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78 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following philosophers does Singer associate with the view that animals do not have consciousness?

a. Descartes
b. Wittgenstein
c. Bentham
d. Aristotle
Regan favors the total abolition of:

a. using animals in science
b. commercial animal agriculture
c. hunting and trapping
d. all of the above
According to Olen, Barry, and VC, Kant felt we should be nice to animals:

a. out of respect
b. because they are simliar to persons, even though they're not persons.
c. to avoid developing insensitive characters
d. out of a duty not to inflict pain
According to Taylor, a teleological center of life is an organism that:

a. has its own conscious purposes
b. has wants and needs
c. is a unified system of goal-oriented activies directed towards its preservation and well-being
d. views the world from its own perspective
According to Olen, Barry, and VC, the conventional view of morality does not grant animals rights because they are not:

a. humans
b. persons
c. capable of language
d. sentient
According to Regan, what determines whether a creature has inherent value is whether it:

a. can reason
b. is an experiencing subject of a life
c. has the requisite intelligence
d. is autonomous
In weighing the economic costs of products without CFC (chloroforcarbons) against the human health risks of ozone depletion, what time of reasoning is being used?

a. Kantian dignity
b. utilitarianism
c. Rawls' veil of ignorance
d. Nozick's moral space
Anthropocentrism focuses centrally on:

a. The well-being of nonhuman animals
b. The well-being of humans
c. The well-being of nonhuman and humans equally
d. The well-being of the enviornment overall
What is the nonholisitic view of threats to a species?

a. A threat to a species is more significant than the sum total of threats to individual members.
b. A threat to a species is less significant than the sum total of threats to individual members
c. A threat to a species is not in itself more significant than the sum of total of threats to individual members
d. A threat to an individual species is irrelevant
Which of the following does Baxter not count as part of a nation's wealth?

a. natural resources
b. technological skill
c. stocks and bonds
d. capital goods
According to Singer, the basic principle of equality is:

a. equality of rights
b. equality of treatment
c. equality of consideration
d. equality before the law
According to Regan, the fundamental wrong with our treatment of animals is:

a. the suffering we cause them
b. our denial of their freedom
c. our treatment of them as resources
d. none of the above
According to Singer, the prerequisite for having interests is the capacity:

a. to reason
b. to suffer
c. to understand language
d. to have biological
According to Regan, the contractarian view of morality accounts for our duties to humans but not to other animals.
According to Baxter, it is wrong to look at pollution control as a series of trade-offs
Baxter denies that putting people first will lead to massive environment destruction.
According to Taylor, we contradict ourselves if we say a being has a good of its own but lacks inherent worth
Holisitic and individualistic approaches to environmental ethics are most alike in promoting the interests of plants, animals, water, aire, and soil as independent goods.
One attempted justification of human practices which result inharm done to animals is to say that they are not as intelligent as humans. A response to this is to ask why intelligence is of ________ significance.
A general principle relevant to our treatment of animals is : (i) death, pain, and ________ are bad things; so that (ii) if you cause any of these things to happen you have to be able to justify yourself; and that (iii) trivial benefits don't justify.
One moral argument for vegetarianism goes like this. P1: it is wrong to cause unnecessary death and suffering on a massive scale. P2: producing animals for us to eat ______ unnecessary death and suffering on a massive scale. C1: producing animals for us to eat is wrong. P3: If it is wrong to produce animals for us to eat, then we should not eat the animals that have been so produced. C2: we should now eat animals which have been produced for us to eat
A human centered ethics is one which says (i) we only have ________ to other humans; (ii) only humans have intrinsic worth.
A life centered ethics is one which says (i) our obligations extend to other sentient creatures; (ii) if the basic interests of humans and other sentient creatures clash, human interests should prevail; (iii) if non-basic interests of humans clash with basic interests other _______ creatures, it is their ineterests should prevail.
Name three practices of human beings which constitute intentional harm done to animals
Factory farms
Medical research
Hunting for sport
Name one practice of human beings which constitutes unintentional but foreseeable harm done to animals
Name four environment threats
Acid Rain
Global warming
OZone depletion
What is the life boat analogy?
If rich nations help poor nations. If the poor nations help into rich's boat, it will sink.
According to Singer, to avoid specieism we must hold that it is as wrong to kill a dog as it is to kill a normal human being
As described by Regan, the prevailing view of our moral relationship to animals is that we have duties regarding them but not to them
According to Baxter, there is no morally right state of nature
According to Baxter, our enviromental goal is an optimal state of poulltion
For Taylor, it is essential that we avoid value judgments about living things
One attempted justification of human practices which result in harm done to animals is to say that God put _______ on this earth to use as we see fit.A respons to this is that it presupopses the biblical story of creation, and that another theory at odds with the biblical story is the theory of evolution.
A human centered ethics is one which says (i) we only have obligations to other humans; (ii) only humans have ________ worth
A moral argument for limited vegetarianism goes like this. P1 it is wrong to produce animal sfor us to eat by factory farm techniques. P2 if it is wrong to produce animals for us to eat by factory farm techniques, then it is wrong to eat the animals so produced. C: it is wrong to _____ animals which have been produced by factory farm techniques.
Name one practice of human beings which constitutes unintentional but foreseeable harm done to animals
One attempted justification of human practices which result in harm done to animals is to say animals eat other animals. A response is to say that, unlike humans animals have no choice in the matter. There was a second response. What was it?
Rights are irrelevant to pain and suffering
Name two kinds of consequentialists who are concerned with the problem of human population growth.
Describe a thought experiment relevant to the question of whether we have duties to future people.
Say you could contain all the worlds pollutants into a concrete case and then put them in the ocean for 100 years but after 100 years the capsule wil explode. You either believe that you have obligations to future people or you believe that you don't have obligations to them.
According to Regan, there is no guarantee that a kind act is right or a cruel act is wrong
The debate over global warming focuses on consequentialist reasoning, balancing.
Anthropocentric environmental ethics believes that only humans harm the enviroment
According to Taylor, the holistic view of Earth's ecological system constitues a moral norm
Baxter's orientation to people over penguins means that damage to penguins is, in itself, irrelevant
A life centered ethics is one which says (i) our oblicgations extend to other sentient creatures; (ii) if the ________ interests of humans and other sentient creatures clash, human interests should prevail; (iii) if non-basic interests of humans clash with basic interests of other sentient creatures, it is their ineterests that should prevail
One attempted justification of human practices which result in harm done to animals is to say that they don't have rights. A response to this is to say that, even if it is true, rights are _________ to pain and suffering.
Name 5 practices of human beings which constitute intentional harm done to animals
Eat them, Hunt them, Fur, Kill for entertainment, experiment on them
A lot of people think deforestation poses a grave threat. Name two bad things deforestation that is supposed to contribute to
Specie loss
Global warming
Explain how the developmentists and welfare rights advocates differ on the problem of human population growth
D- what action has best overall consequences (consequentialists)
WR- what rights do people have (non-consequentialists)
One attempted justification of human practices which result in harm done to animals is to say that they are only animals. A response to this is that presuppose ________, which is not more justifiable than racism or sexism.
This environmentalist had a life centered view. We have prima facie moral duties to nonhumans
A __________ center of life is an organism that isunified system of goal-oriented activies directed toward its preservation and well-being.
_________ says that wild livng things deserve moral consideration because they are members of Earth's life.
Name 4 environmental threats
Global warming
ozone depletion,
Water pollution,
Air pollution
What is the life boat analogy?
If you have a life boat with 50 spots, but therea are 100 people to save, how do you choose who gets in.
The 50 richest countires are the ones in the boat, are they in obligation to help the 50 poorest countries
An attempt to justify humans eating animals is the fact that animals eat animals, what is a response to this?
Unlike humans, animals have no choice in this manner
Name three bad things global warmingis supposed to bring about.
Problems for coastal areas
Why do some environmentalists say the current economic system of industrial capitalism is unsustainable?
We are using lots of fossil fuels at a very high right
Explain how human centered and life centered ethics differ.
1. Human centered ethics say that humans have a right to obligations of other humans, while life centered ethics says we have obligation to all forms of life.
2. Human centered ethics say only humans have inherent worth, while life-centered ethics say all life has inherent worth
________ believes in human well-being/anthropocentric
According to Olen, Barry, and VC, the basis for Singer's moral appeal is:

