetation CO2

Loss habitat

If dry up look bad

How does pumped up storage work to keep energy

Night electricity pumps water to higher reservoir

Released quick at peak demand

Energy transfers in pumped up storage

energy back to waters gpe