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20 Cards in this Set

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Phlebotomy comes from the greek word

1.__________- meaning vein

2.__________- meaning cut

1. Phlebos

2. Temnein

Two main phlebotomy procedures


Capillary puncture

Other term for capillary puncture

Dermal puncture

Skin puncture

Crude tools are discovered that also suggest this country's possibility of blood letting for therapeutic reasons around 1400 BC


Application of leech to patients are discovered in?

Tomb paintings

He is also known as the father of medicine/father of modern science that is responsible for the Humoral theory, which believed illness can be caused by imbalance of these humors in the body.

460-377 B. C.


He believed that blood was formed in the liver and brought from the intestines by the portal vein


He discovered the presence of valves in veins

Andreas Vesalius

Discovered pulmonary circulation

Realdus Columbus

Discovered blood circulation from observations on living animals and dissections

He also determined the functions of valves

William Harvey

Removal of blood in the body

Blood letting

Venesection comes from the latin word1.__________- meaning vein2.__________- meaning cut

1. Vena

2. Sectio

It was frequently doned because it was a dangerous method that involves the temporal artery vein


4 blood letting techniques

1. Venesection

2. Arteriotomy

3. Cupping

4. Leeching

Involved a procedure that required a placing of suction cup over an area of skin


Blister or swollen area drew the underlying blood away from the inflamed area and directed it to the surface of the skin. The blood or fluid in the blister was not removed

Dry cupping

Cutting the skinbso that blood and fluid can be extracted.

Wet cupping

3 therapeutic properties of leech

1. Vasodilation property

2. Anesthetic property

3. Anti-coagulant property

Scientific name of leech used in leeching

Hirudo medicinalis

Other term for leeching

Hirudo therapy