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77 Cards in this Set

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3 Types of Sensory Language

Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic

Define Sensory Language

Using five senses to add depth to persuasion

What is a metaphor?

A word or phrase where one object or idea is used in place of another object to suggest a likeness

Two key parts of metaphors

1. Tenor (subject of the metaphor/signified)

2. Vehicle (transmission of the meaning/signifier)

That kid [tenor] is a siren [vehicle]!

Define archetypal metaphor

A metaphor that crosses time and culture

While a person in china may not understand characterizing a person as being timid like Piglet, they will understand a timid person being compared to a mouse.

Define God term

Convincing someone to do something

Define Devil term

Dissuade someone from doing something using terms of repulsion

Define Charismatic Term

Emotionally charged words that are hard to define, intangible

example: democracy, freedom

Define Pragmatic style

The persuader is targeting audience members that are against their cause.

Use logical approach [Logos]

Use central route [ELM]

Define Unifying Style

The persuader is trying to motivate their supporters.

Use emotional approach [pathos]

Use peripheral route [ELM]

Define Wisdom of the Rustic

Speaker draws on his/her hardships to connect with working class

American Core Values - - Wisdom of the Rustic

Puritan and Pioneer mentality

"Simple, common-sense wisdom of the backwoods hero wins out"

Define Coming of the Messiah

When society is in danger, disaster, or chaos, someone will come to save us all

Any size - - Family, personal, nation-wide

American Core Values - - Coming of the Messiah

Puritan and Pioneer Morality

Who developed paranoid style conspiracies?

Richard Hofstadter

How does conspiracy theories connect with the coming of the messiah?

Conspiracy theories cause the chaos needed for the messiah to appear

3 factors of a conspiracy

1. Something to lose [money, power, health]

2. They feel danger that these things will be lost

3. They are helpless to prevent this loss

American Core Value - - Conspiracy

Puritan/Pioneer morality

Define Value of a Challenge

Wisdom can only be gained by testing and suffering, but this right of passage gives us power, character, or knowledge

3 Themes of suffering [value of challenge]

1. Nothing can be accomplished without pain

2. Suffering begets maturity, humility, wisdom

3. Great leaders were tested and found equal to the challenge

American Core Values - - value of a challenge

Effort and Optimism

How does this relate with Wisdom of the Rustic?

Value of a Challenge - main category

Wisdom of the Rustic - sub category

Define "foot in the door"

Donor makes a small commitment, but this relationship leads to larger sales

Define "door in the face"

Requests a large commitment, but then settles on a small commitment

Define "Rejection to Threat"

salesperson attempts a loaded sale and is rejected, but then they retreat to offering a stripped down version

Makes customers feel like they "won" the sale

Define "Sell up"

After they succeed with selling one thing, they offer upgrades for extra

Define yes-yes technique

Get the audience to respond positively to several parts of the appeal, withholding key request until last

What theory does the yes-yes technique work with?

Heider's Balance theory

If they like A and like B, then they have to like C

Define Planting Technique

Use five sense to open channel to audience memory [3-D rather than 2-D]

How is the planting technique different from sensory language?

Sensory - - spoken description

Planting - - spoken and visual

2nd name of IOU Technique

Reciprocity Tactic

What are the two key aspects of IOU?

Short-lived persuasion, pathos

Define Ad Hominem

attacking a person rather than their position

What is another word for ad hominem

Mud slinging

Type of Reasoning - - Ad Hominem

Reasoning from Symptoms

Negative qualities of product, I don't want that

Define Ad Populum

An idea is right because all the popular people believe it is right

Type of Reasoning - - Ad Populum

Cause to Effect

Define Undistributed Middle

Because a group shares some aspect with similar groups, it shares all the aspects

ie: Fraternity members are heavy drinkers

Model for Undistributed Middle




Type of Reasoning - - Undistributed middle

Inductive Reasoning

1 specific thing + 1 specific thing = general assumption

Define Straw man Argument

Distorting an opponents argument for the purpose of making it easier to object

Model of Straw man argument

Person A - - Position X

Person B - - Distorted position x

Person B attacks distorted position x, therefore x is flawed [If you are wrong, I am right]

