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17 Cards in this Set

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Ways to depict Jesus in Christianty...(3)
1. He is the son of God
a. incarnation of creator God
2. Bearer of the gospel
peace/harmony on earth
3. Model-example of how to live
written in
There are four gospels...
Matthew-Jewish Gospel
Luke-Gentile(not Jewish)
The "Q" was...
an early written textin general circulation
-> inspired the gospels
saying gospels=the gospel of Thomas
The 5 Auspicious Moments of Jesus
2.Birth-Christmas Story, found in Matthew and Luke

3. Renunciation--> 30 years old
4.Enlightenmint-doesn't really count for Jesus
5.Death-Easter Story
Crucified----> why?-->Romans, Jewish hierarchy
A. Three days later-ressurects
crucifixtion--blood sacrifice for the forgivness of sin.
"Who do people say I am"?-Jesus
The prophet of Elijah
other prophets
the messiah
To Jews instead of being crucified, Jesus was suppose to....
drive out the romans
however, Jesus wasn't a political figure, he was there to forgive sins.
The Six Messages of Jesus
1. The law of Moses (10 commandments) must be kept.
2.But the law is not sufficient
-- talks about interioraction-thought count as much as actions.
3. Law exists for humans-not humans exist for law
4 Jesus condemns-unwritten law->the oral torah
5. The Law is kept by:
a. A loving GOD
b. the Golden Rule
6. Jesus will return
300 Year Debate
"Do you need to be Jewish to join"?
Peter/group vs Paul/group
Peter/group-yes, need to be jewish

Paul/group-no you don't-win arguement

paul--turned in christians for money, but then stops and converts to Christianity in Axes
Roden Starks analyctions
Early Christianity (3)
1. Sense of Community
---like a secret society
2. Nursing-would nurse sick people and convert them to christianity.
3. Infanticide-killing of babies
what made Christianity a central power?
313 CE Emperor Constantine Converts to Christianity.
4th Century, Christianity is big now-->age of coucils discuss with constantine what makes a christian a christian.

2mystical gnostics
3arian controversy
1.women-told to be silent
no positions of power
2.mystical Gnostics--
believe in cosmic dualism
Creator God (not god god)
---becausehe created a evil/material world
---true god--has nothing to do with this material world
--called heretics
3. Arian Controversy-debated over the divinity of Christ.
(was he god on earth) splits christianity right now the middle.- introduces the though of polytheism
decide.in essence teh father and sone are ONE.
A statement of faith
First schisms
Second schisms
first schism:Catholics and Orthodox

2nd: catholics and protestants
Pros of Christianity:(6)
monastic communities
Cons of Christianity:(2)
Crusades-the threat of muslims and freeing Jerusalem from the muslims

The Inquisition:Sought out internal threats-heretics