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38 Cards in this Set

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The paralleling technique is also known as the

extension cone paralleling (XCP) technique, right-angle technique, and long-cone technique.

When using the paralleling technique, the receptor is placed in the mouth ________ to the long axis of the _______ being radiographed.

Parallel; tooth.

When using the paralleling technique, the central ray of the x-ray beam is directed _________ to the receptor and the long axis of the tooth.


When using the paralleling technique, a _________ must be used to keep the receptor parallel with the long axis of the tooth.

beam alignment device

___________ lines intersect one another to form right angles.


The receptor and the long access of the tooth should be _______.


A target receptor distance of _____ inches is required.


To achieve parallelism between the receptor and the tooth, the receptor must be placed _____ from the tooth and ______ the middle of the oral cavity.

away; toward

Object receptor distance

The distance between the tooth and the receptor.

What size receptor is used for anterior regions, and how is it positioned?

Size 1. It is always positioned vertically for anterior teeth.

(book says size 1 & sometimes size 2, PPs say size 2 & sometimes size 1 for a narrow palate)

What size receptor is used for posterior regions, and how is it positioned?

Size 2. It is positioned horizontally for posterior teeth.

What is the correct vertical angulation when using a paralleling technique?

The central ray of the x-ray beam must be perpendicular and make a right angle with the long axis of the tooth.

What is the correct horizontal angulation when using a paralleling technique?

The central ray of the x-ray beam must be directed through the contact areas between the teeth.

Adjust the patient headrest so the maxillary arch is ______ to the floor, and the midsaggital plane is ______ to the floor.

parallel; perpendicular

When exposing periapical receptors with the paralleling technique, always begin with the _______ teeth.


How many anterior placements may be used when using a size 1 receptor?

7 total (4 maxillary, 3 mandibular)

How many anterior placements may be used when using a size 2 receptor?

6 total (3 maxillary and 3 mandibular)

Begin with maxillary right _____ and end with the maxillary left ______.

canine; canine

You should work in what direction?

Maxillary right to maxillary left. Then move from mandibular left to mandibular right.

Are anterior or posterior teeth radiographed first?

Anterior are always first.

Correct positioning for paralleling technique (pic)

The farther apart the receptor and tooth are

the greater the image magnification, giving a decrease in image definition.

One ring holder or universal receptor holding device

Rinn XCP

What are the preparation steps for a FMS?

Set up receptors in the correct FMS positions on a paper towel on the counter.

Explain procedure to patient

Place lead apron and thyroid collar

Remove all objects from patient (jewelry, dentures, etc.)

Anterior receptor placement for maxillary canines

Entire crown and root, mesial contact must be present, distal contact may be obscured by 1st premolar. Must move the PID distally to open up the distal contact area.

Anterior receptor placement for mandibular canines.

Entire crown and root, and both mesial and distal contacts.

Anterior receptor placement for maxillary incisors.

One view for both centrals and laterals.

Anterior receptor placement for mandibular incisors.

All four mandibular incisors, all contacts, and apex of tooth.

What is the correct posterior periapical receptor placement for premolars?

All crowns and roots of premolars, from the distal of canine to the mesial of the 1st molar.

What is the correct posterior periapical receptor placement for molars?

All crowns and roots of all molars present and the distal of the 2nd premolar.

When taking periapicals, the identification dot is directed

toward the occlusal in ALL periapicals.

In the instance of a maxillary torus, you should place the film where?

On the far side of the torus.

In the instance of mandibular tori, you should place the film where?

Between the tongue and tori.

In order to achieve parallelism in a patient with a shallow palate, what adjustments do you need to make?

You may need to adjust the vertical angulation, or use cotton rolls to achieve parallelism.

Disadvantages of the paralleling technique are

Receptor placement


Advantages of the paralleling technique are




Do maxillary anterior or mandibular anterior teeth have larger crowns and roots?

Maxillary anterior teeth

Most roots curve in which direction?