Type of Reasoning - - Straw man

Cause to effect

4 Theories of Language

Langer's Approach to Language

Semantic Approach to Language

Semiotic Approach to Language

Burkean Pentad

Define Langer's Approach to Language

What distinguishes us from animals is our ability to use symbols and signs

Three parts of Langer's Approach


Conotative meaning - How we think of a word

Denotative meaning - Dictionary meaning

Define Semantic Approach

The language you use is based on where you are

Two parts of Semantic Approach

1. Maps - our inner perception of words

2. Territory - Reality of the word meaning

If you move, the territory changes

Define Semiotic Approach

Context changes the meaning of the symbol

Two parts of Semiotic Approach

Signifiers and signified

Similar to metaphors - Dream interpretation

Define Burkean Pentad

We try and share the substance of ourself to identify with the audience and share

5 verbal punches of the Burkean Pentad

1. Agent (person acting)

2. Act (the behavior)

3. Scene (the setting)

4. Purpose (the reason for telling)

5. Agency (The method of communication)

Dimensions of Language

1. Functional (noun? verb?)

2. Semantic (all possible meanings)

3. Thematic (figure of speech to show image)


-Pot of gold

-Hit the pot

Define Culture

The values, beliefs and patterns of behavior that are trained into us from early childhood through language, myths, and tales that we hear and our observations of how those around us behave

Two ways to learn about culture

1. Inculturation - born into a culture

2. Aculturation - Adapt to culture

3 Parts of Credibility

1. Expertise

2. Trustworthiness

3. Dynamism (encourage admiration and respect)

3 Purposes of Persuasive Speech

1. Form an attitude [Inform on new topic]

2. Change an attitude [shift along scale]

3. Change a behavior

3 Persuasive Appeals

1. Ethose

2. Pathos (if audience agrees with you)

3. Logos (if audience disagrees with you)

3 Parts of a speech

1. Intro

2. Body

3. Conclussion

4 parts of an introduction

1. Attention getter

2. Justification [why should we listen?]

3. Thesis [Names the topic]

4. Preview

3 Parts of a conclusion

1. Summary

2. Tie back

3. Call to Action [Match purpose of intro]

Stock Issues Checklist (5)


1. Significance (widespread, long lasting)

2. Harms

3. Inherency (something in status quo that stops the solution)

4. Topicality (current problem, recent sources)

5. Solvency (It can be solved)

Monroe's Motivated Sequence Checklist (5)

1. Attention

2. Need

3. Satisfaction (solutions)

4. Visualization (Audience sees how they can solve the problem)

5. Actualization (compel the audience to act)

Define Process Premises

Using emotional appeals

Define Content Premises

Logical appeals

Appeals of Process Premises

1. Needs

2. Play on Emotions

3. Attitudes

4. Consistency

2 Appeals to Needs

1. Packard's Needs

2. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Packards Needs (8)

-Need for emotional security

-Need for reassurance of worth

-Need for ego gratification

-Need for creative outlets

-Need for love objects

-Need for roots

-Need for Power

-Need for immortality

Maslows Hierarchy (5)

1. Basic Needs

2. Safety/Security

3. Belongingness and love

4. Esteem

5. Self Actualization

5 Emotions of Process Premises






Attitude Equation




intent=thoughts on behavior

Define Consistency

A desire for balance, remove disonance

ex. economic loss, loss of prestige, uncertainty

Two parts of Content Premises

1. Evidence (support)

2. Reasoning (evidence)

Types of Evidence (5)

1. Numbers/Statistics

2. Narratives (story about someone else)

-coherence and fidelity

3. Testimony (story about yourself)

4. Anecdotes (short "for instance" story)

5. Participation/Deminstration

-picture, show of hands, mental journey

Types of reasoning arguments (7)

1. Cause to effect (if you do this, this will occur)

2. Effect to cause (the happened because of this)

3. Reasoning from symptoms

-List of bad things that link to problem

4. Criteria to application

-Link options to one solution

5. Reasoning from comparison

-Give other solutions, but yours is better

6. Deductive Reasoning (broad to specific)

7. Inductive Reasoning (specific to broad)

3 Parts of Toulman's Model

-Claim (argument)

-Data (support)

-Warrant (link, why does this happen)

Define Backing

Extra warrant to solidify a claim