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21 Cards in this Set

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Chronic inflammation.. affects all organs and
tissues of the body.

Chronic inflammation occurs when there is a sustained
infection, like periodontitis

Chronic inflammation involves more inflammatory
mediators than the immediate innate response
Periodontitis and Systemic
• 55% of patients with severe periodontitis manifest
positive arterial blood cultures after chewing parafin

• Immediately following dental scaling, bacteremia
resulted in increased circulating serum TNF-  and

• Perio treatment decreases systemic inflammation
(serum CRP, TNF- ).
look at the upper left slide 4
look at it
Periodontitis is associated with
• Cardiovascular Disease
• Diabetes
• Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes
• Pulmonary Disease
Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
 29.2% of global deaths are attributed to CVD.

 Atherosclerosis : is a major component of
Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
(CDV) (1)
Atherosclerosis :
 -Always begins with injury to
the endothelium of blood

- Periodontal pathogens have
been found in atherosclerotic
look at upper right slide 5
look at it
Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
(CDV) (2)
4 possible biological explanations for how
periodontitis is related to CDV :

1) Direct effect of periodontal pathogens on

2) Cross reactivity

3) Periodontal pathogen invasion of vessels

4) Triggering of proinflammatory cytokines
Hypothesis 1—Direct Effect of
Periodontal Pathogens on Platelets
look slides 5
look slide 6
look at it
Periodontitis as a Risk
Factor for Adverse
 Low birth weight
 Preterm birth
 LBW - <2500 gm

 PT- Short gestational period < 37 weeks

Factors :
High > (34 years) Low (17 years) maternal age

Low socioeconomic status

Inadequate pre natal care

Drug use, Alcohol use, tobacco use.,


Diabetes mellitus

And now – Periodontal Infection
Risk Factor—Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes : research summary
An association may exist between periodontal
disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes
Dental Hygiene Implications
RDHs should educate female patients
early about the association between
adverse pregnancy outcomes and
periodontal infection and provide early
oral hygiene services for pregnant women
and those considering pregnancy.
Periodontitis as a Risk
Factor for Diabetes
Diabetes and Periodontal
Disease—A Two-Way
Relationship :

 It is clear that diabetes increases the risk for
and severity of periodontal disease.

 Periodontal disease may exacerbate
diabetes mellitus.
DM : research summary
Summary of research studies
 Periodontal disease may impact glycemic
Glycemic Control in Diabetes
 Refers to the typical levels of blood sugar
(glucose) in a person with diabetes

 Management of diabetes involves patients
measuring and recording their own blood
glucose levels.
Measuring Blood Sugar Level
 Measured with a glucose meter, with the result in either
milligrams per deciliter (United States) or millimoles per
liter (Canada and Europe)

In a person with diabetes, before a meal, the goal is a level
of <6.1 mmol/L (<110 mg/dL).

 After a meal, the goal is a level of <7.8 mmol/L (<140
Poor Glycemic Control
Prolonged elevated glucose in the
blood will over time result in serious
diabetic complications and sometimes
even death.

 200 to 500 mg/dL (11 to 12 mmol/L)
Diabetes and Periodontitis
A recent review of 55 studies involving subjects with
diabetes found consistent evidence of greater


Dose-response relationship- as glycemic control
worsens, periodontitis worsens.
DM and Periodontitis- The 2 Way Relationship
DM --> inlmmatory state and destructive enviorment --> periodontal pathogents --> increassed peridontal desturction --> periodnotits with additonal increasse in PgE2 and cytokines IL-1B , IL6 and TNF-a --> further aggrevative lipid metabolism and increasse insulin resistance --> increasse serum lipids and increasse in blood glucose levels ---> go back to the beging and it's like a cirlce