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32 Cards in this Set

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Cardinal: Straight nasal
Medial rectus/ CN III
Cardinal: Up and nasal
Inferior oblique/CN III
Cardinal: Up and temporal
Superior rectus/CN III
Cardinal: Straight temporal
lateral rectus/CN VI
Cardinal: Down and temporal
Inferior rectus/CN III
Cardinal: Down and Nasal
superior oblique/CN IV
CN I: Name/Function/Test
Olfactory/Smell/Familiar Smell
CN II: Name/Function/Test
Optic/Relay info to occipital lobe/Snellen;Optical fundi;visual fields by confrontation;direct pupillary reaction
CN III: Name/Function/Test

-Moves inferior, superior, and medial rectus muscles and inferior oblique and the levetator palpebrae muscle;consensual pupillary reaction

-extraocular movement tests for nasal, upper nasal, upper, and lower temporal fields; check for ability to move eyelid up and down with no ptosis
CN IV:: Name/Function/Test
Trochlear/superior oblique muscle/extraoccular movement that is down nasally
Paralysis of the entire left side of the face would be a result of what kind of nerve damage?
Peripheral (between pons and muscle) nerve damage of the right CN VII (facial)
Paralysis of the bottom left side of the face would be a result of what kind of nerve damage?
Central (between motor center and pons) nerve damage of the right CN VII
CN V: Name/Function/Test
Trigemenal/Motor:controls masseter and temporal muscles;Sensory: pain, temperature, and light touch sensation; also sensory portion of corneal reflex/Motor: have pt clench jaw and palpate muscles;Sensory: have pt close eyes and then check the three
CN VII: Name/Function/Test

- Motor: muscles of facial expression/Sensory: anterior 2/3rds of tongue for taste

-Motor: raise both eyebrows, frown, try to hold eyelids together, show upper and lower teeth, smile, & puff out both cheeks Sensory: use taste
CN VI: : Name/Function/Test
Abducens/Move lateral rectus muscle/extraoccular test to see if can move laterally/temporally
CN VIII: Name/Function/Test

- hearing and balance (cochlear & vestibular)

- hearing test; test for lateralization (Weber test; should be heard equally)
CN IX: Name/Function/Test

- motor: pharynx/sensory: posterior portions of the eardrum and ear canal, pharynx, and posterior tongue

- check for Difficulty swallowing
CN X:: Name/Function/Test

Motor: Larynx, Pharynx, Palate
Sensory: Larynx and Pharynx

- check for voice quality, ask to say ah and see if there's movement of the uvula; also tests for gag reflex
CN XI: Name/Function/Test
Spinal Accessory

- Trapezius and Sternomastoid muscles (posterior and anterior)

- Have patient shrug shoulders, move head from side to side against hand
CN XII: Name/Function/Test

- moves the tongue

- have patient move tongue from side to side
What does tympany mean in percussion?
No sound
Bronchial sounds should can be heard __________ and should be (more/less) inspiratory than expiratory
At the branches of the bronchus and in patients with consolidation from pneumonia

It is less inspiratory (1:2)
Bronchophony is when transmitted voice sounds are
Clear rather than muffled
Egophony is when
"E" changes to "A"
Rhonci are:
relatively low pitched, continuous adventitious breath sounds; they sound like snoring
The floating ribs are:
Decreased tactile fremitus is indicative of:
A lung collapse (pneumothorax)
Increased tactile fremitus is indicative only of:
Consolodation from pneumonia