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27 Cards in this Set

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. Three broad sets of factors have been identified that contribute to personalitydifferences and similarities between people. These are genetics, ___________environmental factors and ___________ environmental factors.

shared; non-shared

Raymond Cattell used factor analysis to reduce Gordon Allport’s list of 18,000words. Cattell argued that there are ______ basic personality traits.


Which of the following is NOT one of the “big five” factors in the Five Factor Model ofpersonality?

Self actualisation

Evolutionary psychology to human behaviour assumes

that many of our behaviours are present because in our evolutionary history,these behaviours were helpful or necessary for our species’ survival.

Women tend to report that they would be less ___________ if their male partner_________________ than if he ___________________.

jealous; had a sexual relationship with another woman; fell in love withanother woman.

Imagine that Francis feels anxious and guilty because she recently stole moneyfrom her parents. Then imagine that the next day she criticises her friend for beingdishonest when her friend downloads a movie off the internet and doesn’t pay for it.Francis is likely using which defense mechanism?


According to Rogers, believing that others value you based only on intelligence,success, or attractiveness can lead to

conditions of worth

A fundamental problem for the trait approach is that

people are inconsistent

On Friday, Terence completes the Self- Monitoring Scale and receives a score of 49.On the following Tuesday, he fills out the scale again and receives a score of 28.Terence’s scores on the Self- Monitoring Scale do not appear to be


Reliability is ________ for validity.

a necessary but not sufficient condition

Creative scientists with many major breakthroughs appear to have

lots of questionable ideas

The Remote Association Test measures ________ thinking and creativity.


Artists that employ the experimental method tend to produce their best workthrough

trial and error

Which of the following was NOT one of bodily humors?


The neurotransmitter dopamine is associated with systems that

respond to reward

The Big 5 personality traits can be remembered using the acronym _________.


self esteem is defined as

an emotional evaluation of personal worth

narcissism is defined as

exaggerated self-esteem compensating for insecurity

The approach to personality test construction that examines a set of correlationsamong many items in order to identify which items are highly correlated is calledthe ________ approach.

factor analytic

Personality assessment refers to

the measurement of any characteristic pattern of behavior, thought, oremotion.

Cultural psychology is included within the ________ paradigm


The DSM IV is divided into ________ axes


People who have ego- syntonic personality disorders

do not think anything is wrong

Psychologists following the phenomenological approach

are concerned with our conscious experience of the world and theconsequences of having free will.

Dollard and Miller’s key idea concerns

the habit heirarchy

According to Dollard and Miller, a state of psychological tension that feels goodwhen it is reduced is called


According to the DSM- IV classification scheme, what are the Cluster B disorders?

histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, and borderline