a. the principle of utility
b. respect for persons
c. the golden rule
d. justice
Environmentalists believe that nature has

a. instrumental value
b. inherent value
c. external value
d. economic value
According to Baxter, we have no obligation to respect the balance of nature unless

a. We can afford it
b. we are willing to say that penguins matter more than people
c. nature has an obligation to do the same
d. the reason for doing so is the benefit of humans
Which of the following is not a component of Taylor's bio-centric outlook on nature?

a. nature comes first
b. every individual organism is a teleological center of life
c. humans are members of Earth's community of life
d. Earth's nautral ecosystems as a totality are a complex web of interconnected elements
What is the relationship between animal rights and human rights according to Regan?

a. They are part of the same movement
b. They are antgonistic of each other
c. They both effectively use the contraction theory
d. They are both justified by appeal to utilitarian theory
What is Descartes' view of animal rights?

a. They feel sensations
b. They enter into social contracts with other animals
c. They should be treated with the same respect as person
d. They are no better than biological robots
According to Regan the fundamental wrong our treatment of animals is:

a. The suffering we cause them
b. Our denial of their freedom
c. our treatment of them as resources
d. none
Singer compares speciesism to:

a. freedom and equality
b. injury and death
c. sexism and racism
d. libertarianism and welfare
Regan is in favor of:

a. abolition of using animal sin science
b. getting ride of commercial animal agriculture
c. eliminating all forms of hunting
d. all
Taylor argues that Kantian respsect should be extended to:

a. all persons, regardless of race or gender
b. all organisms
c. all sentient animals
d. each piece of matter, regardless of whether it is alive
According to Baxter a "right" or "morally correct" state of nature:

a. is one in which humans respect other organisms as teleological centers of life
b. is one in which humans respect the biotic community as a holistic unit
c. is free of domination
d. does not excist unless it benefits man
According to Olen, Barry, and VC Kant felt we should be nice to animals:

a. out of respect
b. because they are similar to persons
c. to avoid developing insensitive characters
d. out of a duty not to inflict pain
According to Olen, Barry, and VC, the conventional view of morality does not grant animals rights because they are not:

a. humans
b. persons
c. capable of language
d. sentient
What do Signer and Regan agree on:

a. both reject speciesism
b. both reason as utilitarians
c. both reason as kantians
d. both agree with Descartes
The western philosophical tradition includes arguments that:

a. animals are incapable of pain
b. animals are not persons
c. animals are not moral agents that can enter into contracts
d. all of the above
According to Taylor, the commitment of respect nature:

a. derives from respect of person
b. derives from an understanding of the sacredness nature
c. derives from the principle of utility
d. is fundamental and derives from no other norm
Which of the following does Baxter not count as part of a nation's wealth?

a. natural resources
b. technological skill
c. stocks and bonds
d. capital goods
Which of the following philosophers does Singer associate with the view that have consciousness?

a. Descartes
b. Wittgenstein
c. Bentham
d. Aristotle