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19 Cards in this Set

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When identifying a specific tooth, what all should you list and in what order?

Dentition, arch, quadrant, and tooth name.

A deciduous (primary) quadrant has which teeth and how many?

Five teeth: two incisors, a canine, and a first and second molar.

Are permanent molars succadaneous or nonsuccedaneous teeth?


Are permanent premolars succedaneous or nonsuccadaneous teeth?

Succedaneous. They replace the deciduous molars.

How many teeth are in primary/deciduous dentition? How many in each quadrant?

20 total, 5 per quadrant.

Which teeth are part of primary/deciduous dentition?

Central & lateral incisors, canines, 1st & 2nd molars.

The median line of the face can also be referred to as the _______ and ______.

midsagittal plane; midline

When referring to the right or left side, is it from the patient's point of view or yours?

Right and left are used according to the patient's right and left.

What are succedaneous teeth?

Permanent teeth that replace or succeed the deciduous teeth.

Are premolars succedaneous or nonsuccedaneous? What are molars?

Premolars are succedaneous and molars are nonsuccedaneous.

How does the Universal System name/number each tooth?

Permanent teeth are numbered 1-32

Deciduous teeth are lettered A-T

*Both are in order from maxillary right to maxillary left, and mandibular left to mandibular right.*

How does the Palmer System name/number each tooth?

Permanent teeth are numbered 1-8 (central incisors are 1, third molars are 8)

Deciduous teeth are lettered A-E (cent

*Both begin with the central incisors and end with molars.*

How does the FDI System name/number each tooth?

Both permanent and deciduous teeth are numbered 1-8, beginning with central incisors.

The first number is the quadrant number, the second is the tooth number. Quadrants 1-4 are permanent and 5-8 are deciduous.

Which tooth numbering system doesn't use letters for primary teeth?

The FDI System

Which tooth numbering system uses brackets when writing the tooth number?

The Palmer System

Which tooth numbering system do we use in the U.S.?

The Universal System

Premolars replace which deciduous teeth?

The deciduous first and second molars

Palmer Notation System


Numbered 1-8

Lettered A-E

What is the dental formula?

A small piece of information about each mammal.